SAT Test Prep Archives - eTutorWorld K-12 Online Tutoring & Test Prep Thu, 21 Mar 2024 05:47:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SAT Test Prep Archives - eTutorWorld 32 32 Tips for Doing Well on the SAT Exam! Wed, 06 Apr 2022 16:19:50 +0000 The post Tips for Doing Well on the SAT Exam! appeared first on eTutorWorld.


SAT is a crucial test that needs thorough preparation. You cannot just decide to take it one day and line up at the test center. SAT has three sections and each one of them requires one or more test strategies for good scores. 

Here are some section-wise tips that will help you when you decide to take the SAT.

Reading Section

  1. Read the Passage Descriptions

Every question in the reading section has a description or an introduction. Do not skip it. Read it with a pencil in your hand and underline everything you deem important. It will give you the context and sometimes, you may even find answers in it.

  1. Underline Sentences

When you are reading, always underline bits and pieces that appear important. This strategy will save you a lot of time when you start answering the questions. More often than not, one thorough read of the paragraph will be enough if you take the time to highlight and underline it. Join SAT tutoring online to learn more about such strategies.

  1. Find a Strategy

The reading section is tricky since it covers a huge number of topics. So, it won’t be wrong to say that you can never be prepared for what may come your way. To handle this section efficiently, you must develop multiple attacking strategies because one thing is for sure, one method won’t work on all passages. Ask an expert (online SAT tutors) to help you find and develop multiple strategies. You will also need to learn to pick the right strategy or you won’t succeed no matter how many methods you know.

Writing Section

  1. Learn the Basics

The writing sections require you to have strong language skills. Your grammar has to be perfect and the vocabulary must be extraordinary. So, learn the basics and be thorough with them. A half-hearted attempt won’t work in your favor.

  1. Read a Lot

The best trick to writing well is to read a lot. Read everything that you can get your hands on, right from the newspapers to the sales brochures. Try to cover as many genres as possible because SAT picks up topics from everywhere and anywhere. SAT tutoring online can help you with proper and plenty of resources for practice.

  1. Write Short Answers

Your answers have to be precise. So, short does not mean you should skip details rather, you should focus on including only the important points. Avoid fluff and do not repeat yourself. Do not forget to format your content and use bullet or numbered points as much as you can.

Math Section

  1. Mark questions

Before you start solving the questions, mark the questions based on how sure you are about them. Start with the questions you the answers to, then move towards the questions that may need thinking or guessing.

  1. Underline Word Problems

Underline the word problems. Highlight the numbers and make stars where you think you need to focus. Find a strategy to mark up the question so that you do not have to read the question again and again.

  1. Learn Formulas and Shortcuts

You cannot ace the math section without learning formulas. With math, the thing is, you don’t have to sit down and mug up the lessons. you just have to practice more and everything will automatically stay with you. So, to learn formulas, practice as much as you can. Coming to shortcuts, you have to know them all because SAT is a timed test and a major part of your ability to score well depends on how quickly you can find the answers.

  1. Plug and Find

One smart way of finding the answer is plug and find. This one comes in handy when you don’t know how to solve an equation. All you have to do is put the options in the equation (one by one) and see which one fits. This method is time-consuming and should be used only when you are done with all the other questions. Plug and find can definitely help you score higher.

These were just a few strategies that can help you ace the SAT. There are many more such strategies and only an online SAT tutor can teach them to you. Find an experienced tutor once you decide to take the SAT and prepare only with top-class resources. All the best for your preparation. We hope this blog was useful to you.

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Guidance and Tips to Prep SAT/ACT Test Mon, 17 Jan 2022 16:41:41 +0000 The post Guidance and Tips to Prep SAT/ACT Test appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Approaching the end of high school? That means you are ready for a standardized test to prep for college. Your choices? You can prepare for SAT or ACT or both. SAT stands for Scholastic Assessment Test and is one of the most popular standardized tests taken by college-bound students across the globe.

Then there is ACT which stands for American College Testing. It is another popular standardized test that can get you a seat in your preferred American college.


ACT and SAT are both important tests in their leagues. There is nothing like one being better than another. You can go for one of them or both based on your chosen college’s admission requirements. Taking both will only increase your options, as you will be able to apply to a greater number of colleges (that accept only one of the scores). So, you can take both sat tutoring online and act online tutoring simultaneously and get ready for college.

