World event Archives - eTutorWorld K-12 Online Tutoring & Test Prep Tue, 24 Oct 2023 08:43:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 World event Archives - eTutorWorld 32 32 Halloween-inspired Lesson Ideas for Elementary Students Mon, 19 Oct 2020 11:44:25 +0000 The post Halloween-inspired Lesson Ideas for Elementary Students appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Guess which spooky yet popular holiday in October is synonymous with ghosts, bats, spiders, candy corns, and pumpkins? That’s right, it is HALLOWEEN! Wearing scary costumes and Trick-or-Treating are the main attractions of this particular holiday. However, this year, to ensure social distancing, we’re going to carry out our holiday festivities in virtual classrooms. Teachers, here are some creative and fun Halloween-inspired lesson plans for elementary students in your online learning program.

Tips to Create Halloween Lesson Plans for Online Learning

Boo! Here are some valuable tips to create virtual lesson plans for online learning:

  1. The process of creating lesson plans for online classes is similar to creating lesson plans for traditional classes. Your virtual lesson plan should have an objective, agenda, and format with timings allocated for each activity and student participation. Don’t forget to include scheduled breaks in between activities.
  2. Invite students to join the virtual lessons by sending out calendar invites.
  3. Email joining instructions to students about the e-learning materials and tools required for virtual classroom participation.
  4. Carry out test video calls and instruct students on virtual classroom etiquettes to minimize disruptions and distractions. Parents can help teachers by reading the instructions on video call etiquettes and preparing their children for online learning.
  5. At the end of the lesson, encourage students to ask questions and give feedback. Conclude the class with a summary of what was taught. Lastly, give your students an idea or preview of their next lesson.

Fun and Creative Halloween Lessons/Activities for Elementary Students

We’ve “scared-up” a list of creative, fun, and educational lesson ideas for you to teach your elementary students this Halloween.

  1. Halloween Science Lesson Ideas: Teach a class on the most famous mammal in October, the BAT. Teach them about the most popular seasonal vegetable in October, the PUMPKIN; Is pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable? Students can dress up as bats or pumpkins for the respective lessons. Conduct quizzes at the end of the class and reward your students with online scores or virtual treats.
  2. Halloween Math Lesson Ideas: Pumpkin measurements, matching spider webs, drawing spiders and spider webs using straight lines, making pumpkin pie charts, adding and subtracting candy corns, etc., are some sneaky ways of including mathematical problems into kids’ activities and games.
  3. Halloween English Lesson Ideas: Engage students in Halloween-themed English Crossword Puzzles, Word Searches, Fill in The Blanks, Learn New Adjectives, Match The Following, Antonyms and Synonyms, Spooky Poetry/Essay Writing, Ad Libs, Scary Story Writing/Reading, Halloween Quizzes, and so on. Teachers and students can make use of various online tools like pdf, MS Excel, MS paint, photoshop apps, audio and video recorders, etc., to create puzzles, quizzes, games, and more.
  4. Halloween Arts & Crafts Lesson Ideas: Schedule fun activities like Pumpkin Carving to make Jack-o’-Lantern, making Halloween Greeting Cards and Home Decorations, putting together Halloween Costumes, learning to make Origami spiders, bats, ghosts, and pumpkins, etc. All these activities can be done live in a virtual learning environment with the help of laptop/mobile cameras, stable Internet connection, and video calling apps. At the end of each activity, teachers can put together a collage of the final results in a photo or video format and share it with each student via email. This way the activities can be archived for future enjoyment.
  5. Halloween Music Lesson Ideas: Encourage students to sing and dance to Halloween-themed songs, play musical instruments, and perform Halloween-themed plays. They can put on live plays or record their performances to share it with the class.
  6. Halloween Cooking Lesson Ideas: Parents and teachers can create simple recipes for Halloween party foods like pumpkin pie, caramel apples, candy corns, pumpkin bread, scary-looking yet delicious cupcakes, blood-red mocktails, etc. Get on Pinterest or Google for some tasty Halloween food recipes that children can make with some adult supervision if necessary.

