Back To School Archives - eTutorWorld K-12 Online Tutoring & Test Prep Fri, 15 Mar 2024 07:51:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Back To School Archives - eTutorWorld 32 32 New Academic Year – Here’s a Back-to-School Checklist Tue, 07 Sep 2021 09:26:03 +0000 The post New Academic Year – Here’s a Back-to-School Checklist appeared first on eTutorWorld.


It’s now time for a brand-new academic session, it’s time to head back to the beloved school that has been sorely missed for more than a year now. 2021-22 academic year is the year of post-pandemic challenges at every level. We need to prepare our children for a new school setup, a new environment that has been created to tackle the spread of COVID-19 on the premises.

Here’s a quick list of essentials that will help your child navigate the complications of this year. It includes everything from face masks to a positive attitude.

Back-to-School Checklist

2021 fall session is going to be all about sanitizers, social distancing, and probably no recess. But still, there are plenty of things that you can pack in your child’s backpack to ensure they have a good and positive year ahead.

Cloth Supplies

Uniforms or clothes make up for most of the shopping list. Children grow faster than we would like them to grow and hence, you can’t move ahead without a last-minute dash through the mall. If your school has a uniform, do not forget to buy small but crucial things like socks and ties.  

Stationery Supplies

Now, this is a no-brainer. We are sure you have a huge list of stationery supplies that include everything from the fancy, glittery glue stick to the brand-new boxes of pencils and tissues. Before you head out shopping, please drop in a mail to your homeroom teacher and ask for recommendations.

Face Masks and Sanitizer

Face masks and sanitizers are the staples that must be purchased right along with the supplies. There are many fancy options available now that can be purchased both online and offline. While you consider fancy styles and designs, be very mindful of the effectiveness of these products.

If you have little ones at home, you must teach them the etiquette related to these new supplies. You can also consider investing in disinfectant wipes, anti-microbial desk pads, and sprays.

Attitude Essentials for the Fall Session

Now, let’s talk about some skills and attributes that need to go to school on your child’s backpack.

Revision of Old Lessons

Students cannot have a great new year at school if they have forgotten important lessons from the previous year. So, revision or relearning is an important activity that has to be taken up before schools reopen. Summer courses or back-to-school courses are a great way of achieving this feat along with the summer fun.

Organizational Skills

Organizational skills are very important for ensuring a productive new academic year. Students must be taught to arrange their school work and homework properly. The same should be applied to the desk at school and home. You can also introduce ideas such as a separate box for graded assignments and projects. Start with a simple to-do list to prioritize tasks and kickstart the new year on the right note.


The pandemic has resulted in a lot of learning loss. For older children, it has presented itself in the form of missing important topics, for younger ones it has wreaked havoc in the form of bad handwriting, missing basics, and issues with reading skills. All these can be overcome only with discipline and persistent efforts. Furthermore, attendance is of utmost importance this year. Students must be encouraged to attend school regularly, to avoid any further learning losses.

Positive Attitude

This year, children need some extra cheering as they head back to school. They will need both guidance and support to get used to a school that looks the same but feels different. Parents and teachers will have to tailor the support according to a child’s need and to achieve good results. The best way out is to talk. Help your child emote their feelings about school, let them talk about their discomforts, and encourage them to be vocal about their worries.

2021-22 is going to bring with a plenty of firsts. It is going to be a bitter-sweet session at its best and therefore, it is important to prep differently. Ditch the conventional back-to-school approach and fill your children’s backpacks with loads of trust, self-confidence, and positivity.

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Get Back-to-School with Confidence – 5 Ways to Prep for Fall Session Thu, 12 Aug 2021 13:49:37 +0000 The post Get Back-to-School with Confidence – 5 Ways to Prep for Fall Session appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Schools are about to reopen for the new session after a very long break caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Is your child ready for school? This year, back-to-school is going to be a hectic activity for many children who could not cope up with the pace of online learning. Here are some quick points that will help you be ready for the fall session. And our list includes a lot more than the supplies.

