Raveendra, Author at eTutorWorld https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/author/manager/ K-12 Online Tutoring & Test Prep Mon, 09 Oct 2023 11:54:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://www.etutorworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/cropped-site-icon-new-1-1-e1684431686814-32x32.png Raveendra, Author at eTutorWorld https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/author/manager/ 32 32 Is a Back to School Program as Important as the School Backpack? https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/is-a-back-to-school-program-as-important-as-the-school-backpack/ https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/is-a-back-to-school-program-as-important-as-the-school-backpack/#respond Tue, 14 Aug 2018 06:03:43 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=30444 The post Is a Back to School Program as Important as the School Backpack? appeared first on eTutorWorld.

Vacations, especially the summer ones, are close to every student’s heart. It is a time when the previous grade has come to an end and they can look forward to long, sunny days full of games and fun, things they cannot indulge in during regular school days., Just before the next school year begins, the children and their parents plan and start buying the choicest of school supplies which could range from the most stylish backpacks to colourful markers and folders. This is a much-anticipated activity and in fact this is what most people associate with the phrase ‘back-to-school’ preparation. This shopping excursion, though seeming all fun and frolic at the first instance is actually the first step towards getting the children geared up mentally for the new school year. However, this is just one aspect of what ideally should be a number of well-planned and well-rounded ‘back-to-school’ activities. With the ever-increasing pressure of competition and the constant need of catching up with peers in class, a number of students end a grade with a seemingly unsatisfactory performance which may leave them feeling apprehensive about moving on to the next grade. Another aspect of this is that every grade that they move to presents higher academic challenges which they could be unprepared for. This lack of preparedness can affect the overall morale of a child in the new grade as he or he struggles to catch up with the pressures of the new learning benchmarks. This is nothing to be alarmed about. In fact, it is completely natural for a student to feel anxious about the new grade and the related changes that would be a part and parcel of it. The onus of allaying these fears now lies in the hands of the parents as with careful planning they can provide their child with the much-needed help that can give them a head start as the new session begins. A number of studies have shown that once the new grade commences students waste a number of precious hours just catching up with previously done topics rather than getting into the new learning process. This can actually put them behind their peers in class. As parents you can assure them of a great start with a well-designed ‘back to school’ program. The plan could begin with identifying the areas where they need additional help or where they simply need addition to their current levels of learning. The next step would be to identify a great program which would suit all these requirements. There are many such wonderful options available online, one of which is the ‘Back-to-School Program’ being offered by etutorworld.com. It is a carefully curated program which assists students in getting a head-start as they begin the new school year. Parents and children have the option of choosing from a wide array of topics and subjects ranging from English Vocabulary, Science to Algebra. These will ensure that the students stand apart from the crowd with respect to their academic preparedness. This program offers multifaceted advantages as it not only offers additional content, it also tests understanding via detailed worksheets while giving a chance to students to learn at their own pace and convenience. As discussed above, it is undeniable that going ‘back to school’ has to be far more than just buying wonderful school supplies. It has to include a suitable academic program which can help the students enter the new grade with confidence and lead them towards success. So, parents, let’s go ahead and make the right choice.

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Is PSAT Just a Precedence to the SAT? https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/is-psat-just-a-precedence-to-the-sat/ https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/is-psat-just-a-precedence-to-the-sat/#respond Mon, 06 Aug 2018 04:33:00 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=29720 The post Is PSAT Just a Precedence to the SAT? appeared first on eTutorWorld.