With so many creative ideas, this Halloween doesn’t have to be boring due to social distancing. With easy access to online learning platforms and applications, you can develop virtual lesson plans to both teach and celebrate the “spooktacular” holiday with your elementary students and their parents.

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6 Special ways to surprise your Mom this Mother’s Day Fri, 08 May 2020 15:02:07 +0000 The post 6 Special ways to surprise your Mom this Mother’s Day appeared first on eTutorWorld.


There are no words that can measure the depth of a mother’s love. She is the embodiment of pure love- that one person who can take any role in our lives but no one can possibly be her substitute. Motherhood is the greatest thing and the hardest too. Remember the times when your mother was as nervous as you were for YOUR upcoming test? And that birthday bash she had spent months for just planning things out? The list of sacrifices a mother makes for her kids is truly endless. The famous Greek tragedian Sophocles once aptly said, “Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life.”

On a special occasion, dedicated to this extraordinary soul in our lives, let’s make sure to shower her with all the love and pampering she deserves. We have listed for you a few ideas to help you plan out the perfect Mother’s Day for her. And don’t worry all our ideas are corona virus-free; you can use all the tips without having to step out. Also remember, it isn’t about how much money you can shell out for Mother’s Day gift, it’s the love and gratitude that actually counts.

  1. Start with a delightful morning– there can’t be a better start than breakfast in bed for a person who works tirelessly to nourish and nurture the entire family. Prepare her favorite breakfast meal and don’t forget that presentation matters (you can pluck a few flowers from her garden; she won’t mind it for as long as they are being put to good use). 
  1. The power of words– it’s time to show off your writing skills. Let your mother see the hard work you’ve been putting in your creative writing classes. Make a card or write a Happy Mother’s Day For us language-driven creatures, words go deep into our consciousness and reside there forever as a beautiful memory. 
  1. Pamper her with a head massage– due to Covid19 you cannot give her the luxury of a day at the spa but you can surely give her a relaxing head massage at home. Light some fragrant candles and give her if not entirely then a spa-like-experience. 
  1. Dust off your childhood tapes– time is the most precious thing and a mother devotes plenty of it to her kids. Take a trip down the memory lane with her. Play those funny, embarrassing tapes of your childhood. Spend the time with her to thank her for all the time she has dedicated to you. 
  1. Give her a day off– motherhood demands ceaseless hard work. Everyone gets a day off from school and work but not a mother. Dishes, cleaning, laundry, cooking it’s a never-ending cycle. Your mother will surely appreciate this Mother’s Day gift more than anything- a day exclusively for herself. 
  1. A promise of better grades– For a mother, nothing is more fulfilling and rewarding than seeing her kids growing up to be successful and established. On the occasion of this Mother’s Day, set your learning goals and prepare an action plan. Let her know that you are going to work hard and make her proud. 

eTutorWorld can help you meet your commitment to scoring better grades. Under the guidance of our accomplished tutors’ thousands of students have achieved their learning goals. Choose a course from our wide range of summer courses and enrichment programs or design one for yourself specific to your learning needs.

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A special Mother’s Day edition on ‘How supermoms are coping with kids at home all day long?’ Wed, 06 May 2020 19:21:05 +0000 The post A special Mother’s Day edition on ‘How supermoms are coping with kids at home all day long?’ appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Living together under one roof every single second of the day can put anyone’s patience to test. After all, not everyone has the luxury of big mansions and open spaces. What was initially being regarded as an opportunity for spending quality family time is now turning in to an exigent task.

Many parents are wondering till how long this confinement is going to last? And even when the old life will resume, it probably wouldn’t be safe to allow the kids to go outside right away.

Managing full-time work from home along with the kids can be quite a challenging task. Thus, the role of a supermom in the family is now more important than ever to restore balance and peace.

Motherhood doesn’t come with a manual and every mother evolves only with experience. However, just like a mother’s love, the scope of improvement is endless and even a supermom could use some advice now and then. The celebrated comedian Milton Berle once famously asked: “If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?

While we can’t help you grow more hands but we have gathered some expert advice for you to deal with kids at home all day long.

