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Online learning has become a necessity as of late, and it is likely it will continue to be prominent in 2024 and beyond. Online learning and tutoring can be challenging for some, but it will evolve as it becomes essential. You can expect a few things of value in the field this year, including some points relating to unique technologies within the industry. These developments will make online learning easier to support.

Incorporating Virtual Reality

People are always trying to find online learning forms as close to the real thing as possible. Virtual reality could be one point that makes learning easier.

Virtual reality is an exciting concept that will influence the online learning world in 2024. Virtual learning entails people exploring a real or fictional world through a virtual reality device. A person can move through the environment and explore many features.

Virtual reality is ideal for studies on sciences and other physical concepts, but it could be adapted to cover any other subject. It provides a format for learning that will interest people. It also removes the idea of language from the learning process, making it easier for people to comprehend what they are studying.

Accessibility on Mobile Devices

People will become more mobile in 2024. The online learning world will adapt to this by making it easier for people to access their learning content through their phones or other mobile devices.

Mobile learning lets people access their study materials through their phones. People can review their data while traveling or doing other things. It becomes easier for people to see what they are studying at any moment.

The development of 5G wireless technology will simplify online learning. With people having access to faster speeds and online connections, it shouldn’t be tough for people to access whatever learning details they wish to manage.

Learning is a twenty-four-hour process. Mobile learning makes it easier for people to figure out what they are studying.

Will 5G Make a Difference?

The 5G concept is essential for how it makes communications easier to manage. Raconteur writes that 5G data works at a higher radio frequency to transfer more data over the air. The setup reduces latency and congestion, plus data become accessible in less time. While 4G technology uses a bandwidth of 200mbps, 5G works at 1gbps.

Having significantly faster times for loading data will be critical for online learning for many reasons:

  • Educators and online tutors can utilize more virtual and augmented reality programs.
  • Internet of Things-enabled devices may also be available.
  • Teachers and tutors can plan their projects and send more data out to their students.

It may take a while for 5G systems to move through all parts of the country. But 5G connections will become more visible after a while, especially as people start to use devices that can support these links. The hope is for about a quarter of the world’s population to have access to 5G technology within the next five years.

Is Artificial Intelligence Going To Make a Difference?

Artificial intelligence has become more commonplace in today’s technical world. AI systems allow machines to think and respond to different ideas in real-time. A machine learns from its environment and interactions and starts producing personalized responses.

As convenient as artificial intelligence can be, it can never be a replacement for one-on-one interactions. People will continue to choose online tutor services that help them understand their subjects and can cater to their unique needs.

But don’t be surprised if tutors start working alongside AI solutions to assist them in their teaching efforts. Online tutors can use AI to identify what students understand. AI systems could review the subjects being taught and what gaps are still open. The AI system can work with the distinct intellectual and pedagogical concepts the tutor recognizes.

What Is Gamification?

People want to be motivated when they are learning. Gamification makes it possible for people to feel motivated in their work.

According to BI Worldwide, gamification is a concept where game mechanics enter a non-gaming environment. It uses a few steps:

  1. People are provided with objectives to complete.
  2. A user will receive feedback when finishing the work.
  3. The user will be rewarded after doing things right
  4. The program then provides more steps on what things someone should complete next.

Gamification encourages people to work towards the objectives they wish to finish. The goals one must complete are easier to understand. People will also notice whatever things might be more interesting in the work they manage.

Gamification is necessary for education, as people will feel motivated when learning. They will feel that by completing their educational efforts, it becomes easier for them to know how to study.

Video Becomes More Prevalent

Traditional learning entails reading things and studying what one’s texts say. While text materials can feature plenty of details, they might not always be easy for people to follow. You can expect video to become more visible in the online learning world in 2024 and beyond.

Video learning allows people to see things in action. Students become more invested in the work, as it is presented in a lively form that supports interactions. Some advanced programs may include questions, menus, pointer phrases, and other features.

Online video is highly accessible, as seen through platforms like YouTube. You can expect video learning to become more popular as people start to pick up this format.

The only issue with video becoming more visible entails how people can produce and script videos. Teachers and tutors must review how they can convert their lesson plans to video formats.

A Final Word

The excitement of online learning will continue to be worthwhile. There’s a possibility that online learning will evolve further in 2024. But as it becomes more of a necessity, it will need to change with the times. The increasing role of technology in society and the simplification of how teaching works will make online learning more valuable.

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How can your Child use a smartphone productively? Wed, 06 Feb 2019 05:28:01 +0000 The post How can your Child use a smartphone productively? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Recently, smartphones or more specifically touchscreen phones have become extremely popular around the globe amongst the younger generation, other than making its way into the hands of the people born in the 50s and 60s. The boom started with the first ever iPhone released in 2007 by Apple Inc. wherein the usage of buttons on a mobile phone was no longer available. This new concept widened the variety of functions that were possible on the smartphone, right from checking your mailbox, clicking and editing pictures, surfing the internet and video conferencing. Hence, every other person started to hold possession of the smartphone –an extremely reliable and efficient device considering all its features.

Unfortunately, it has also made its way into the hands of children as young as 5 and 8 year olds! Young kids use the smartphone in their own way, be it for learning or just fun and games. It provides a gateway to the entire outside world which is easily able to satisfy the curiosity of these young minds. Hence they tend to spend at times hours on these handy devices. Even though the smartphone has proven to be extremely beneficial, it does have its negative effects if not used wisely. Often children have a tendency to get addicted to online gaming arcades and competitions to such an extent that they forget their worldly responsibilities; they become completely engrossed in the virtual sphere and end up spending a lot of time playing a game which might not really contribute to their real lives.  The fact that children obtain easy access to the outside world via the internet on the smartphone, makes them vulnerable to all sorts of traps set up by the internet. The search results displayed by web browsers like Google constitutes only about 10% of the internet and the rest of it can be found on the Dark Web, Deep Web and illegal sites which aren’t registered with a particular web browser. One such shuddering instance is the Blue Whale Challenge found on the Dark Web, this online challenge had influenced naïve children into self-harm and suicide in order to win the challenge at any cost. Innumerable cases were reported where children could be seen standing on high-rise buildings, ready to give up their precious lives just so they could complete a trivial challenge. Cyberbullying is another cause where children are mentally harassed and their peace of mind is disturbed.