There have been numerous views and discussions about the significance of the PSAT and the SAT – both as individual tests and in comparison with each other. Before delving into the debate of which is more important, if any, and the whys, we need a brief understanding of what these tests are. 1. The PSAT or the Preliminary SAT is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship. On the other hand, the SAT or the Scholastic Assessment Test is a standardised test which is the most widely used for almost all college admissions in the United States. Though they seem to be different from each other, both in purpose and structure, one has to completely understand and appreciate that they hold related benefits. The purpose of both the tests need to be looked into individually first. 2. The PSAT allows the students to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship that can range from letters of recommendation to monetary rewards ranging to $2500 to larger awards. These scores do not have any bearing on the college admission process unless the student becomes a National Merit Holder in which case he/she can earn a few bonus points during the admission process. Some PSAT high scorers can also get monetary scholarships from select colleges. 3. The SAT scores allow students to get into colleges of their choice as most colleges in the US accept these scores as a student’s readiness factor for college. 4. While students around the world can take both tests, only high school students who are S. citizens or U.S. lawful permanent residents planning to become U.S. citizens are considered for the scholarship. While any high school student from around the world, with can seek admission into any US college. 5. The structure of both the PSAT and SAT is quite similar. The SAT includes Reading, Writing and Language and Math (with and without a calculator). The essay is optional, making it the fifth section. The PSAT has two sections: Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing but no essay writing. 6. Both the tests do no penalise the test takers for any incorrect answers. 7. The time allowed for each test varies slightly with the PSAT allowing students slightly more time with fewer questions (165 mins for 139 questions) while SAT offers 154 questions in 180 minutes (+50 mins for essay). 8. The scoring scale for both these tests varies from each other slightly with PSAT score ranging to a high 1520 while SAT scores can range from 400 to 1600. 9. This clearly indicates that both these tests are essentially identical barring their final purpose and for a reason the PSAT is considered by many as a forerunner to the SAT as it allows the students to get a feel of the SAT before they actually attempt it. 10. As the PSAT has a similar question and time structure, students can choose to attempt it as it can work as an indicator of their readiness for SAT and eventually as an indicator for college readiness. It will also serve a dual purpose of allowing them to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship in case they meet the threshold scores for the same. 11. The PSAT is held once a year generally in October and as most SAT preparations should ideally be going on at this time, the students need not prepare separately for PSAT. The SAT prep will equip them to successfully attempt the PSAT too. 12. The PSAT holds multifarious benefits as far as testing goes. It not only allows the students to qualify for the Scholarship, it arms them with practice and strategy planning before they take the final plunge into the SAT. These are undeniable benefits that college aspirants cannot and, in fact, must not miss. One can safely say that the PSAT and SAT may seem to serve different sets of students; however, they are intrinsically linked together and should be used in tandem for maximum benefits.

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5 Effective Qualities That Make a Good Tutor https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/5-qualities-look-childs-tutor/ https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/5-qualities-look-childs-tutor/#respond Mon, 26 Feb 2018 03:48:27 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=21634 The post 5 Effective Qualities That Make a Good Tutor appeared first on eTutorWorld.


A good tutor is hard to come by….be it a Math, Science or an English tutor…or even a tutor to help you prep for a test or exam!

The demand for quality educators outside school is steadily growing. There are many reasons to it. Often parents like to expand their child’s knowledge spectrum beyond the confines of a school curriculum. There could also be genuine concerns with lack of time, or better results, or even preparing children for tests beyond school. It’s no secret that individual or one-on-one tutoring is much more affordable these days with the advent of personalized online tutoring.

Good tutors are an absolute blessing. Other than relieving a parent of some of their worries, good tutors can provide necessary shortcuts, or methods and ways that’ll ease the burden of studying. Also, they can act as mentors and direct a child toward their goals.

Not all tutors are created equal however, and being stuck with a bad one may prove to be counterproductive, or just a waste of precious time and money.

After considering all of the above factors, what should a parent actually look for in her child’s tutor?

Given below is a list of 5 qualities you need to look for before settling on the right tutor for your student.

5 Effective Qualities That Make a Good Tutor

1. Communication:

A good tutor has to be able to communicate effectively. Unnecessary chatter is not good communication! A tutor needs to know how and when to give positive reinforcement so the student is encouraged and motivated to learn better.

A tutor should also essentially know how to keep the parent updated about the child’s progress. Communicating to the student about her strengths, weaknesses, upcoming tests, and learning strategy makes a student confident. The clarity in communication prevents frustration and disgruntlement all around.


2. Attitude:

A positive attitude in a tutor usually rubs off positively on the student and parent. With all types of pressure from peers, teachers at school, and parents, every student has good days and bad days.