Shop for Supplies

Every back-to-school conversation starts with back-to-school shopping. Of course, can you imagine a new year at school without the latest action hero backpack and matching paper holders? Jokes apart, supplies are crucial for a smooth, hassle-free academic year. Make a list of all the essential things and combine it with the school’s list to avoid last-minute runs to the store. While you are at it, don’t forget to check the stockpile of the previous year and do not purchase what you already have, and save both time and money.

Create Goals

The new academic session must start with goal setting for physical and mental growth. As parents, encourage your child to set subject academic goals and achievable goals if they are active in sports and other activities like dance, music, coding, etc.

The goal-setting should also have a timeline, as in helping your child set a time for achieving a certain goal and help them re-set or set new goals as they progress. Ensure that the goals are short-term and achievable so that a child can complete them and in turn feel confident about learning new things and taking up new challenges.

Plan a Schedule

Children need a good schedule to fit in all the academics and other activities in their 24 hours. They also need to learn the importance of time and its management. And this applies to all age groups, all grades. Older kids can plan their year with the help of a good study planner. Help them to focus on key aspects like the routine practice of lessons, fixed time slots for physical activity, and the cliched healthy food and sleep routines.

For younger children, parents can start with creating a routine in terms of fixed wakeup time, school time, meal times, nap time, and playtime. It’s a different ball game altogether for little ones who do not usually have a lot of workloads and are used to flexible timelines both at home and play school. The point here is to create a timeline that contributes towards the holistic all-round development of children.

Cover up Learning Gaps

It’s very important to brush up on the lessons before the new session. This step is the most crucial back-to-school prep, without which the new session may turn out to be quite disappointing in terms of learning and academic progress. The summer break should be used to cover learning gaps from the previous. If there are no gaps, it must be used to re-visit the lessons and ensure that nothing has been forgotten during the summer break.

You can also consider enrolling your child in a Back-to-School course that can take care of the revisions of important topics across all subjects. eTutorWorld offers Back-to-School courses that are aimed at putting the learning back on track in just a few days before the schools reopen.

Get in Touch with Friends

This one can optimize all the other back-to-school preparation points listed here. Getting in touch with friends means connecting with people who are in the same boat. Your child’s classmates will be worried about the same things also preparing for the same class. Back-to-school prep with friends becomes efficient in every sense. Older children can shop together for supplies, sit down to cover learning gaps and help each other in the process, and so on.

With younger children, you can plan play dates that involve shopping, back-to-school lessons, and an activity to create a balanced and fun daily schedule.

This year, make going back to school a hands-on experience for your children. Use the above-mentioned list to create your back-to-school plan that involves everyone and ensures that your child is confident about stepping back into the school premises after a complete year of online interactions and social distancing.

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Addressing Learning Disruptions before Schools Reopen for the Fall Tue, 13 Jul 2021 07:27:06 +0000 The post Addressing Learning Disruptions before Schools Reopen for the Fall appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Learning disruptions have been rampant this last year. Children in all grades have suffered learning losses because of school closures and a sudden shift to full-time online learning. Although now things are looking up and schools are all set to open in the fall, we have a lot of work to do before that happens.

We need to address the learning gaps caused during the previous year so that when children move ahead, they do not have to struggle with the sting of not knowing or understanding a concept. We have to act now because ‘later’ will only widen the gap and make it difficult to manage.

Holistic Intervention at Home

Learning at home requires holistic intervention from parents. By holistic, we mean a balanced approach where children can enjoy the break they deserve while staying in touch with current and previous lessons. Since every child learns differently, parents need to do some homework to understand the best approach for their child.

Learning with Play

Learning with play is the best way to do it for little minds. You cannot enforce a study routine on younger children. They have to be taught through play, through routines where they do not feel compelled to focus. At home, parents have to devise fun ideas to teach the basics with the help of chores, play, and more.

