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Are you looking for an English tutor who knows how to break down the language and can easily walk you through the very confusing tenses? Well, if you just nodded your head in a ‘Yes’, here’s a quick guide that will help you find one of the best English Online tutors out there.

Choose the English Tutor with This Useful Guide

Do you Need a Tutor?

Before you set out to look for online tutoring for English, ask yourself – ‘Do I need an English Tutor?’. If the answer to that question is a resounding yes, go all out to find the perfect one, with the following list in your mind.

Qualification of the Tutor

When you are looking for English Online Tutors, you must always start with the qualifications of the teacher. Your tutor should have all the required credentials to teach English and also to teach. Multiple degrees in the English language won’t help you if your teacher doesn’t know how to teach. The tutor must be polite, adaptable, and experienced.

One-to-one or Group Learning

Online tutoring for English comes with the option of one-to-one learning or group learning. If you have a lot to learn for your current grade level, it will be best to go for one-to-one. Because that way you won’t disturb the learning pace of other students in the class.

On the other hand, if you are confident about your skills and you would like some company for English practice, group learning will be best for you.

Check the social media

No, not the Instagram page. No number of followers on Instagram can vouch for a teacher’s abilities. Rather, go for stories, check out reviews, and if required ping a few ex-students to talk about the tutor.

Be realistic with your expectations though and hold opinions loosely because teaching is a tricky job. You might meet one student who raves about the teacher and another who did not like their teaching method. At the end of the day, you will have to pick the traits that you need in your online tutor for English and run with them.

The credibility of the Platform

The qualification and credibility of the teacher are not enough. You have to ensure that the English Tutoring Service that the teacher is associated with, is also credible. This point is important because the credibility of the platform will ensure the continuity of your sessions and their quality.

eTutorWorld’s Solution

A good platform will also provide things like an easy-to-use user interface, good quality resources, and most importantly, a result-oriented approach that is vital for your progress.

Finding an Online English Tutor with the above list is easy. You can add more points to the list according to your learning preference. The point here is to find the perfect tutor who will know how to teach you a language that is formally used across the globe. So, you can create a personalized list if you want and find an online tutor for English that fits the bill.

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Spelling Tricks – 5 Strategies for Little Minds https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/spelling-tricks-5-strategies-for-little-minds/ Wed, 08 Dec 2021 14:11:57 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=72322 The post Spelling Tricks – 5 Strategies for Little Minds appeared first on eTutorWorld.


ABC’s are how it all starts, first in songs and then drawing over dotted lines. But soon, the alphabets start coming together to make words that are not easy to learn. And, there is no escaping the words.

They are an integral part of a language and define communication skills in the long run. Hence, spellings must get the spotlight they deserve in the early years.

But it’s easier said than done. While writing a spelling 5 times may be an effective method of learning it, the process might make children unhappy and reluctant to learn. So, the best way out for everyone is to make spellings fun. Here are some spelling tricks that are used by educators and parents worldwide.

1. Teach Phonics

Phonics is the first step towards getting spelling rights. This is not a trick but rather a universally accepted solution for making spellings easy. Phonics is the process of relating sounds to alphabets. It introduces children to different sounds that an alphabet or group of alphabets can make.

For example, ‘A’ in Apple and ‘A’ in Rain sound different. Children don’t have this kind of information. This is where Phonics steps in and teaches them that ‘A’ makes a different sound when a word starts with it and it makes a completely different sound when it comes with an ‘I’. Profound, right! Phonics dives right to the bottom of the matter and builds from there.

2. Break Down the Spellings

Breaking down the spelling is one of the oldest spelling tricks. It involves, breaking a spelling into small parts. The broken parts may or may not make a word of their own but they must be read as they are spelled. 

For example, let’s consider the word innovative. This word can be broken into many small parts like – in+no+va+tive or just two parts like inno+vative. The key here is to focus on pronunciations so that a child can understand which word has to be repeated, where to use ‘a’ and where to put in ‘i’.

3. Use Picture Cards

Picture cards are a popular method of teaching children basic spellings. These cards come in different formats. Some may have a picture on one side and the spelling on the other. Some picture cards have both the word and the picture on the same side.

Both styles can be used to teach and test children’s spelling effectively. Picture cards work better than other formats because their trigger visual memory and most children respond better to colorful pictures than oral repetitions.

4. Say the Spelling

This trick works like magic when it comes to words that have a surprisingly different spelling as compared to their pronunciation. The trick is to read the spelling like it is written.

Let’s take an example to understand this trick. Cream – kids may spell it as creem or crim. To help them, you can break down the word into two parts, cre and am pronouncing them as they are to make the spelling clear.

Similarly, Castle – it has a silent ‘t’ ‘n the middle of it. You can help children by making an association by following the actual pronunciation with a pronunciation that has an audible ‘t’. Or they can break the spelling into Cast+le and remember that way.