Tips to Prepare for SAT and ACT

Prepare your Mind

Any competitive test requires a competitive mindset. You need to put in extra hours, efforts, and unwavering commitment to the cause. So, right when you register for the test/s, commit all your time and energy to them.

Start by preparing a calendar that divides your time into schoolwork and standardized test prep slots. Stick where you can see at all times. This timetable will set your mood and pace for the coming days.

Align your Resources

You might already have some resources on SAT and ACT. Dig for them. The next step is to ask the seniors for resources. They may not hand over their books and other study materials to you but will be happy to direct you in the right direction.

You can also talk to your teachers or online ACT tutors to help you with the study material and worksheets. They can provide you with the latest and most accurate study materials.

Practice Till the End

There is no magic wand that can get you top scores in SAT and ACT. You have to put in the hard and practice till the very last minute. Both SAT and ACT are timed exams, so when you sit down to practice, you have to prep for accuracy and timing. You cannot afford to give only the right answers. The SAT and ACT practice will also familiarize you with the format of the test.

Invest in Section-wise Strategies

Every section in these tests requires a different strategy. While the English section calls for all your focus in reading the passages, the math section will require you to write down the numbers precisely and calculate quickly. From Day 1,  work on individual strategies and improve and optimize as you go.

SAT Tutoring Online

Enroll in an SAT Tutoring Online program. Why? Because you need professional guidance to ace this highly competitive test. Every year, thousands of students prep and take SAT. To beat them, you definitely need skills but you also need to learn vital tricks that can substantially boost your scores. Your SAT tutor online will let you in on some amazing secrets to score well in all the sections.

ACT Online Tutoring

ACT online tutoring is a dedicated tutoring plan for the test. It covers all the sections of the test and prepares you through real-like practice tests. Online ACT Tutors can help you prep by optimizing your time and giving you a chance to learn at your convenience. Your ACT Math online tutor will make sure that you know all the shortcuts related to the complicated topics and the English tutor will transform you into an expert.

Hard work is the key to success in academics. Some strategic planning combined with hard work can help you achieve all your goals in life. Prepare for ACT and SAT with expert and experienced tutors at eTutorWorld. Register with us today, to start your prep and get instant access to top-quality resources and worksheets.

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How to Get 800 Score in SAT Reading Section? Some Lesser Unknown SAT Reading Strategies Wed, 18 Aug 2021 16:27:25 +0000 The post How to Get 800 Score in SAT Reading Section? Some Lesser Unknown SAT Reading Strategies appeared first on eTutorWorld.


800 in SAT Reading sounds like too much? It is not. Ask any SAT expert and they will tell you that it’s doable with the right strategy and loads of hard work. If you manage to get these numbers in the reading and writing section you can dream of 1500+ in your SAT, a score range that is accepted by almost all the top colleges in the country.

So, how can you score high in the SAT Reading section? We asked our tutors and here’s what they said. Let’s start with the standard advice, that you will get from everyone and even our tutors agree with them. And then we will proceed to some key strategies (advice from our tutors) that are not commonly talked about.

Key Strategies for SAT Reading Section that can get you a High Score

Read Less, Understand More

SAT is a 65-minute test with 5 passages and 52 multiple-choice questions. This leaves you with 13 minutes for every passage and around 75 seconds for every question. This is very little time to read and re-read and understand the content in one go. The key is to develop the skimming and comprehension skills that can help you identify the important parts of a passage and understand it properly.

One method is to read the para thoroughly, mark everything you deem important and then approach the questions. Another good method is to skim through the paragraph, check the questions, and revisit the paragraph to find the answers.

Easy First, Tricky Later

Always start with the passages that you are sure of and use the same strategy for questions. This approach saves you both time and confidence. When you face a difficult passage or question, mark it and revisit it later. If you spend too much time on a difficult passage, you may run out of time even for the easy ones.

Eliminate the Wrong Options

When you are not sure of the right answer, eliminate the 3 wrong answers. It also helps to have an answer in your mind after you read the passage. Compare it with the answer options and then make a pick.

Take a Guess

If you have no idea how to answer a question, do not skip it. You should guess because SAT does not have a penalty for wrong answers. Make a calculated guess right when you are on the question. Do not leave it for later when you do not have time to think and your chances of making a wrong guess are higher.

Important SAT Reading Strategies that Nobody Talks About

Here are some important points that are often missed in discussions because they are not exactly strategies. Strategies or not, as you read these, you will realize that all of them are vital for getting the perfect score in the SAT reading section.