Embedded Evaluation

All the forms of learning at home should have embedded evaluation in some form. Parents have to test their children to gauge their understanding of a concept. Without it, parents may fail to identify learning issues and fix them on time. Evaluation can be as simple as singing a poem together to as serious as a times test of the latest lesson.

Back-to-School Courses

Back-to-School courses are one of the most powerful tools against learning losses and gaps. Summer break is a big chunk of the year that can be used to optimize learning with extra lessons and practice tests. Back-to-School courses provide children with professional help and put them back on track with the lessons in just a few weeks before schools reopen. These courses also come in handy in the fight against the unfortunate summer slide.

eTutorWorld offers structured Back-to-School courses that are customized according to a child’s learning requirements. These courses quickly walk through important lessons before the summer break ends and arms a child with the tools to navigate next year without learning problems.

This year, as we all hold our breaths for the fall session, let’s prepare our children thoroughly by not overlooking the learning gaps. Yes, teachers may help the students in school but the next academic year is going to be hectic and teachers are also exhausted. It won’t take much for the learning gaps to get lost and broaden in the school setup.

Let us take the responsibility of covering the gaps caused by the pandemic before the break ends. Let’s do our bit to help children walk towards the fall session with full confidence.

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Understanding What to Expect During the First Week at School Wed, 29 Aug 2018 04:26:10 +0000 The post Understanding What to Expect During the First Week at School appeared first on eTutorWorld.


The summer is finally winding down, and you all know exactly what that means—back to school time will soon be here whether you like it or not. For younger elementary school students, the start of a new academic year usually brings with it lots of excitement and the chance to finally see all their school friends again. Of course, many middle- and high school students tend to be less than thrilled about their summer finally ending. In fact, it quite common for older students to report increased feelings of stress, anxiety and even depression associated with having to start the new school year. Still, the best way to prevent this is to make sure you’re fully prepared and ready before the first day at school. In this sense, it can help to make sure you know what to expect during the first week of school so you don’t find yourself quickly falling behind.

Navigating the Challenges of the First Day at a New School 
The very first day of middle school or high school can be one of the scariest experiences of a child’s life. It is completely normal to be nervous on your first day at a new school, and these feelings only increase when you suddenly find yourself back at the low end of the totem pole. Still, the most important thing you can do is to not let yourself be overcome by your nervousness, which is where it helps to be prepared.

Starting at a new school means suddenly having all new classes, teachers, and classmates, and it also means having to navigate around a new building to find your classes. All of this can make the first day at school extremely overwhelming if you don’t already have at least some idea of what to expect. Therefore, it is a good idea to spend the days and weeks leading up to the first day going over your schedule, exploring the school so you know where to go and catching up with friends to see if you have any classes together. As well, if your school offers a new student orientation, this is definitely something you should attend. Essentially, anything a student can do to help themselves feel more comfortable on the first few days is sure to help.

Dealing with Increased Responsibility 
As students progress through middle and high school, each passing year tends to come with more and more individual responsibility. Your teachers will have many more students and thus less time to check up and make sure each one is doing their homework and learning as they should. This puts more of the responsibility for learning, doing homework and getting passing grades on the student themselves. Unfortunately, some students find themselves quickly falling behind as soon as they don’t have a teacher constantly checking up on them. Therefore, it is essential that older students understand and are prepared to accept the increased responsibility that will inevitable be put upon them.

Doing Much More Homework 
Many students are shocked to find out that some of their teachers are prepared to assign homework on the very first day. Nonetheless, part of the increased responsibility also means a much larger amount of homework, and this is virtually guaranteed to start in the very first week. What this means is that it is essential that students come to their first day prepared and ready to learn. Obviously, this isn’t possible if you haven’t done all of your back to school shopping yet. Therefore, it is vital that you don’t wait until after school starts to at least buy basic school supplies like pencils, pens, notebooks and a backpack for all your new books. Your teachers will likely inform you of other supplies you may need to buy. Still, if you come to the first day without at least the basic school supplies, you risk giving your teachers a bad impression that you may have to work hard to overcome.