5.Stick Posters at Eye Level

An easy and fun way to teach spellings is to make big posters of the problematic spellings or current grade spellings and stick them at children’s eye level. In this method, children look at the spelling even when they are engaged in other activities and memorize spellings without any stress.

If you plan to make the posters, make sure to make big ones with words spelled out in bright and favorite colors. Do not crowd the posters and if needed, write only one word on an A3 sheet. White is the best background to catch the attention. Also, this is the best way to make your kids learn your phone number (all parents must do this).

Make Time for Spellings

Spellings (words) make up the foundation of a language. A child that cannot spell, may also face trouble with reading at grade and age-appropriate levels. This is why, spellings are important and they must be learned at the right age, all of them.

Dear parents, please go ahead and use the tricks mentioned above to help your child with big and small words. You can also devise your own methods, according to your child’s capabilities and skill level. There are many more methods such as sticking spellings of household items on them, singing spelling songs and playing spelling games.

eTutorWolrd’s English tutors use all the tricks listed above and even more to help Elementary Students with their spelling. Click here to learn more about customized English Tutoring at eTutorWorld.

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Techniques of writing a good essay https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/techniques-of-writing-a-good-essay/ https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/techniques-of-writing-a-good-essay/#respond Thu, 26 Mar 2020 08:58:16 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=52263 The post Techniques of writing a good essay appeared first on eTutorWorld.


“A blank piece of paper is God’s way of telling us how hard it is to be God.” Sidney Sheldon

Essay writing is one of those tasks that always seem daunting irrespective of your academic qualification. Even renowned professional essay writers face writer’s block. Essay writing is as important as it is boring but at some point in your academic as well as professional life you have to write essays. It’s a skill you simply must have

A good essay should answer three questions for the readers- What? Why? and How?

The introduction should tell your reader what your essay is about, presented in such a way that it leaves the reader wanting to know more. Let’s explore the most common types of essays and tips to write them.

Most frequent essay types:-

  • Argumentative essay– As the name suggests, this essay type requires you to present different arguments on the topic. Arguments must be supported by proven facts, evidence or vivid illustrations and not just someone’s opinion. There is simply no room for uncertainty in argumentative essay so avoid structures like ‘I think’, ‘I believe’ etc..
  • Narrative essay– these essays test your story telling skills. You narrate an event. Narrative essays allow you to be imaginative and creative with your writing style. For writing such essays you are not required to dwell on facts and evidence. However, chronology of the events is paramount.
  • Expository essay– exposes the topic in detail; illustrate a procedure step by step or how an action should be performed. This essay type not only requires research but also your own knowledge on the topic, acquired from personal experience.
  • Persuasive essay– is one of the most difficult types of essay. It requires you to persuade your reader to accept your opinion. For writing such essays your language must be strong reflecting your faith in your point of view. However, your faith must be grounded in facts. You cannot expect the reader to accept your view point if you can’t prove why you believe your opinion is right.
  • Descriptive essay– in this type of essays, every detail counts. Descriptive essays are usually written to describe an event, object, person or place. You must describe the prompt as vividly as you can. Your audience should be able to form a mental image of you prompt by reading your essay.

General Techniques:-

  • Decode the topic– this suggestion may sound obvious but in reality it is widely underestimated. Understanding the essay prompt doesn’t require you to just comprehend the statement; you need to figure out how you should be analyzing the given topic.
    • Mark the keywords– Discuss, argue, indentify, evaluate etc. these key words tell you whether your essay should be descriptive, persuasive or argumentative etc.
    • Question words– essays usually answer what, why and how. These question words guide you as to what your essay body should be like.

Example- Discuss how advertising affect the body image of men?

The key word ‘discuss’ demands a descriptive essay. The question word ‘how’ implies that your essay should tell the affects of advertisements on males’ psychology and not the things that lead to those affects. 

  • Research work– your basic research on the essay prompt should include the following questions:
  • What do I already know about the subject?

(It’s ok to read up Wikipedia if you don’t know anything about the topic but don’t add it as an information source in your essay.)

  • What are the interesting facts to know about the subject?
  • What surprises me about this essay topic?
  • Can I throw in any statistics from the studies conducted on the prompt?
  • What do people generally think, say or do about the subject?
  • How do experts or famous people or scholars approach the subject?
  • What is my personal opinion on the topic? (Because it matters!) 
  • Make a thesis statement– Establish your take on the topic. Your thesis statement should not restate the essay prompt nor should it be a paraphrased sentence. A good thesis statement subtly shows your interpretation or research on the essay topic. It should serve as a reference point to ensure you don’t stray from the topic.
  • Example- “Explain the administrative tactics that made the Mongol Empire one of the biggest empires in human history.”

Don’t restate that ‘Mongol Empire was the one of the biggest empires’ that’s already mentioned in the prompt. Instead use your thesis statement to show to your reader that you have done proper research on the topic.