However, a tutor needs to make sure that a positive teaching environment is provided at all times and especially right before an exam or a test. Whether it’s a short pep talk, or reviewing a topic, or the mode of study, the student’s interest comes first.  Being optimistic is an invaluable asset in a tutor’s armory.


3. Time Management:

A tutor should be able to manage timelines during the course of their lessons, so they are completed in advance and there is sufficient time to revise and provide practice tests for students. A tutor should also maximize teaching time within a tutoring session, and be able to recognize distractions from the students and deal with them immediately.


4. Ability to Connect:

A tutor should be able to build a rapport with a student. This skill is often understated. To begin with, it’s imperative for a tutor to scale down to the student’s level and then raise the child’s ability with appropriate supervision.

A student is often not comfortable sharing her difficulties and drawbacks with a stranger. Here is when a tutor needs to use empathetic communication and break the ice. Talking to the child during a demo tutoring session sets the ball rolling for subsequent tutoring sessions. Eventually, an online tutor is a student’s coach, mentor, and a 2 am friend also!


5. Responsibility:

It’s not a hidden fact that a student’s learning depends on the teacher. Yes! Tutors are responsible for the student’s progress. To make sure that students are not affected by their absence, tutors must try to schedule their holidays according to their student’s academic calendars.

Sometimes, a personal commitment may require the tutor to take a day off, right before an exam. In such situations, tutors must inform the student of their absence as soon as possible. Also, let the student know what to study, and give them some study material if possible.

Here is where an online tutoring platform could come in handy. Not only does online tutoring provide better flexibility, but the tutoring company calls in a replacement tutor with a similar skill set to provide you instant help hence eliminating the possibility of any learning loss.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, and not all of these qualities will be apparent immediately. It’s best to get feedback from other students that the tutor has taught before and seek out information from them that’ll help you to recognize the aforementioned traits in your potential tutor.

If you are fortunate to get a good one, think twice about letting them go. Good tutors are hard to come by, after all!

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7 Effective Ways To Teach Your Child to Manage Time https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/7-ways-to-help-your-child-manage-time/ https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/7-ways-to-help-your-child-manage-time/#respond Tue, 30 Jan 2018 05:21:32 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=20655 The post 7 Effective Ways To Teach Your Child to Manage Time appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Successful people are great time managers. Remember, everyone has the same 24 hours to work with each day. Great scientists like Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton, leaders and innovators like Benjamin Franklin, all of them had the same two dozen hours every day. Just like us. They simply got more things done! 

It’s important to start young to prioritize time and tasks. Children as young as three can learn to follow a loosely based schedule. The process need not be overly disciplinarian or imposing to start with. Setting an example as a parent will set the ball rolling more often than not!

7 Simple Ways To Help Your Child Manage Time

1. Estimation

Get children to know roughly how much time a few common tasks take. For instance, a walk from home to the grocery store takes about 5 minutes, or 30 minutes to bake their favorite cake, etc. This helps them to plan out homework, study, hobby, or play schedules better.

2. Only One Task Initially

Let the child start with planning only one daily task, say, homework and studies between 7 and 8 PM every day for about two weeks. Once this is done successfully, more tasks can be added one by one.

Taking on too much too soon might not work and the child could be disheartened by the whole exercise. It’s also advisable to let the child pick their own task from a choice of 5-6 tasks and times. That way, they will take ownership and be self-motivated.

3. Communicate

Share your experiences about the tasks that you completed successfully the challenges you faced and the sacrifices you made. Like, “Despite the fact that there was a game on TV, I chose to complete my report instead.”

Children will associate with this a lot better. When they hear from you, they will most likely emulate you. They are more likely to ‘do what you do’, rather than ‘do what you say’.

4. Plan and Review

Talk about everyone’s schedule before the day starts and review it before bedtime. If a child is unable to study a particular lesson as planned, talk to the child and reschedule the same. Ask if any assistance is needed. Provide it if you deem it necessary.

5. Encourage time-saving tasks

Pick an online tutor instead of traveling to a tutor’s house. Companies like eTutorWorld provide great one-on-one online tutors. Plan out your routes beforehand if you have to go to two or more places.