  1. Set a routine for kids and modify yours a little– Special circumstances require special measures. If you are working from home wake up a little early to finish the tasks that require peace and quiet. That will give you some mental peace of having ticked a few tasks off your to-do list before the kids wake up. 
  1. Start their day with exercise– Parents swear by this technique. Physical exertion as a first thing in the morning keeps the kids calm and settled throughout the day. Dance, aerobics, yoga, choose any activity she likes, or do a different one each day to avoid monotony. 
  1. Appoint kids as your sous-chef– You will have to be creative with this one. If you make it dull with commands and discipline, you’ll probably end up doing everything on your own. It works amazingly well if you address them with the designation, give them an apron like a proper role-play activity. Ask your sous-chef to wash the veggies, get something from the fridge. By doing these little things your sous-chef will save you a lot of energy. 
  1. Painting, drawing, crafts are your saviors– Have a little mother and child bonding time while exploring the creative side of his personality. Moreover, there is documented evidence on how helpful art could be for kids in decoding their own personalities. 
  1. Make a duty chart for household chores – Assign your kids household duties according to their age. This will teach them responsibility as well as reduce some of your burden. 
  1. Choose informational documentaries over Netflix– There’s an ocean of websites wherein you can find a documentary related to your child’s textbook topic. You’ll be surprised how interesting these documentaries could be even for you. 
  1. Go camping in the backyard or nearby park– You’ll be thankful to your husband for having bought the camping gear which you had declared as a waste of money. For this activity, kids get so enthusiastic that you probably wouldn’t need to budge except for putting up the tent. 
  1. Decorate the room– All the art and craft projects your kids are investing their time in, can be used to give an artistic look to their rooms. Knowing that their artwork is going on the wall in their room invokes the Leonardo da Vinci spirit in them. 
  1. Sign up for online tutoring– With a full-time job working from home, it can be quite a challenge to focus on kids’ academic tasks. While it is responsible parenting to find productive ways to keep them busy, it is impossible for any parent to be perfect at everything. An expert online tutor can be a solution to your concern regarding your kid’s academic performance. Trusted by thousands of parents, eTutorWorld offers summer courses, enrichment programs, and subject tutoring to meet your child’s learning needs. Visit the website to book a free trial


Finally and most importantly know that love between mother and child is incomparable. Don’t lose your peace by measuring yourself based on social media posts of perfect families which in actuality are none. Understand that mistakes will be made.  At the end of the day if no one has lost an eye and everybody is happy talking to each other then consider it a successful day.

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Facts of the Great American Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 Wed, 16 Aug 2017 08:33:08 +0000 The post Facts of the Great American Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 appeared first on eTutorWorld.


On August 21, 2017, the whole of North America will  witness the first solar eclipse visible from coast to coast after almost a century – 99 years to be exact!Every part of the US will witness either a total or partial solar eclipse.

Americans have waited a good 38 years to witness a solar eclipse. Parts of 8 US states (Oregon, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, Tennessee, Kentucky and South Carolina) will view a total solar eclipse on a stretch of 70 miles. It’ll touch Oregon at 9.06 am on August 21, 2017 (Pacific time) and end at 4.06 pm (Eastern time).

Solar eclipse in america

The shadow of the moon will completely cover the sun for 2 minutes and 40 secondsalong the center of the path of totality. During the total solar eclipse, you’ll not only see the night stars (during day time) but also 4 planets (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus) with the unaided eye near the eclipsed sun.

Moving towards the edge of the path, the duration of totality will decrease which may last only a few seconds. People on the area beyond the path of totality will witness partial solar eclipse.  If you are in the US and you miss this chance, you’ll have to wait until April 8, 2024 to witness the next solar eclipse…and it’ll be a different set of states.