  • “Mongol Invasions led by Genghis Khan conquered most of Eurasia before his death in 1227 but the empire reached its peak only after the death covering almost 18% of the globe.” 
  • Essay structure– write down the following points:-
  • Decide what type of essay you are writing.
  • Second, how many paragraphs you need to write besides introduction and conclusion.
  • Start with essay body then introduction followed by conclusion.
  • Give a topic sentence to each paragraph then elaborate on that.
  • Use credible sources
  • Google Scholar
  • Check reference section of the Wikipedia page on your topic.
  • Academic journals
  • Textbooks
  • NPR articles

      And remember

  • Don’t quote too much.
  • Your citations should reflect or support your opinion.
  • It should not appear like you are hiding behind the words of famous people.
  • Your opinion matters; it shows the skill teachers look for; your critical thinking.
  • You can use quotations to present a contradictory opinion as well.
  • Don’t underestimate proofreading
  • Avoid conjunctions like aren’t, don’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t.
  • Print your essay. You find more mistakes on paper as compared to reviewing on screen.
  • Ask your parents or a mentor to give it a glance; they’ll most likely find mistakes that your eyes missed.
  • Read it out loud, if something sounds wrong then it probably is.

If writing an entire essay in one go seems daunting start by writing just 5 sentences on the topic. This trick is a great way to initiate writing. For more essay help you can join the Enrichment Program or English Tutoring Program by etutorworld. You will be surprised by the improvements these programs can bring in your writing skills.

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Awesome Tips for Improving Your Child’s Reading Skills https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/awesome-tips-for-improving-your-childs-reading-skills/ https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/awesome-tips-for-improving-your-childs-reading-skills/#respond Thu, 05 Dec 2019 05:38:06 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=49225 The post Awesome Tips for Improving Your Child’s Reading Skills appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Reading is an activity that can catapult your child directly into a fairy tale with his/her favorite characters coming to life instantly. It is a powerful tool to capture the tiny one’s emotions too. Do not worry if your kid has just begun attending Primary School and is looking forward to the upcoming winter break and festivities eagerly. Feel free to pamper her but do make sure to try and improve her skills during this period as well.

Here are a few reading techniques to try :-

  • Create a Reading Routine– It is essential to make time for your child and read to her for half an hour every day despite the ongoing festivities. Choose a funny tale or a Christmas related story and watch her go all goggle eyed on hearing the lovely tale that may be a parable to a simple story to kindle her interest. This exercise will not only establish a routine but will keep her from getting underfoot as well. Feel free to explain the difficult passages so that her comprehensive skills improve accordingly. Remember to be patient as well by having a dictionary alongside in order to enhance the vocabulary. Do not stop this enjoyable exercise altogether if your kid is now able to read perfectly on her own. Just ascertain that she takes on the responsibility of being the prime reader instead of you. This will help her to focus more on unfamiliar words and ignite that spark of curiosity compelling her to learn more.

  • Availability of Books– Fill your home with books so that she is driven by curiosity and eager to check the information within. Do not keep the books confined to the shelves only though. Have them available aplenty with decorated baskets revealing an interesting array of colorful books as well. Keep one handy in the car too so that she can spend a few moments turning the pages as the entire family goes away for a well deserved vacation. It would also help if she finds you reading often too. Parents happen to be role models for their children and your kid will be eager to emulate you as he aspires to be just like you.

  • Convince the Reluctant Reader– Most youngsters steer clear of books today. There is a plethora of information everywhere with the school going kids being more interested in the electronic media. There is nothing superior to the process of physically holding a book and trying to decipher a story, however. It will also help your child to unleash her imagination in a big way. Trying to coax a 5th or 6th grader with books will only end in sorrow. Instead try a subtler method by mentioning space stories, adventure tales and school stories to your children so that their interest is piqued. Hand the book to them instead of recounting the story. This will cause them to read the rest of the story instantly in order to know the outcome.

  • Reading without books– If you are the parent of a 12 or 13 year old then you should not try to force them into reading ever. They would not want to be recognized as bookworms or nerds thereby risking ridicule from peers. Observe her reading habits discretely. Is she skimming through the information or simply scanning the sentences for obtaining information the facts. You can always ask your son or daughter to look at the road signs and billboards and quiz them about it en route to your holiday destination. If your child clamors to be taken to a movie, reward her but only after she gets you the relevant facts. If your daughter or son aspires to be a Master Chef, you can always ask them to read through the recipes from your favorite cookbook and follow the instructions to a T. Going through congratulatory emails just before the holiday season begins will also keep them enthused about reading too.

School teachers may not always be attentive enough to decipher the first tell-tale signs of your child falling behind in reading & comprehension. Do not wait until the issue turns serious. Encourage her to master different types of reading skills and help her further her education. You may also enroll your child in a free session at www.etutorworld.com  thus helping her to excel in the near future.

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