Types of Questions

Following are the different types of questions that you will encounter in SAT reading. Each type has a different aim and therefore, you have to approach them differently. With SAT Practice Tests, you will be able to build your reflexes for every type, and on exam day, all your hard work will help you quickly find the answer.

It is important to develop a strategy for every type of question otherwise you might easily get confused with the answer options and make a mistake.

  1. Main Idea or Big Picture Questions – Ask yourself about the topic, and the purpose of the overall content.
  2. Specific Detail Questions – Refer to a particular word/ phrase or a line in the passage.
  3. Inference questions – Make you interpret the meaning of a line/ paragraph or the whole passage.
  4. Effect of a Detail Questions – Ask you about how a phrase or a sentence works in the passage. In other words, the answer should show the effect of specific detail in the passage.
  5. Perspective Questions – These questions focus on techniques such as tone, perspective, attitude, voice, or style of the author.
  6. Vocabulary Questions – Ask you the meaning of a word usually used in a unique way.
  7. Data Interpretation Questions – Are based on interpreting the data from graphs or charts.
  8. Evidence Questions – Ask for evidence of the answer you have given.

Start your Prep Early On

It is common to assume that you can prep and crack SAT in just 3 months. This is a wrong notion because all it does is increase your stress levels and there is no guarantee you will get your target score. At eTutorWorld, we believe that you should start preparing for SAT in your Freshman or Sophomore year.

To perform well in the English reading section, you must develop good reading habits and have tremendous comprehension. And you cannot develop these skills in a short period. Spread out your preparation and give yourself an ample amount of time to ace the SAT. Polish your skills over the years and be consistent in your efforts.

Approach Every Paragraph with Confidence

Confidence is key to success in the SAT reading section and it comes only with practice. You must prepare hard for the exam and on D-day, approach every paragraph with confidence. Know in your mind that you know how to handle every type of passage and you have prepped hard for this day. Confidence in yourself will help you approach the questions from a different, positive perspective and you are sure to perform better.

Get Professional Help

SAT prep requires guidance from a professional. This test gets easy to crack when you are good at strategies and have several tips and tricks up your sleeve. And both the strategies and tricks part can come only from professionals who have several years of experience with SAT exams and understand the exam pattern.

So, even if you think you can tackle SAT on your own, try SAT prep help once. You will be surprised at the knowledge you incur and the speed of your progress.

If you dream of getting the perfect score of 800 in SAT reading, you must approach SAT prep with discipline. Other than following the above-listed points, you need to make a strict schedule that balances your school lessons along with the SAT prep. And of course, you need to put in a lot of hard work over the years to achieve your dream.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many passages are in the SAT Reading section?

The SAT Reading section consists of five passages, each followed by a set of questions.

Can I go back to a previous passage during the test?

Yes, you can always go back and review previous passages within the time allotted for the Reading section. However, it’s generally recommended to answer the questions in the order they are presented to save time.

Can I bring a dictionary or other reference materials?

No, you’re not allowed to bring any external resources, including dictionaries or reference materials, to the SAT Reading section. You must rely solely on the information provided in the passages.

Can I skip passages that seem difficult?

Yes, you can skip passages that you find particularly challenging and come back to them later. It’s important to manage your time wisely and focus on the passages that you can answer more confidently first.

Is there a penalty for guessing?

No, there is no penalty for guessing on the SAT. 

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Why Should you Take the SAT Exam? How can eTutorWorld Help you? Mon, 12 Apr 2021 06:04:32 +0000 The post Why Should you Take the SAT Exam? How can eTutorWorld Help you? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


If you are in high school, contemplating your future after school, it’s time to prepare for college through SAT. It is one of the most popular standardized tests that can get you a seat at your dream college. SAT stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test and it has been a key exam for college admissions since 1926.

Most of the accredited colleges in the country consider SAT scores for admissions. Some colleges have different admission criteria but their numbers are less and it is always better to have good SAT scores so that you have several options at the time of admission.

SAT is designed to assess a student’s language skills and mathematical skills. This exam also has an optional segment that requires the students to write an essay. Who can take it? Students in high school who are seeking admission to undergraduate programs in US colleges can take the SAT. Foreign students, who want to study in the US, can also take SAT in their country and then apply to the colleges of their choice.

Why Should you Take the SAT?

The first and foremost reason to take the SAT is to get admission to your favorite college. Now, that’s a huge reason to prepare and take this popular exam. But if you need more, following are some important reasons to take the SAT.