Facts about any solar eclipse

Solar eclipse 2017

  • A solar eclipse is caused by the Moon’s shadow on Earth.
  • Solar eclipses occur only when the wobble of the Moon’s orbit brings the Moon perfectly between the Earth and the Sun.
  • Like any other shadow, even the moon’s shadow has 2 parts: the umbra and the penumbra. The umbra is the center and darkest part of the shadow. While the penumbra is the outer and lighter part of the shadow.
  • If you are in the umbra (the entire Moon is directly between you and the Sun), the Moon will completely block the Sun resulting in a total solar eclipse.
  • If you are in the penumbra (meaning the entire Moon is not completely directly between you and the Sun) you will see a partial eclipse.
  • The Path of Totality is the path of the Moon’s umbra shadow across Earth’s surface.
  • The Path of Totality is typically 10,000 miles long but only 100 miles wide.
  • The total phase of a solar eclipse lasts for only a few minutes. This is due to the motions of the Moon and the Earth .
  • Solar eclipses can only occur during a New Moon.

Words of caution

  • You can look directly at the Sun only during the brief total phase of a solar eclipse, which will happen only for a few minutes within the narrow path of totality.
  • The only safe way to look directly at the partially eclipsed Sun is through special solar filters, such as “eclipse glasses” or handheld solar viewers.
  • Homemade filters or ordinary sunglasses, even very dark ones, are not safe for looking at the Sun as they transmit thousands of times too much sunlight.
  • Do not look at the partially eclipsed Sun through an unfiltered camera, telescope, binoculars, or any other optical device.

phases of solar eclipse

  • Some NASA representatives predict that on August 21, 2017, along with the solar eclipse, America may also witness one of the worst traffic days in history. With people flocking the narrow strip of totality the population may double on the day of the eclipse in there. Make appropriate arrangements for travel and staying to avoid inconvenience.
  • An ideal way to view the eclipse is to attend an organized eclipse event. Covering even short distances could be difficult, and midday in August could mean high temperatures in many parts of the country. (

So get set to view stars during daytime!


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“She Can Do Whatever She Wants To Do …” Sat, 17 Jun 2017 13:49:05 +0000 Father’s Day Special – An interview with Mr. A.J., father of a 10th grade student who is taking tuition with eTutorWorld ETW: The purpose of today’s discussion is to gain an understanding of the challenges facing the parents and the students and also to explore what we i.e. eTutorWorld can do better. As a company, […]

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Father’s Day Special –

An interview with Mr. A.J., father of a 10th grade student who is taking tuition with eTutorWorld


The purpose of today’s discussion is to gain an understanding of the challenges facing the parents and the students and also to explore what we i.e. eTutorWorld can do better. As a company, eTutorWorld started in 2008 by giving online tutorials to students in the US and has now branched into providing worksheets and Test preps.
You may also be interested in knowing that we are collaborating with a US Non-Profit called “Practice Makes Perfect” ( which provides high-quality summer school programs for inner-city kids.

To take our discussion ahead, please tell us about your child and her plans for her future.


My daughter is a 10th grader and she wants to get into Law when she grows up. She’s a very sincere student and she likes to read. Reading, Baking are her main hobbies. She really loves to read and that is perhaps the one thing she likes the most.


About her choice of Law, it’s not something that you are pushing, right?


No No No … in fact, [laughing] that’s her passion, at least as of as of now.


So, did you have an ambition for her besides Law?


We kind of left it up to her and Law is still her passion and it’s up to her to do whatever she wants to do.


So, you are not pushing any of your dreams on her [Laughing]?


No No … we are not into Law [Laughing]


To digress a bit, please tell us what kind of work do you do?


I am like everybody else, in the IT field – doing Engineering and Management work.


And do you have any other kids?


I have a son who is in college doing his Business studies.


Ok, moving back to your daughter – she had come to us for help with Chemistry so besides this did she face any other challenges?


No No … Nothing, no other challenges … Only Chemistry because the instructions in her school were not as she was expecting so that is why we were looking for help in Chemistry and we looked at couple of local tutors and we used one local tutor but then we were looking for a better and more flexible help online.

I googled and that’s how I found you guys and chatted with the team and what I really liked and found excellent was the Free Trial session, which then helped us to kind of judge and gauge what kind of tutoring she liked. In that one session she liked the tutor and so we decided to continue with that. Since then, she really likes her tutoring and we have done lot of sessions [Note: More than 50 sessions].