6. Visually appealing calendar:

A fun exercise is to make a colorful or visually appealing calendar schedule. They put it in a place where you can see it often. It’ll catch the child’s attention often. 

7. Long and short term

Teach your children the idea of long and short-term goals. Stuff that needs to be done ‘now’, or ‘in an hour’ or ‘within a week’ and so on. This helps them to prioritize and get things done.


Once the concept of time management is practiced, it’s surprising how much time you’ll end up saving while getting everything done. The moment a young child realizes this, he or she will start practicing these time management tips and tricks by themselves.

Time is a precious resource that cannot be recovered or borrowed. Its wise usage is imperative to leading a fulfilling and successful life!

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SCAT Elementary Quantitative Worksheet https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/scat-elementary-quantitative-worksheet/ https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/scat-elementary-quantitative-worksheet/#respond Tue, 23 Jan 2018 04:18:43 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=20649 The post SCAT Elementary Quantitative Worksheet appeared first on eTutorWorld.


This Math worksheet is a perfect way to kick start your child’s prep for the much-coveted SCAT, Centre for Talented Youth by John Hopkins.

If your child is in grade 2 or 3, then the Elementary level for the SCAT is appropriate. As the SCAT is an above-grade level test, your child will be expected to solve Math questions designed for grade 3-6.


What is on the SCAT Elementary Quantitative Section?

The actual SCAT Elementary Quantitative Section has 55 math questions in the 2-column format. Out of these 55 questions, five unidentified experimental items do not count towards the student’s score. However, these questions are not disclosed to students.


How is the SCAT Elementary Quantitative Section scored?

The Elementary SCAT Test Quantitative Score is calculated by drawing out the raw score (number of correct answers out of the 50).

The Scaled scores for the Elementary SCAT Quantitative range from 412-475.


How to answer the SCAT Elementary Quantitative Section?

Students have to compare the quantities given in each of the columns in a question and then select the correct answer from the options

A: If the part in Column A is greater

B: If the part in Column B is greater

C: If the two parts are equal


What is on this Worksheet?

This online worksheet has 10 questions, which the students can view and answer one-by-one. These questions are in the 2-column format and are based on math topics from arithmetic, pre-algebra and geometry. It is like the Quantitative Section on the actual SCAT Elementary test.


How will this worksheet help me get better scores?

After solving this SCAT Elementary Quantitative worksheet, students can view their raw scores, answers and explanations to the questions that they had answered wrongly. The score sheet is sent to the student’s email id. (sociobits.org) Using this worksheet, students can assess their quantitative skills and plan their SCAT prep path.

You can seek help from our expert tutors to understand concepts, familiarize and practice with the test format and also get important test-taking tips from our expert SCAT Elementary Quantitative tutors.


Try before you Buy! Schedule a FREE Online Tutoring Trial session with a live SCAT tutor to get top scores in the SCAT Elementary Quantitative Section

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Standardized Test Prep Self-Help – A Step Towards DIY https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/standardized-test-prep-self-help-a-step-towards-diy/ Wed, 09 Mar 2016 15:58:08 +0000 http://worksheets-math.com/?p=8981 The post Standardized Test Prep Self-Help – A Step Towards DIY appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Exams are considered to be evaluators of our growth. They judge us on our ability to understand the material we read as well as our memory to retain the lesson that a text delivers to us. We are all supposed to read round the year, but it is at the time of exams only that we truly dedicate ourselves to score well. Standardized tests such as SCAT, SSAT or SAT are the objective tests which evaluate the students on their mental and calculative abilities as well as verbal and reasoning abilities. Such tests enhance the overall intelligence of the student and prepare them for a better future. They can thus said to be stepping stones for the students’ future academic endeavors.  Let’s look at some ways how online practice study material lends you a helping hand in your studies.

•Helps in summarizing the texts

During exams, we put our effort in reading everything. We study to our limits in order to achieve success. But, in order to study in a planned manner, it is necessary to have recourse to a proper study material. Most of the students consider themselves self sufficient in getting hold of the material and preparation. If not on their own, they either take the help of their parents or a tutor.