  1. Improves English Reading and Writing Skills

SAT has one complete section dedicated to the English language. You need to read several books, articles, research papers, and more to prepare for the exam. So, on the other side of this exam, you will discover that now you have a better understanding of the language and it can become your strength through college and your career. SAT preparation can also improve your English-speaking prowess in case it is not your first language.

  1. Improves your Mathematical Prowess

Just like English, SAT has a Math section that that needs you to be good with numbers. While preparing for this exam, you will become the master of the subject and understand several complicated concepts that can help you in college and life beyond that.

  1. Gets you a Scholarship

Many colleges consider the SAT scores to offer a scholarship to their students. This means you may have to pay fewer tuition fees or may get a discount on other expenses for your good scores. However, this is not a standard rule with the colleges. The college you seek may not have a scholarship policy. So, before you seek admission to a college, you must enquire about their policies and if they offer scholarships based on SAT scores.

eTutorWorld – Best Online Platform of SAT Tutoring

eTutorWorld offers personalized tutoring for SAT. Read on to know how we can help you prepare for the SAT.

  1. Diagnostic Assessment

At eTutorWorld, we start every course with a diagnostic test. This test is conducted to assess a student’s learning abilities, skills, and learning gaps (if any). Then we create a customized lesson plan according to the result of this assessment. We also invite parents and students to discuss the lesson plans and custom design the course according to individual requirements.

  1. Flexible Schedule

We offer flexibility to our students in terms of class timings and course timelines. All our courses have a basic structure and timetable but we modify them according to individual requirements. You can request a particular time slot for a class. We are also open to lengthening or shortening the course timeline according to your schedule and requirement.

  1. Expert Tutors

eTutorWorld has a team of expert tutors who have at least 5 years of teaching experience. They are also extensively trained in online teaching methodologies. Our team of tutors includes expert tutors of elementary, middle, and high school level tutors. We also have an extraordinary team of tutors for standardized tests such as SAT, CogAT, SCAT, SSAT, and more.

  1. Personalized Tutoring

We do not have a maximum or minimum class limit. Rather we teach one student at a time. With eTutorWorld, it’s just you and your tutor. There’s no one else in the class, so no, you cannot doze off while studying a boring topic. We offer personalized one-on-one tutoring for all subjects. By personalized, we mean we alter our course material and course timelines to suit your requirement, and every session is designed according to your unique lesson plan.

  1. Recorded Sessions for Practice and Reviews

We record every session with our students so that they can come back and go through the lesson again if they want. All the recordings are directly accessible from the student portal and available for the complete duration of the course. Can SAT revision get any better?

  1. Curated Worksheets and Tests

We use curated worksheets and tests after every session and at the end of the course. These worksheets are designed to cement the lessons covered in the session and the tests assess the child’s grasp and understanding of a topic before moving to the next one. At the end of the course, after the assessment, we provide an analysis/result that can be compared to the diagnostic assessment to gauge the student’s improvement.

SAT is a crucial exam. Its scores can decide your fate after school. So, can you miss this exam? No, you cannot, and neither can you appear for it without thorough preparation. Ideally, you should start preparing for SAT as you step foot in high school. Pick one subject at a time, take help from expert tutors and work hard till you get that seat in your dream college.

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Want to Achieve your Target SAT Score? Here’s How you Must Prepare Mon, 15 Feb 2021 14:36:16 +0000 The post Want to Achieve your Target SAT Score? Here’s How you Must Prepare appeared first on eTutorWorld.


You are done with SAT registration. What now? Where should you start reading? How do you prepare all the subjects? How will you achieve your target score? Should you join an online SAT tutoring class?

If these questions are overwhelming you, read on. In this write-up, we try to answer all of these and tell you how you can prepare for SAT test and achieve the perfect score that can get you into your favorite college.

How to Prepare for SAT?

  1. Understand the Structure

Start preparing for SAT subject tests by understanding the structure of the test. Learn about the sections and the type of questions you will have to face. This one step will save you a lot of time on the test day. Further, take multiple mock tests once you have covered your syllabus so that you get mentally prepared to jump from one section to another and manage to answer questions with clarity.

  1. Read a Lot

SAT test has a huge reading section that calls for acute comprehension skills. Therefore, while preparing for SAT, you must read a lot. Read fiction ad non-fiction books and try to master different writing styles so that you are not surprised out of your mind on the exam day.