Along with that she is going with SAT and one of the thing is that she is doing Core Math here and we wanted her to get started earlier on the SAT Math and we have done a few sessions already.


So, what kind of improvements have you seen since she started with us?


As I said earlier, she’s had a very consistent and nice experience with her tutors and her grades have steadily improved and we are seeing consistency in her studies and her concepts are getting more and more clear and with the worksheets, solving them in practice … is helping her and we are seeing steady increase in her grades.


Ok so, is she topping the class yet?


Not Yet. Maybe next year [Laughing].


So any feedback or recommendations that you would like to give us?


No nothing … in fact I think everything is very good and as I said before, I liked your trial sessions and i would recommend you to continue with that and advertise it more on your website because at least from my experience that at first when you are not sure and you don’t want to commit to 5 or 10 sessions worth 100’s of dollars unless you are sure of what you are getting out of it.

That really helped and the flexibility to do that was great and that was a big plus for you guys and also the second thing is your Customer Service or Responsiveness has been great. So, in fact I would like to thank Rajat [the Customer Service lead at eTutorWorld] … anytime I contacted for changes or any request they were great … In one instance, when my daughter had an exam coming up and the teacher was not available but the way you guys responded and made the effort to arrange couple of classes at a short notice, that I really appreciated.


Thank you so much for the kind words …


Yes, yes keep it up with your responsiveness … that is really great.


We will of course continue with our free trials and we are working towards making it seamless so that there won’t be a time lag between setup and the classes. The second thing that we are starting is a webcast on difficult concepts for the students so that more students can get help from us.

[For registering with our webcast on “Quick Tips to Ace your SCAT Exam” on 18-June-2017 | 8:00 pm Eastern Time, click here].


Our last query is on whether you would like to recommend us to your friends or family?


We have already recommended to few of our friends and couple of them have contacted you and are likely to join in the coming year.


That’s all from our side and thank you for your time.

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Reducing your Carbon Footprints this Environment Day Mon, 05 Jun 2017 04:33:54 +0000 Did dinosaurs ever celebrate a ‘World Environment Day’? 200 million years ago did anyone have to worry about pollution, depleting resources and global warming?? The Tyrannosaurus despite of being a carnivore never had to justify its absence from the Paris Climate Accord! In those days, all beings lived in a happy prosperous world where food, […]

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Did dinosaurs ever celebrate a ‘World Environment Day’? 200 million years ago did anyone have to worry about pollution, depleting resources and global warming?? The Tyrannosaurus despite of being a carnivore never had to justify its absence from the Paris Climate Accord!

In those days, all beings lived in a happy prosperous world where food, water and fresh air was available in abundance. Each got what it was made capable of procuring, until the Homo sapiens came in.

Thereafter started the real tussle for nature’s resources. The rule was Survival of the smartest. The entities began to disappear, one after the other; to name a few some of the most beautiful creatures like the cheetah, Tasmanian tiger and the Pyrenean ibex – please don’t bother to know the area of flora that vanished on a daily basis!

Mechanization and automation resulted in pollution. Clearances and acquisitions led to disappearance! By now, man had become supreme. Steady progress made life comfortable for human beings but only at the cost of other beings and the environment! Could some control and regulation have made a difference? Yes and it still can! Each one of us can gradually reverse the damage done to some extent. A little effort here and a little care there can go a long way in preserving our natural environment. Reducing our Carbon Footprints is a small step towards bequeathing a better world to the future generations.

Here are some ways you, as a student can start working towards a better and healthier environment:

  1. Walk or cycle instead of driving
  2. Use a laptop instead of a desktop
  3. Share your devices with your family and friends
  4. Switch off the power to your devices when not in use
  5. Learn online to reduce travel to learning centers
  6. Send and receive documents like content sheets, assignments and practice worksheets electronically – you will save paper by doing so.
  7. Solve worksheets and practice sheets online – again to save paper
  8. Sensitize those around you about the environment


So buckle up before it gets too late…save the environment and you will save life on earth!

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