In truth, each new academic year generally isn’t all that different than the one before. There are sure to be some challenges and differences when starting a new school. Still, the fact is that school is still school, which means you should find yourself getting back into the rhythm of things within the first few weeks. Nonetheless, making sure you’re fully prepared before the school year starts should help you get into the swing of things even in quicker.

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Is a Back to School Program as Important as the School Backpack? Tue, 14 Aug 2018 06:03:43 +0000 The post Is a Back to School Program as Important as the School Backpack? appeared first on eTutorWorld.

Vacations, especially the summer ones, are close to every student’s heart. It is a time when the previous grade has come to an end and they can look forward to long, sunny days full of games and fun, things they cannot indulge in during regular school days., Just before the next school year begins, the children and their parents plan and start buying the choicest of school supplies which could range from the most stylish backpacks to colourful markers and folders. This is a much-anticipated activity and in fact this is what most people associate with the phrase ‘back-to-school’ preparation. This shopping excursion, though seeming all fun and frolic at the first instance is actually the first step towards getting the children geared up mentally for the new school year. However, this is just one aspect of what ideally should be a number of well-planned and well-rounded ‘back-to-school’ activities. With the ever-increasing pressure of competition and the constant need of catching up with peers in class, a number of students end a grade with a seemingly unsatisfactory performance which may leave them feeling apprehensive about moving on to the next grade. Another aspect of this is that every grade that they move to presents higher academic challenges which they could be unprepared for. This lack of preparedness can affect the overall morale of a child in the new grade as he or he struggles to catch up with the pressures of the new learning benchmarks. This is nothing to be alarmed about. In fact, it is completely natural for a student to feel anxious about the new grade and the related changes that would be a part and parcel of it. The onus of allaying these fears now lies in the hands of the parents as with careful planning they can provide their child with the much-needed help that can give them a head start as the new session begins. A number of studies have shown that once the new grade commences students waste a number of precious hours just catching up with previously done topics rather than getting into the new learning process. This can actually put them behind their peers in class. As parents you can assure them of a great start with a well-designed ‘back to school’ program. The plan could begin with identifying the areas where they need additional help or where they simply need addition to their current levels of learning. The next step would be to identify a great program which would suit all these requirements. There are many such wonderful options available online, one of which is the ‘Back-to-School Program’ being offered by It is a carefully curated program which assists students in getting a head-start as they begin the new school year. Parents and children have the option of choosing from a wide array of topics and subjects ranging from English Vocabulary, Science to Algebra. These will ensure that the students stand apart from the crowd with respect to their academic preparedness. This program offers multifaceted advantages as it not only offers additional content, it also tests understanding via detailed worksheets while giving a chance to students to learn at their own pace and convenience. As discussed above, it is undeniable that going ‘back to school’ has to be far more than just buying wonderful school supplies. It has to include a suitable academic program which can help the students enter the new grade with confidence and lead them towards success. So, parents, let’s go ahead and make the right choice.

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Back to School Tips & Tricks Tue, 30 Aug 2016 03:56:40 +0000 This year, our expert tutors have put their heads together and come up with a handy five-point guide on how you can keep the momentum going all through the year, with just a little bit of planning and strategic thinking.

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BTS31Whether you’re headed back to high school, middle school, or elementary school, one thing’s for certain – back to school season is upon us! In a matter of a couple of days, you will be all set to set foot inside the familiar corridors of school. There will be lockers to set up, your class schedule to figure out, friends to meet up with and make weekend plans with, combining study hours to maximize potential, the cafeteria to hang out in, new connections to make, and much, much more. Like with all new beginnings, a new school year brings with it a mix of both anticipation and healthy apprehension.

We at eTutorWorld have been working with you for over eight years now, helping you achieve core topic competence at your convenience. Our expert tutors have thousands of hours of experience and wisdom, as well as the wealth of students that they have connected with and helped achieve academic excellence. This year, they have put their heads together and come up with a handy five-point guide on how you can keep the momentum going all through the year, with just a little bit of planning and strategic thinking. All you will need to do is to bookmark this blogpost link so you can come back here whenever you need a little boost. Parents, this goes for you, too!