  1. Take a Class

If you find it hard to stick to a schedule and study alone, you must consider joining online SAT tutoring. Joining a class will help you in situations where you get stuck and need help from an experienced person. Online tutoring can be best for you if you prefer to learn at your own pace and clear your doubts in a one-on-one session.

  1. Work on your Memory

SAT preparation, you will have to work on your memory, so that you can remember all the formulas, tables, and other important things. There are two ways of remembering things, one is to memorize formulas and two is to practice problems frequently so that the formulas get embedded in your mind.

  1. Learn Mental Math

Calculators are not allowed in one of the math sections of SAT test. You will have to solve everything by hand, which will take a lot of time or you can learn a few mental math tricks and shortcuts so that you can quickly cross the section and save time for other sections.

  1. Improve your Vocabulary

A good vocabulary can work wonders for your SAT score. Work on it by checking out the suggested reading list of the College Board. You can also make it a habit to underline the difficult words and sentences in whatever you read.

  1. Study on the Go

SAT test prep needs continuous practice. You should consider taking up an online SAT tutoring course so that you can study from anywhere and at your own pace. Online classes also give you the luxury of taking a lesson again and again till the concept is clear to you. With your lessons and classes on your phone, you can study while commuting from one place to another and even at the dentist’s office.

  1. Practice

Practice, practice, and practice. There is no other mantra for cracking SAT with good scores. You must practice all the topics multiple times to ensure that you remember spellings and formulas even while asleep. Further, you must SAT Practice Mock Tests so that you are thoroughly familiar with the sections.


  1. What should I read for SAT test practice?

Answer – Experts say that you must read a lot of non-fiction because SAT test is heavy on reading and on your test day, you will have to read five passages within an hour and answer questions based on them. 4 out of 5 passages on the SAT paper are non-fiction. The questions won’t trouble you but the reading part will test you. You need to prepare for the reading section by reading every day. You have to train your mind little by little to make sure that you do not run out of energy on the day you sit down to take your SAT.

  1. Should I take mock tests every day?

Answer – Yes, once you have covered your syllabus, it will be good to take a mock test every day. Taking a mock test every day will prepare you for the format of the SAT and will improve your timing tremendously. Expert tutors believe that you can improve your SAT scores tremendously by getting used to the format and the fact that you will have to jump from one section to another during the test duration.

  1. How many hours should I study for SAT?

Answer – When you decide to take the SAT, you must spend a majority of your time studying for it. If you have a few months before you take the test, you can give 2-3 hours a day to cover the syllabus on time and be ready. If your SAT test is just one month away, experts recommend that you have to give 10 hours a week to be completely ready, on time.

  1. Can I get a good score with one month of SAT test prep?

Answer – Yes, you can get a good SAT score with just one month of preparation. In this one month, you will have to study hard and if possible, get help from the best SAT tutors online or offline. According to experts, you must study for at least 10-20 hours a week to prepare for SAT in just one month. Some tutors also believe that as the SAT day approaches, you must spend all your time studying and preparing for the test.

  1. Can online Tutoring help me do well in SAT test?

Answer – Online SAT tutoring is an effective method of preparing for SATs. They offer clear preparation along with a structured curriculum. When you register for SAT online tutoring, you receive a well-designed curriculum with top-class resources and lessons from some of the most experienced subject matter experts (SMEs). Apart from covering the syllabus, online tutoring can also help you identify your weak areas and enable you to work extra on them to prepare well for SAT. With online tutoring, you can also set a learning pace that suits you and make the most of your preparation time.

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Top SAT Resources to Get a Top Score Thu, 21 Jan 2021 14:49:43 +0000 The post Top SAT Resources to Get a Top Score appeared first on eTutorWorld.


While the college admissions process has changed through the years and decades, plenty of schools still look at a student’s SAT score when deciding whether or not to accept the individual. As a result, parents and students alike are often in search of resources to help learners reach their highest potential when it comes to the SAT. Knowing what criteria to look for when it comes to SAT test prep is quite valuable.

Specialized Tutoring

Tutoring for the SAT is different from tutoring for a general English or mathematics course. Of course, some similarities exist, but the SAT is its own type of test. Students taking the exam need to know strategies specific to the SAT. Approaching the questions on this exam requires specific techniques. As a result, you don’t want to hire a general tutor. You have to hire a tutor who specializes in tutoring for this exam.