•Makes you efficient in studies

Generally, parents do have certain limitations when it comes to preparing their wards for the tests. There can be a problem of lack of time in the case of both parents and tutors. Even the students who prepare on their own are unable to sometimes judge the worth of the study material in contributing to their preparation. Hence, the need is to avail the study material that is all comprehensive and has enough potential to aid students in evaluating themselves.

•Gives you an accurate performance feedback

It is always imperative to get hold of the correct markers of development. The collection of online tests and worksheets is the medium through which students are provided with authentic study material. Self study can make the students remain misguided. But, with the help of online test and worksheets, they not only get hold of questions but also proper answers with explanations. This prepares the students to reason out the choices they make in the question paper.

•Helps with tricks and wits to ace your exam

In the online tests, the students are equipped with enough questions and worksheets to practice thoroughly in the exam. The material they purchase from outside may have a paucity of new questions and tips of preparation. But, the online material has well researched, recently developed papers, prepared by the experts, for giving the students fresh questions to prepare from.

•An adequate level of satisfaction

It is very often that the study material they purchase from outside or the help they receive from their parents remains inadequate on the level of valid justification. The material provided by these online tests has a valid justification for every answer which helps the students to prepare themselves with adequate reason in mind.

•Become aware of similar exam pattern

Many students remain unaware of the pattern of the exams and lack any experience in that domain. Contrarily, the online tests provide a pattern to students, which is similar to the pattern in the exams. The students thus, have a certain idea in mind regarding the questions that are about to come and the way they are supposed to answer them.

•Monitors the time limit

A student wastes a lot of time and energy when it comes to looking for the best possible material for preparation. Therefore, the online tests are the best possible readily available material, as per the need and the ease of students. Parents can also help their children with the help of these tests by limiting the time. These tests prepare the child to complete the paper within certain time limit. Such a practice makes a child aware of the time limit and the probable time he is supposed to invest in each question. These tests thus set the benchmark for a well and wholesome preparation.

The merit of such test papers is the strong feedback mechanism that these tests have structured. They said the students in evaluating their strong and weak points because of their adequate test material. Just studying the study material is never adequate for preparation of exams. Proper mechanism for putting to test our knowledge in order to chart our development is also necessary. Tests are the only recourse available to us in order to judge the progress of the students. Hence, we must respect their worth and study to progress further in life. In the end, these online tests are the markers of growth and development and have been prepared in the manner to help the students in every way possible to assure their success.

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How to Get Top Scores in Standardized Tests? https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/how-to-get-top-scores-in-standardized-tests/ Tue, 09 Feb 2016 09:14:16 +0000 http://worksheets-math.com/?p=8772 The post How to Get Top Scores in Standardized Tests? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


In recent years, there has been a lot of experimentation in the education sector to evolve new methods for an improved learning system. Other than for teaching, tools of evaluation have also improved.

Students are not just rated on their subjective brilliance but also on their objective reasoning. Standardized objective examinations are used to evaluate students on the basis of multiple-choice questions. Such exams assess the strengths and weaknesses of students, their ability to give quick responses, and their reasoning skills.

Standardized tests like the SCAT, SSAT, SAT and ISEE are used to test a student’s ability to enter into a systematized higher learning environment. Such tests are the same for everybody and create a standardized level for all students across the world to answer similar questions and get a fair chance to climb the educational ladder.

Most Standardized tests assess students on their math ability, reading skills, verbal reasoning as well as writing expertise. These tests make a student more confident and capable of choosing the right option by trusting their instinct and pointed knowledge.

Every student has his own way of dealing with preparation when it comes to exams; however specialized and structured online Test Prep Help Programs are convenient and affordable.

There is no universal determinant for achieving success, but, there are some factors which can certainly help you to better test scores.

1. Why this Test?

Before beginning with any Test Prep, you need to be clear about the objective of the test and how it will help you in mapping your future in a better way. Being clear about your career goals greatly helps in making better academic choices. Admission tests are the fundamental stepping stones for a brighter future and they must be given after being mentally prepared.