Here is what they propose:

SCAT_245126575Back to School Tip #1: Organizational Skills – Develop a system of organizing your school work, paper work, home assignments, with the help of a mentor or an older person, if need be. When you start thinking about your work and responsibilities in buckets, it will help you compartmentalize and prioritize better. This leads to desks and workspaces that aren’t as busy, wardrobes that aren’t as cluttered, and minds that are a whole lot clearer.

Trick: Make lists. On paper, with a pen. The art of writing down something you remember has been scientifically proven to improve brain capacity, as opposed to just making a note on your computer. Writing down something in a small notebook that fits into your backpack has the added advantage of building a concrete memory. Try it today.

Parents: How can you make your child’s learning environment calm and clutter-free? Help your child understand and practice discipline in their day-to-day activities.

Back to School Tip #2: Time Management SkillsThe one common complaint people all over the world haveSchedule is that there is far too little time to finish/accomplish things. Nothing could be farther from the truth, insist our experts. Just like organizational skills, time management is essentially learning to prioritize just one currency. You have a set number of hours each day – how can you make the most of it? The one mistake we all make is we make promises of “air” time, i.e., we think of time as an infinite resource. Treating it as a tangible, finite currency will help us make the most of time, our tutors say.

Trick: Let us say physics is one area that could do with a little bit of help. You are already ahead of the class in biology and chemistry, but physics sometimes leaves you a bit overwhelmed. Simple: allocate 50% of your time to biology and chemistry together, and in the extra 25% you get for physics, sign up for a digital subscription to some physics weekly or monthly magazine and read it cover-to-cover. When you can see clearly what you have to work with, and set goals, time management is really a breeze.

Parents: Think ahead. Plan in such a way that half your morning chores to send your child to school have been strategized the night before, with a clear focus on time taken for each.

3rd-Grade-Tutoring_207714160Back to School Tip #3: Problem-Solving Skills – One of the key skills to develop at an early age that will never fail you in your adult life is that of critical thinking and problem solving. Who isn’t beset with some problem or the other? The best way out of such a situation is to think ahead and beyond, our tutors say.

Trick: Is chronic tardiness a concern? It harks back to your time management skills – work on them and say bye-bye to tardiness. Do you find yourself distracted all the time? This points to lack of focus or concentration. Set a timer for say thirty minutes, get to a task or assignment that needs completion, and allow yourself to focus entirely on that task without distraction. Inform your family or friends that you are not to be disturbed during that window of time. Practice self-advocacy and self-affirmation. You can do this, whatever it is. Remember, problems are always a learning experience.

Parents: When your child presents a problem or concern to you, engage in active dialogue. Ask the questions leading up the solution so thinking logically, critically, step-by-step becomes default in your child’s problem-solving skills.

4th-Grade-Tutoring_142488991Back to School Tip #4: Communication SkillsRemember:  your teachers and parents are there to offer you support and guidance. Your teachers will always be ready to help with additional help and instruction, and your parents will lend a helping hand when needed. Your academic performance is important to both your parents and teachers, so practice clear, rational, communication, both verbal and written.

Trick: Write notes to your parents, leave them on the fridge. Attach little notes with your assignments when you feel like you need extra help. Practice the art of letter-writing to loved ones and to friends. Make notes ahead of class so you can participate more in class. Effective communication will only go on help your academic performance.

Parents: Encourage conversation and dialogue with your child. Let them actively participate in discussions so their curiosity and awareness will increase.

11th-Grade-Tutoring_89095204Back to School Tip #5: Set up CheckpointsAs you begin a new year, set up concrete goal posts and check points to gauge your advancement by yourself, and/or in concert with a parent or a mentor. These will serve as handy reminders of the goals you have set for yourself, as also tie back in with time management and organizational skills.