Virtual Options

Don’t discount virtual options for SAT tutoring, particularly in a time when distance learning has become so much more popular. Opting for virtual tutoring, for example, can open up the possibility of working with a proficient tutor who lives in another part of the country. If you decide to choose this path, make sure that the sessions are live. Asynchronous tutoring for the SAT can get confusing for the student.

Practice Exams

You absolutely must make sure that the preparation program is going to include the taking of an SAT practice test. Having a starting point is quite important. A practice test can reveal so much information that is crucial to the tutoring sessions. For example, you might learn that you need to do much more practice with the reading questions than with the math questions. You may also see that you are consistently getting a certain type of question incorrect. Then, the tutor can help you with strategies specific to these types of questions.

Individual Tutoring

Group tutoring can work for the SAT, but individual tutoring has some serious additional benefits. In a group setting, students can learn from their peers; however, learners may not get specific guidance about the types of questions that they struggle with. You might want to consider a class in addition to the individual tutoring, but do make sure that one-on-one tutoring is a part of the plan.

Multiple Sessions

When your score is close to your goal score, you might think that one review session or tutoring session will be enough to get you to your target. Even if your scores are on the lower end, you may still believe that you simply need to work with a tutor one time. Keep in mind that the SAT is about practice. On the SAT test, you have to know how to recognize different types of questions. Learning the types of questions to expect is a skill that takes more than one class or meeting to build. Enroll in a program that lasts for a period of time. Doing so will also help to build your confidence; you’ll see your own improvements along the way.


When you want to get a top score on the SAT, you’ll likely need some tutoring or classes in order to achieve your goal. Knowing what to look for in these programs is an important part of making the right decision.

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What is the SAT? Here’s All You Need to Know About the Standardized Test Fri, 30 Oct 2020 12:46:51 +0000 The post What is the SAT? Here’s All You Need to Know About the Standardized Test appeared first on eTutorWorld.


The Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), previously known as the Scholastic Aptitude Test, is a standardized entrance test conducted by the College Board for students who want to pursue higher education in undergraduate schools, colleges, or universities in the United States. This exam is usually attempted by high school juniors and seniors who want to enroll in undergraduate programs. SAT evaluates a student’s critical reading, writing, and mathematical knowledge and skills.

Your SAT score combined with your high school Grade Point Average (GPA) is an indicator of how well you’re prepared to pursue undergraduate studies in college. Most colleges and universities in the U.S. that offer 4-year undergraduate courses require an SAT score or its equivalent American College Testing (ACT) score as part of the application process for freshman admission.

Given the importance of the SAT, how do you study for the exam during COVID? Online learning has become a major coping mechanism for academic matters during a global pandemic. You can make use of online tutoring services to study for your SAT. Here’s an important tip – start preparing for the exams 6 to 7 months in advance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About SAT

  • How to register for the SAT?

Since this standardized college entrance test is owned and administered by the College Board, you have to register online at their official website or offline via mail at least 3 weeks before the exam date.

  • When is SAT conducted?

SAT exams are conducted 7 times a year for students in the United States and 4 times a year for international students. For domestic students, the exam is usually conducted in August, October, November, December, March, May, and June. For international students, the exam is scheduled in October, December, March, and May.

  • What is the content/syllabus of the SAT exam?

SAT has four sections; Reading, Writing and Language, Math Test with Calculator, and Math Test with No Calculator. There is also an optional Essay section.

  • What is the structure of the SAT Reading section?

The Reading section consists of 52 multiple choice questions for 65 minutes. The questions are based on reading passages taken from History, Science, and Social Studies.

  • What is the structure of the SAT Writing and Language section?

The Writing and Language section consists of 44 multiple choice questions for 35 minutes. The questions are based on reading passages. The questions will include making corrections or suggestions to word/sentence structures, present topic arguments, improve word choice/usage, punctuation, etc.

  • What is the structure of the SAT Math section?

The Math test consists of two sections; Math Test with No Calculator and Math Test with Calculator. Math Test With No-Calculator consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 grid-in questions for 25 minutes. Math Test with Calculator consists of 30 multiple choice questions and 8 grid-in questions for 55 minutes. The questions are based on topics like statistics, algebra, geometry, and probability, and data analysis.

  • What is the total duration of SAT?

The duration of the exam is 3 hours for SAT and 3 hours 50 minutes for SAT with Essay.

  • How is the SAT scored?

