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This article will guide you on how to discover the practical example of math in your everyday life and learn how to utilize mathematical concepts for problem-solving, budgeting, measuring, etc.

Use Math in Everyday Life

Ever since there were humans in existence, solving problems has been an integral part of our lives. In Neolithic times, problems were based just on basic food requirements or constructing multifunctional homes.

Evaluating and solving such issues did require a certain amount of logical and calculative thinking but nothing complicated.

Then came about machinery and developments in technology, demanding a more sophisticated way of solving problems which included geometry and calculus.

Thus math is the one skill we all need in our lives in order to survive. We live in a fast-growing sector of information and technology where nobody can keep up without math.

So now realizing the gravity of the situation of how important and vital this math is. We get down to where we learn how to solve numerical problems and develop the ability to apply it in the real world – a school.

In school we begin from the very basics of how to add, subtract, multiply and divide, thereby learning the fundamentals of math. Right from vendors to businessmen to IT professionals, everyone uses these functions in order to deal with money or other odd jobs.

Another instance is reading time, we all know how to read an analogue clock and calculate how many minutes/hours are left before a deadline or when the next train is going to come by. From waking up in the morning to going back to bed at night, time is as essential as breathing. And we use basic calculations to plan out our days with respect to time.

Mathematics is also used to improve the public health and fitness levels of individuals. For example, if you want to run an extra 5 km, conventional wisdom tells us that we should save up some energy for a burst of speed towards the end of the race.

But according to math if we save energy for the very end, we fail to reach our optimal velocity during the race, & so the spurt of speed at the finish won’t really make all the difference!

The best way is to think of the race in 3 parts. During the first few seconds, we should run as fast as possible before levelling off for the 2nd phase.

The 2nd phase should be maintained at an optimal speed, while during the 3rd phase, we should literally be dragging ourselves across the finish line.

So the energy that was to be saved up for the end is more efficiently used during the race, giving us an edge.

Math is also used by Physicians to determine the well-being or extent of a patient’s health problem. This is done by something called Predictive Analytics (PA), where technology and statistical data are used to get information from past & successful treatments of many others to predict the outcome of an individual.

This is done using Algorithms. It increases the accuracy of the diagnosis of a patient & meets the needs of public medication.

As we can see, Math is used in almost every existing field and has a major role to play in today’s fast-growing world.

At some point in our life math will become boring, difficult and irrelevant, and you might think that this is not for you, but do you realize the severity of existing without math? Math has the capability of making you smarter and putting you ahead of the pack so that you might just be able to get your dream job or even your dream partner!

Math can also be used to meet our other half & find the perfect partner too!

You can reckon when you’ll meet Mr. or Mrs Right by using an advanced calculus integral that allows you to solve problems involving a lot of randomness and choice. It does involve a little bit of guesswork.

This is how it goes:

Assumption: All the men or women you date would marry you if you asked, and there are no second chances. Your “prime” dating years are between ages 20 and 35.

Step One: Divide your prime dating years into two sections. Spend the initial 7.5 years dating around, ascertaining what you like and don’t like in potential partners.

Step Two: Right after 7.5 years, assess the people you’ve dated so far and establish who according to you was the closest to being “the right one.” That person—for lack of a better term—is your #2 dream girl or #2 dream boy.

Step Three: Now, start to date in a more serious manner. As soon as you find someone who you like more than person #2 … Viola! You’ve found your soul mate! The reason is that since you’ve already met your #2 mate, anyone better must be #1—and no one is better than #1!

Well now what’s boring or geeky about Math?!?

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