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It is not enough to enroll your child into an online course, you have to participate too. This is true, especially for younger children who may also struggle with the use of technology. Here are some pointers that will explain to you the role of parents in online tutoring right from finding the best virtual tutor online to getting involved with the homework. 

Choose a Platform Wisely

The first and foremost step in successful online tutoring is to choose a good tutoring platform. As a parent, you have to identify your child’s learning requirements and find the right platform and the tutor. To begin, you can talk to your child about their learning problems. Talk about the subjects they are struggling with and also identify the type of tutor they will be able to learn with.

Online tutoring platforms offer many benefits. At eTutorWorld, you can find the best of them in the form of personalized lesson plans. We start with a diagnostic test which is used to identify learning issues and gaps. The tutors then create the lesson plans and even worksheets according to individual learning requirements. This kind of approach results in absolute learning and is rare to find.

Talk About Tutoring

Tutoring often comes across as a negative term. Your child may doubt their mental capabilities and lose self-confidence because they need virtual tutoring services. Talk to them about tutoring and showcase how it has nothing to do about their capabilities and is all about providing the extra academic help that can fill in learning gaps and boost scores.

The point is, you have to make it very clear to your child that tutoring is a good thing and he/she should not associate with any kind of weakness.

Promote Learning

Promote learning by creating a positive learning environment. Reserve a separate space for classes. If possible, delegate a study room that is distraction-free and has utilities such as a computer, a whiteboard, a table-chair set, books, and other items needed for focused learning.

Also, stick to the timetable. Children learn what they see. So, you have to be serious about their lessons first. Do not make them skip classes for outings, parties, or other commitments. This one step can transform your child’s attitude towards learning.

Get Involved

Children appreciate it when parents get involved in learning. This is especially true for younger children who might also need help with learning through online methods. You can get involved by participating in a session. You can also help with the homework and participate in the learning process. Think about fun games or interactive learning methods and help your child with difficult topics. Yes, the tutor will do that but the impact you will have with your involvement can go a long way in affirming the lessons.

Talk to the Tutor

Interact with your virtual tutor online to understand your child’s progress. Discuss to identify issues and offer your help. Because as a parent, you can identify issues far better than anyone else. Your tutor will be happy to get help from you and won’t mind making changes in the lesson plan according to your suggestions. 

While you are at it, do remember that there’s a thin line between being a supportive presence and a dominating presence. Do not overdo your support. Let the tutor take the lead.

Online tutor services are quite efficient when it comes to improving academic performance. And your role can further improve the learning experience. Follow the steps listed above to make online learning a productive experience for your child.

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