The total SAT score ranges from 400 to 1600 points; it combines results from two 200 to 800-point sections. There is no negative scoring in SAT. Each correct answer is awarded one point. SAT scores will be available after 3 weeks from the date of taking the exam. A score of 1200 and above is considered a good SAT score for admissions in reputable schools, colleges, and universities.

  • Why is it important to take SAT?

Colleges and Universities in the United States require your SAT score in addition to your high school GPA to assess your preparedness for higher education. SAT score is a part of the application process for freshman admission to 4-year undergraduate programs.

  • How to prepare for SAT during COVID?

This year, with the outbreak of COVID-19, online learning has made it possible for schools and colleges to resume classes and conduct tests for students all over the world. Several online tutoring services offer SAT prep materials and guidance to students who are preparing for their 2020 college entrance exams. You can choose to study for the standardized test on your own or use an online tutoring service to prep for the exam.

  • How much does it cost to take SAT?

The exam fee for domestic students is $52 for SAT alone and $68 for SAT with Essay.  International students have to pay additional processing fees. There are additional fees to be paid for circumstances like late registration, change in test centers or dates, request additional score reports, score verification, registration by phone, etc. For further information, news, or updates on SAT 2020, please check the College Board website.

We wish you all the very best for your SAT exam!

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Why prepping for college admissions 2021 is different? Thu, 25 Jun 2020 16:37:01 +0000 The post Why prepping for college admissions 2021 is different? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Although school is out this summer, students are definitely still thinking about academics. In particular, college admissions and the best ways to prepare for the future are on everyone’s minds. Let’s take a close look at what’s the best ways students can get set for a college admission test.

SAT Prep

Though SAT is not being accepted by some colleges, it is being accepted by many others! So, SAT tutoring should definitely be on your agenda for this summer. An SAT prep tutor or SAT math tutor can help you identify your weaknesses and cover up these holes for the exam. By taking an SAT practice test, you’ll get a better understanding of the test and its format. SAT prep courses are also hugely beneficial, and in particular, you should look toward online SAT tutoring. Depending on your learning style, online resources can be just as good as in-person ones if you have a good internet connection and willingness to adapt.

ACT Prep

Similarly, ACT prep classes and ACT prep courses are a must for excelling on the exam. An ACT math practice test is an excellent way to sharpen your skills and bring out your best. An ACT practice test reading is similarly good for the reading and science sections and will provide valuable practice. Overall, ACT practice and ACT test prep will boost your scores and maximize your chance of admission. It’s important to focus on one thing at a time. Consider ACT math practice on one day and writing practice on the next. With an ACT practice test, you can prepare for not only the test itself but towards sharpening your math, verbal and logical thinking skills.

AP Prep

If the SAT and ACT are no longer required, what should you focus on now? An AP – AP exam – should be something you concentrate on. The AP college board is now a leader in the admission process, and tests such as the AP biology exam are weighted quite heavily toward a decision. When you receive your AP score, you want it to be a four or a five in order to demonstrate your mastery of the subject. In order to achieve these lofty scores, look for an AP chemistry exam SAT – SAT test tutor – who can help you achieve your goals. These tutors are familiar with the exact content of the test and have bundles of perfect practice questions for you to look over. They will be able to identify your weaknesses and cover these up by the time the exam rolls around. As you know, it’s all about confidence. If you understand the format of the AP and what to expect, you have a very good chance of finding success.

In conclusion, there are better options than going to an SAT test prep center this summer. Online tutoring for the SAT and ACT prep are excellent ways to jumpstart your preparation. In addition, AP exams will be more important than ever, and this should be another focus for the next year.

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Reasons to Take SAT Mon, 24 Feb 2020 09:57:37 +0000 The post Reasons to Take SAT appeared first on eTutorWorld.


It is advantageous to put your heart and soul into SAT preparations.

Some of the reasons to plunge into the competitive arena of taking the SAT test are:

1. Colleges need SAT test scores. Many colleges do not conduct tests independently for students seeking admission to these colleges. They rely on scores as a criterion for admissions. The good news is that students can better their admission chances in their dream universities by securing high SAT scores after thorough SAT tutoring from organizations like eTutorWorld. These organizations are earning testimonials as reward points from satisfied and happy parents.