2. Prepare a Plan

Key to any preparation is a tight schedule. One must be ready with a strategy to prepare for the exam. A daily timetable, categorizing of topics, division of time, and clarity over study topics is all part of a well-prepared schedule. Moving step by step, tackling one problem at a time, and arranging study material accordingly is the best way to plan for the upcoming exam.

Having a plan and abiding by it must be the strategy. But, even if the plan goes wrong one must be ready with another plan, instead of just heading forward directionless. Having a plan and deviating from it is better than moving without a plan.

3. Engage in recreational activities

We often rate the other works of our day less at the time of exams. We completely devote ourselves to our studies. But, recreational activities are always important for a healthy and active brain. Slogging ourselves day and night in studies only lands us in a numb state. One must deviate from studies for a while for refreshing the brain. By playing outdoor games, going for a walk, exercising, etc. we get to return to our studies with an active mind and a refreshed spirit.

4. Take a Proper Diet

Exam stress doesn’t let us take relief in a proper manner. One thing that suffers the most during exams is our diet. Some people entirely stop eating, and some eat a lot of junk. But, the proper way is to eat the right food. Our diet must not include junk food items or the ones which hamper our memory.

The foods during exams must be rich in vitamins and minerals along with plenty of water intake. Water intake reduces stress and cuts up the sloth which often takes over during exam days.

5. Meditate

Many students go through a lot of stress during stress which also affects their exam preparation. A calm state of mind and proper mental balance is imperative to be maintained during exams.

6. Take Mock Tests

For proper exam preparation, only reading the study material is not enough. One must take up practice tests. It prepares us for the questions and patterns followed in the exams. Mock test papers increase our confidence to face the exam and also prepare our brains to act according to the exam requirements.

7. Focus and Concentrate

We cannot gain good grades on tests if our approach is not focused. We must concentrate the energies of our mind and body towards preparation. Complete dedication towards the subject of the exam is important for gaining the maximum out of our groundwork. Focus and concentration are the keys to the best results in our exams.

8. Ask Questions

To score well in the exams it is important to think from the perspective of the examiner. Whatever we study, we must be able to make questions out of it. If one thinks over what questions can be formed from the stuff we are studying then we will better be able to understand the point of certain sections.

9. Efficient Time Management

Time management is one strategy that reaps heavy benefits. Managing our study material according to the time we devote to them is a planned way towards scoring high grades in exams. Proper time management also affords the categorization of time for all the other significant activities of the day along with our studies.

10. Follow your Instincts

In the end, as the test is objective, one must know to trust the instincts. Usually, the options confuse us. But, trusting our instinct (guesstimating) and going for the most probable option out of all is the best manner in which a question, which one doesn’t know can be answered.

11. Improve your Vocabulary

Enhance your vocabulary in your daily routine so you don’t find yourself wasting time cramming the words at the last minute. Always experiment with alternative techniques to see which one works for you the best. Keep track of your progress record by testing yourself frequently.

12. Practice with Math Fast Tricks

Learn smart tricks to solve your math problems at a fast pace. To be able to deal with numbers in your head is an essential math skill. Practice shortcut tricks to get ahead with your problems quickly so that you have sufficient time to deal with tricky questions and finally revise at the end.

Tests are the tool through which students’ strengths and weaknesses can be assessed. They prepare them for evaluating their studies and improving their knowledge. Tests are the best possible criteria for monitoring students. It increases their IQ and ability for quick responses. Hence, tests must not be undervalued or ill-prepared but, should be dealt with a high amount of energy and consciousness of a bright career.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are Standardized Tests?

Standardized tests are assessments administered to students that follow a standardized format and scoring system. Examples include the SAT, ACT, SCAT, and various state-mandated exams.

How can I get top scores in standardized tests?

Achieving top scores in standardized tests requires a combination of preparation, strategy, and effective study techniques. Here are some frequently asked questions about getting top scores.

When should I start preparing for standardized tests?

It is recommended to start preparing for standardized tests well in advance, ideally several months before the test date. This allows ample time to cover all the content, practice, and identify areas that need improvement.

What are some effective study techniques for standardized tests?

Effective study techniques include reviewing content systematically, practicing with sample questions and tests, utilizing flashcards, summarizing key concepts, teaching the material to someone else, and seeking clarification for any unclear concepts.