Trick: Set up a reward system. For every goal post that you’ve successfully achieved, give yourself a gold star. Yes, we advocate rewarding yourself with gold stars! And for every five gold stars, or ten, or twenty, align the achievement with something you would like. A new set of pencils, a tee or a pair of sneakers, perhaps? Of course, this is just a suggestion. But if your teacher can reward you with gold stars, why not reward yourself?

Parents: Work with your child to help them achieve not just academic goal posts, but also realize personal aspirations. Tie in with a reward system that is something your child works toward.

We hope this blog post was interesting and informative. We would love to hear from you! Please leave us a comment or write to us at – we will be happy to answer your queries! Also note that our Back to School offer has been extended: you can use coupon code BTS10 until Sept 10 to avail a 10% discount.

The post Back to School Tips & Tricks appeared first on eTutorWorld.

How Back to School Programs Ready Are You? Tue, 23 Aug 2016 06:00:48 +0000 The post How Back to School Programs Ready Are You? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


It is that time of year when any and every road leads back to school: books, clothes, stationary, accessories, bags, shoes, study hour, home assignments – there isn’t even one minute to sit stationery. (Did we get the two spellings right?)

Amid the rush of going back to school to see friends and teachers, there is also the academic question looming large: how prepared for this year am I?

Here is a handy eTutorWorld compendium of resources on getting your first steps back to school right.

First, get ready to banish those back to school blues. A handy ten-step guide/checklist to help you gain as well as keep momentum as you get ready to ascend the steps of another academic year.

Did you know there are distinct advantages to online learning? First, there is comfort and convenience.

Secondly, it teaches you the art of time management – as you set aside hours during your back to school prep weeks, you are essentially putting into practice a discipline for yourself.

Thirdly, it has been proven to give your self-motivation and learning abilities a big boost to decide and commit to those hours of online tutorials. And last but not the least (there are several other advantages, but we’ll move on to the most important one) -with the hours you put in for online tutoring prior to going back to school, you give yourself a distinct advantage in terms of your academics for the upcoming year.

That is to say, you have done your prep and are now ahead of everyone else in terms of early knowledge.

All these and more are made possible with the eTutorWorld Back to School program in Math, Science and English. You set the pace, you decide the hours, you make the progress – as simple as 1-2-3!

And don’t forget: early birds get a 10% discount (use coupon code BTS10), and a referral also gets you 20$ off.

There are tons of reasons to look forward to going back to school – and eTutorWorld gives you that foundation you need to ace your academics this year!

The post How Back to School Programs Ready Are You? appeared first on eTutorWorld.

Are you ready for an A+ school year? Tue, 16 Aug 2016 13:21:01 +0000 To help you start off the new academic year with a bang, eTutorWorld has designed the Back to School program. Sign up today to go on to be an A+ student!

The post Are you ready for an A+ school year? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Are you ready for an A+ school year?

The beginning of a school year is always filled with anticipation, last minute shopping, getting your books and your wardrobe in order, and most importantly, gearing up to ace your academics the coming year. And there are all those tests, worksheets, and home assignments to deal with. Enter the eTutorWorld Back to School program!

Did you know that research has proven time and again that supplemental learning and enrichment programs help students achieve enhanced math and reading skills which in turn lead to higher academic performance?

To help you start off the new academic year with a bang, eTutorWorld has designed the Back to School program. This program has been designed to help lay a firm foundation for core topic competence even before the school begins. It isn’t a one size fits all, though – it is individually tailored as per your needs. Our simple Back to School diagnostic test will assess your strengths and areas of improvement, and our tutors will customize the Back to School program to suit your individual needs.

The eTutorWorld Back to School program is interactive, personalized and fun with LIVE, ONLINE learning. What’s more, it’s super affordable!

Sign up today to go on to be an A+ student this year. We want to make it even sweeter for you – use coupon code BTS10 to get a 10% discount (valid until August 31, 2016).

Note: Both new registrants and current eTutorWorld students are eligible to avail this offer.