2. To know where you stand vis a vis your peers and competitors.

3. To know your own strengths and weaknesses. The scores would help you plan more time in strengthening your weak areas.

4. As a test run so that you can score better in subsequent tests with more intensive runs of SAT practice tests.

5. Get an identity when schooling and curriculum was based in countries other than America: Many international students and American students studying abroad who aspire to continue their studies in America must take the SAT test. Their school syllabus might have been in variance in what is being taught in the US. Hence taking the test gives them a score indicative of their skills in English and math. This score is easier to interpret and can be quoted while applying to American schools and universities. Some of these students make most of the opportunity after adequate SAT preparation

6. As an opportunity for students to join mainstream especially those who have followed home schooling and other forms of schooling. They may have opted for SAT prep courses to join the mainstream by taking the SAT test.

7. Fees and other expenditure of education rises with each grade. Many students can minimize this pressure by availing the opportunity of scholarships and sponsored education programs awarded to deserving candidates with a high SAT score. SAT test prep serves as a stepping stone to improve your skills with a better performance in these tests.

8. Many organizations require job aspirants to quote their SAT scores. Job seekers with higher scores make them more eligible against others with similar skill sets. This is irrespective of whether the SAT scores were achieved through SAT tutoring or none at all.

9. Those students who are blessed to excel in Math do well in SAT and can use it to their advantage as compared to other tests that focus more on other streams of academics.

10. Utilizing the pressure to perform to have faster learning: As SAT dates appear closer, pressure builds up. Under this stress, students have an intrinsic motivation to perform thus they prepare harder, focus more, prioritize their tasks and put in their best in the last mile towards SAT test prep. Hence it is better to enroll for the test rather than sit passive and do nothing at all.

Looking for latest SAT practice tests? Go no further and log on to to discover a whole new world of fast paced learning and preparation for standardized tests like SAT, CogAT and more!

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How will Algebra help my 9th Grader ace the SAT? Tue, 10 Sep 2019 07:19:48 +0000 The post How will Algebra help my 9th Grader ace the SAT? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


SAT or the Scholastic Assessment Test is developed, administered and managed by the College Board. It is conducted for admissions to undergraduate programs in various colleges of USA and other parts of the world. The SAT is highly popularity and  has gained ground in many countries. Many universities are now accepting SAT scores to evaluate students’ academic achievements. There is an increased level of awareness amongst parents and students. Most students assess themselves using the SAT practice tests that are available for free over the internet.

It is a highly competitive world and the principle of survival of the fittest has always worked. Darwin’s theory of evolution may just be a theory, but the fact is that the human brain is continuously evolving and gaining knowledge. Discoveries and inventions are happening. The key is to hone your skills and absorb maximum knowledge that schools offer in their academic curriculum. SAT practice test and other standardized tests encompass all educative material that schools offer. Parents sometimes wonder, How will Algebra help my 9th Grader ace the SAT?

Math is an essential element of the SAT, the others being Reading, Writing and Language. Its math questions are based on what students have learnt at school in each grade, like 9th grade math covers topics like arithmetic, geometry, algebra, statistic, data interpretation from tables and graphs, probability and so on. All these sections require different skills like quick calculations, analysis and interpretation and problem solving. A student’s perfection in one and a total weakness in the other would grossly affect the scores in these tests as SAT math will have questions from all sections of the syllabus with career options for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). The syllabus prescribed for 9th grade math is in line with these, preparing students for higher grades.

Math requires regular practice all round the year as cramming is of little use. Even though, by 9th grade, most students find algebra interesting, they need help in understanding concepts to deal with variables, graphs and equations. Application of algebra to geometry problems on areas and volume concepts can be tricky! Like it or not, algebra is an essential element of Math and hence every Math exam would definitely have enough algebra questions. Online algebra help from a live tutor helps provide detailed solutions to complex algebra problems and concepts resulting in the students’ aced performance.

Algebra topics included in SAT math are Linear equations, linear inequalities, quadratic equations, solving algebraic expressions, Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication of Polynomials, factoring trinomials amongst other related concepts. Failure to understand any of these or weakness in the subject will affect the overall SAT score which may affect the chances of getting admission in your dream university, or lose out on a scholarship program by just a few points. It may show up poorly on your resume as you apply for jobs. Moreover, when you are aspiring for good grades and working hard for it then why let a gray area in geometry or other subject mar your chances of high grades?

Help is just a mouse click away! eTutorWorld offers online algebra help as well as tutoring as a solution to prepare students in Math, Science and English to help them be on top of their class and ace tests like SAT with ease. For students seeking help in individual topics like 9th grade Algebra, Geometry or 10th grade English can practice with comprehensive free worksheets and SAT practice tests or to enroll for LIVE online tutoring programs for all round development of the student.

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