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SAT or the Scholastic Assessment Test is developed, administered and managed by the College Board. It is conducted for admissions to undergraduate programs in various colleges of USA and other parts of the world. The SAT is highly popularity and  has gained ground in many countries. Many universities are now accepting SAT scores to evaluate students’ academic achievements. There is an increased level of awareness amongst parents and students. Most students assess themselves using the SAT practice tests that are available for free over the internet.

It is a highly competitive world and the principle of survival of the fittest has always worked. Darwin’s theory of evolution may just be a theory, but the fact is that the human brain is continuously evolving and gaining knowledge. Discoveries and inventions are happening. The key is to hone your skills and absorb maximum knowledge that schools offer in their academic curriculum. SAT practice test and other standardized tests encompass all educative material that schools offer. Parents sometimes wonder, How will Algebra help my 9th Grader ace the SAT?

Math is an essential element of the SAT, the others being Reading, Writing and Language. Its math questions are based on what students have learnt at school in each grade, like 9th grade math covers topics like arithmetic, geometry, algebra, statistic, data interpretation from tables and graphs, probability and so on. All these sections require different skills like quick calculations, analysis and interpretation and problem solving. A student’s perfection in one and a total weakness in the other would grossly affect the scores in these tests as SAT math will have questions from all sections of the syllabus with career options for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). The syllabus prescribed for 9th grade math is in line with these, preparing students for higher grades.

Math requires regular practice all round the year as cramming is of little use. Even though, by 9th grade, most students find algebra interesting, they need help in understanding concepts to deal with variables, graphs and equations. Application of algebra to geometry problems on areas and volume concepts can be tricky! Like it or not, algebra is an essential element of Math and hence every Math exam would definitely have enough algebra questions. Online algebra help from a live tutor helps provide detailed solutions to complex algebra problems and concepts resulting in the students’ aced performance.

Algebra topics included in SAT math are Linear equations, linear inequalities, quadratic equations, solving algebraic expressions, Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication of Polynomials, factoring trinomials amongst other related concepts. Failure to understand any of these or weakness in the subject will affect the overall SAT score which may affect the chances of getting admission in your dream university, or lose out on a scholarship program by just a few points. It may show up poorly on your resume as you apply for jobs. Moreover, when you are aspiring for good grades and working hard for it then why let a gray area in geometry or other subject mar your chances of high grades?

Help is just a mouse click away! eTutorWorld offers online algebra help as well as tutoring as a solution to prepare students in Math, Science and English to help them be on top of their class and ace tests like SAT with ease. For students seeking help in individual topics like 9th grade Algebra, Geometry or 10th grade English can practice with comprehensive free worksheets and SAT practice tests or to enroll for LIVE online tutoring programs for all round development of the student.

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