Are practice tests beneficial for standardized test preparation?

Yes, practice tests are highly beneficial. They help you become familiar with the test format, identify areas for improvement, build test-taking stamina, and refine your timing. Analyze your performance on practice tests to identify weak areas for targeted study.

The post How to Get Top Scores in Standardized Tests? appeared first on eTutorWorld.

Let your child reach for the Stars with Test Prep Practice! https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/let-your-child-reach-for-the-stars-with-test-prep-practice/ Tue, 09 Feb 2016 05:10:08 +0000 http://worksheets-math.com/?p=8742 The post Let your child reach for the Stars with Test Prep Practice! appeared first on eTutorWorld.


February is a happening month with special events like Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year, and President’s Day. It is also that time of the year when students begin focusing on their Prep for Standardized Tests.

eTutorWorld now makes that easier for you. To add to our online Free-for-all worksheets, we recently launched Premium SCAT & SSAT Online worksheets and Full-Length Tests across all test levels. Access these worksheets by registering on www.etutorworld.com.

Features of eTutorWorld SCAT & SSAT Practice Sheets & Tests:

  • Separate practice for each SCAT/SSAT level
  • Immediate Online Access after purchase
  • Choice of Verbal and Quantitative Learning Packs
  • Choice of Individual, Basic, and Intensive Learning Packs
  • Unique proprietary content modeled on the actual SCAT/SSAT
  • Three-month Online access
  • ‘Timed’ Full-Length Tests to replicate the actual test environment
  • Display of raw scores, corrected answers, and explanations on completion of every test
  • Online Student Progress Reports and Learning History


eTutorWorld expert tutors are pivotal to its niche Online Tutoring and Test Prep Help Services. In an effort to maintain our high standards, Individual Tutor Refresher Courses were held. An update of tutoring skills and self-improvement were the highlights of this course.

The eTutorWorld home page too was refurbished giving it a new fresh look & making it convenient for visitors to view from any device. Click Here


Get Top Scores in Standardized Tests

Standardized tests like the SCAT, SSAT, ISEE, SAT & PSAT assess students on their mathematical ability, reading skills, verbal reasoning and writing expertise. Students have their own way of dealing with preparation when it comes to exams. While there is no universal determinant for achieving success, but, here are some tips that can help you better your test scores.

1. Why this Test? Understand how the test will help achieve your academic goals. This will encourage you to take a sincere attempt at the test.


2. Have a Plan – A Structured & an organized plan for Test Prep helps in more ways than one. Adhering to the plan is as essential.


3. Take Time-out –  Recreational activities are important for a healthy & active brain; so play games, go for a walk and exercise for an active mind and a refreshed spirit.


4. Practice with Fast Math Tricks – Speed is the key to doing well on Standardized Tests. Learning and practicing with some short & fast math tricks helps save those vital minutes during an exam. 


5. Improve your Vocabulary – Good English vocabulary is imperative to scoring well on the verbal, reading & writing sections of any Standardized Tests. So make the Dictionary your best friend!


Get set for the Test with all your energy and consciousness of a bright career ahead.


What is different about the new SAT?

The new SAT debuts next month. Let’s look at the nuanced changes that have been made. The changes have been incorporated to make way for testing real-life ability to handle situations and face crises.


SAT Writing:

  1. The essay is at the end of the paper.
  2. The time limit has been increased to 50 minutes.
  3. The essay is not mandatory now.
  4. Essay results will be reported separately.

SAT Reading:

  1. Added emphasis on Reading.
  2. Evidence-based reading & writing.
  3. More importance to Vocabulary with added emphasis on the tone and the impact of the word.
  4. Analysis of the situation in a passage & answer questions based on it.

SAT Math and Reasoning:

  1. Inclusion of multi-step problems.
  2. Trigonometry is on the plate now.
  3. One section has calculators banned.
  4. More emphasis on reasoning to test a student’s response in real situations.

SAT Overall:

  1. No penalty for wrong answers.
  2. The overall score reporting will range from 400 to 1600.
  3. Four answer choices instead of five.


Hope February 2016 is full of love, joy and success for you.

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