Also don’t forget our referral program – a $20 Discount Coupon for every friend you bring in!*

*To be used on your next purchase, when your friend makes a minimum purchase of $50.

The post Are you ready for an A+ school year? appeared first on eTutorWorld.

Banish ‘Back To School’ Blues Tue, 25 Aug 2015 11:27:37 +0000 The post Banish ‘Back To School’ Blues appeared first on eTutorWorld.


For children, the end of summer break seems to arrive much faster than its beginning. Many of them enjoy sleeping until late hours of the morning, staying up late with family and friends or going on vacation. Before they know it, it’s once again time to get up early and get on the bus or the car to go back to school.


There are a few ways to help fight the back to school blue that can help make the beginning of the school year a little easier for parents and children.

1. Schedule

In order to get the mind back on a school schedule, children should go to sleep at the time they would when they attend school about a week before the first day. They should perform all of the activities that they would do, such as packing lunches and picking out clothes, so that they know how much time they will need in the evening. A run through should also be done each morning so that no one is rushed on the first day of school.

2. Supplies

Make sure all of the supplies needed for each child are purchased well in advance of when classes start. Stock up on less expensive items, such as notebooks and folders, so that children will have them through the year if something breaks or they run out of paper. It’s also a good idea to start shopping early so that you have the best selections possible. Using books, pencils, crayons and bags from last year will help you save money and also teach your little one to do so.

3. Clothing

There are some schools that require students to wear uniforms. If your children attend a school like this, you need to know what is appropriate and what should be avoided. There are certain clothing items that aren’t allowed even if they are the designated colors by the school. There are some online sites and consignment stores where you can get bargains on school uniforms. If uniforms aren’t required, then go ahead and plan a few outfits for the first week of school.

4. Organization

Try to find ways to stay organized through the school year. Make labels your friends as you put them on items for school lunches, boxes for important papers and extra supplies that might be needed. If children pack their lunch, then consider placing various foods in small containers and letting children pick what they want to take. This will make them feel in charge of their lunch while making sure they have something healthy to take.

5. Planning

Get a head start on learning early in the year. Make a place where children can study and do homework with no interruptions. There should also be a calendar where assignments and projects can be posted.

6. New Classes

Instead of waiting until the first day of school to find out about the class, consider going online tutoring or getting a book at the library about the subject. This can give you a way to understand some of the basic concepts of the subject, especially if it’s a new area of study. Getting started earlier on academics will help you get a head start once school reopens. If needed get help on subjects that you did not fair too well on last year. Detailed explanations and additional practice work on subjects like math, science and English will help your child assimilate better and gain confidence in the classroom.

7. Paperwork

The first few days of school often involve paperwork that needs to be completed and signed. While this is important, it’s also important to make any updates to personal information through the rest of the year. This might include a new cell phone number or a new address.

8. Eating Healthy

Children will usually do better in school if they eat a healthy breakfast in the morning and a healthy dinner at night before getting a good night’s sleep. Try to get children to eat a balanced meal while at home if they don’t eat a lot while at school.

9.  Don’t Worry

The most important thing is to not worry. Everyone will be starting a new grade and making new friends. There will be groups to join and teachers to talk to, so enjoy the beginning of the year so that it leads to the best one yet.

10. After School Activities

Once school starts, so do after-school-activities. Considering different grades have different after school activities and it’s always good to know about the various activities your child can be involved in. Connecting with the school, teachers or some child older than yours will be able to guide and give you tips about these activities. So if your child will be playing after-school-soccer, getting her a pair of soccer shoes at the on-going sale will help you save money and also the trouble of a last-minute-rush.


The first day of school can be intimidating. Getting on a schedule for the year early can make a big difference through the rest of the year. Children should stay healthy by eating properly and sleeping enough at night. If you follow a few simple steps, then the school year can often get off to a beautiful beginning.

Keep up your resolution of being a A+ student this year. Register for a FREE lesson with us today.


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