Excessive usage of the smartphone can also result in detrimental health effects such as weakening of the eyes, lethargy resulting from the lack of movement and physical activity, even damage of brain cells due to the harmful radiations released from the device which can penetrate their soft skulls.

However, parents and teachers can take some measures in order to help their children benefit from this device in positive ways:-

  • Make your child realize the detrimental effects: Have a conversation with your child regarding the long-term and short-term effects of excessive usage of the smartphone, such as Obesity, lack of creativity, sleep-deprivation, damage to social skills etc. Also, set and be an example for your child by using your smartphone only when necessary.
  • Keep your child engaged: Try to introduce new real life activities to your child like a new sport or outdoor game, board games, participation in various group activities and clubs.
  • Enable Parental Controls on the smartphone: For children who are naïve and curious, it’s always safer to monitor their online activities and ban promiscuous websites. You can also set passwords on certain Apps to avoid the child from wandering and misusing the smartphone.
  • Introduce the importance of ‘Netiquettes’ : With the availability of various messaging applications, children have a free hand at guiltlessly sending away harsh or inappropriate messages to others. Hence the child can be taught the ethical use of these Apps. Children should be taught to think twice before expressing their opinions on a website or app.
  • Encourage the usage of positive and educational Apps and websites: Considering the vastness of the uses of a smartphone, children can be introduced to educational and growth-promoting Apps and websites. This will help them secure their learning process and keep them level-headed. Practicing online for an upcoming test, exam or just to further academic skills, children can login to elearning websites such like from the comfort of their home or even when they are on the move!

These are some of the measures amongst various others, parents and tutors can take so their child can have a positive and enhanced experience on a smartphone. It is a world-renowned fact that the smartphone is a unique device of convenience and class. Eventually, it depends on the parents if they want their children to use it to “run” their lives or “ruin” their lives.

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Tap into Your Inner Artist and Add Graphics to Your School Assignment with these Easy Steps. Mon, 23 Apr 2018 05:31:36 +0000 The post Tap into Your Inner Artist and Add Graphics to Your School Assignment with these Easy Steps. appeared first on eTutorWorld.


A common mistake that most students make when creating presentations for their school assignments is adding long paragraphs to it. A page filled-in with text seems drab and uninteresting .Similarly image-heavy slides can be visually overwhelming. Quality presentations need to have the perfect balance between text and graphics. A harmonious relationship between the two can help you score well on your school assignment or project.

Tap into the artist within you to come up with a presentation that draws your classmates and teachers attention. Proper font usage, image placement, simple animations, and a little bit of word play can result in a perfect assignment! Here are some simple tips than can help you achieve this.

Know Your Goal

Not quite the first step you expected, but believe us when we say that this is the most important tip from us to score well on an assignment. Get to know your goal – This will then help you gain clarity about other aspects of your assignment like the theme, templates, images, fonts, and tone of your presentation. Do you want to inspire? Inform? Advocate for something? The answers to these questions will help you choose the right elements for your presentation. It’s also good to consider your teacher’s personality and use that as a guide. After all a presentation for a school assignment is meant to impress your teachers! 

If your assignment topic is  somber , you may want to lean towards templates that have earthy colors. If your assignment needs to be cheerful, use primary colors and maybe add some reds or yellows. Look at the templates and see what color combinations work. We highly recommend that you go for a high contrast color combination so the text is legible and does not blend with the background.

Insert Your Own Images

The last thing that you want to do while making a presentation is to turn off your audience. Copying and pasting paragraphs from books or other websites references will result in plagiarism. , It would be best if you insert images and text that are original and fresh.. If you’re not confident with sharing your own pictures, download images from the Internet. However, just make sure that the ones you use are not protected by a license.

Adding your own images to a presentation makes it more personal. The images instantly give you that much needed connection with your audience which is hard to come by with slides loaded with text. Keep in mind that the image should complement and not overpower your presentation.

Make Use of Other Visual Elements

Another way to make your presentation stand out is by going high on the visuals and low on the text. Other than images, you may want to consider using tables, graphs, charts, or diagrams to convey your message. It is easier for audiences to connect to visuals. The presentation then becomes all the more memorable for them.

Choose a Readable Typeface and Font Size

The text that you insert in your presentation may seem large while you’re working on it so use the slide show to get the correct font size. Make sure you can read the text without straining your eyes. Stand up from the table and take a few steps back to see if the words are readable. You can also try to position yourself in different parts of the room to see if there are adjustments that you need to make with the placement of the elements on the slides. 

Note that the title of the presentation should be bigger than the body text. The suggested font size is 24 and above. Anything below that will be difficult for your audience to read.

Do your research and take a look at how some presentations are made so you can get ideas. Canva Presentations is worthy of a site visit so you can draw inspiration for your presentation. They offer different tips and tricks on how to become an effective visual communicator. They give you what you need to capture your audience and the best part is, the steps are easy to follow.

A school assignment is meant to educate you by expanding your academic and artistic vision and knowledge. Scoring well on an assignment is as important as scoring well on tests and exams. A well-made presentation is something that you can cherish and preserve as an art piece. So, here’s your chance to tap into your inner artist and add graphics to your school assignment.

This guest post is authored by Rekha Pant.

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