Kathleen Currence, Author at eTutorWorld https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/author/kathleen/ K-12 Online Tutoring & Test Prep Fri, 15 Mar 2024 06:37:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://www.etutorworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/cropped-site-icon-new-1-1-e1684431686814-32x32.png Kathleen Currence, Author at eTutorWorld https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/author/kathleen/ 32 32 What is STAAR Test? STAAR Test 2024 Guide https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/what-is-staar-test/ Mon, 30 May 2022 17:34:47 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=73973 The post What is STAAR Test? STAAR Test 2024 Guide appeared first on eTutorWorld.


STAAR stands for State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness. It is a standardized test that helps teachers and students identify learning strengths and weaknesses in an academic year. STAAR test is for students in grades 3-12 in Texas state and is compulsory for all.

Students can take the STAAR test multiple times in an academic year to improve their scores. The testing dates are usually between December and June.

What is STAAR Test?

STAAR Test (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) is a standardized test used in the state of Texas to assess the academic progress of students in grades 3-12.

STAAR test is used to assess a child’s grade level capabilities. It gives educators an insight into a child’s knowledge of core subjects at a particular grade level and whether he/she is ready for the next grade. This test is scored individually and students are not compared with others to understand their capabilities.

STAAR Test Format by Grade Level

STAAR test format is different for younger students and high school students. So, basically, there are two formats. Students in grades 3-8 have to take at least 2 STAAR tests in an academic year. They can choose 2 subjects out of the 5 offered to them: Reading, Writing, Science, Mathematics, and Social Science.

High school students are required to clear 5-7 subject-specific STAAR tests to move ahead to the next grade. The STAAR tests at this level are knowns as EOC – End of Course Exams and are compulsory for graduation.

STAAR assessments are administered for

Grade Subjects
3 Math, Reading
4 Math, Reading, Writing
5 Math, Reading, Science
6 Math, Reading
7 Math, Reading, Writing
8 Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies

STAAR Test Registration Details

STAAR test can be taken in both on-paper and online format. Parents can find out more details by getting in touch with the school administration. The family portal on the official website also provides a lot of information regarding registration, testing dates, accommodations, and more. Click on this link to head to the Texas Assessment Website.

STAAR Test Dates 2024

This year, the testing schedule for the STAAR test goes on from December 2024 to June 2025. You can check out the grade-wise details here.

Texas STAAR Test Scoring Method

The Texas STAAR Test scores are presented according to the performance categories. They are:

  • Masters Grade Level
  • Meets Grade Level
  • Approaches Grade Level
  • Did Not Meet Grade Level

The numbers are presented in the form of Raw Score and Scaled Score. The Scaled Score is calculated according to the difficulty level of the particular set of questions attempted in the test.

Prepare for STAAR Test with eTutorWorld

eTutorWorld offers STAAR test tutoring in 4 subjects: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, and Science for all grades. Register today to experience personalized learning from STAAR Test experts. Click here to learn more about the STAAR tutoring at eTutorWorld.

eTutorWorld benefits include self-paced learning, one-to-one sessions, curated worksheets, and recordings for revision. Take a Free Trial to understand how we make learning, effortless, interactive, and fun.


1. Can a student skip the STAAR test?

The STAAR Test is compulsory in Texas state. All the students in grades 3-12 have to take the test to move to the next grade. If a student skips the STAAR test, his/her score is marked as 0, which is considered a bad performance in the STAAR test. Such students have to take advanced instructions from the state.

2. What are the special accommodations for the STAAR Test?

STAAR test offers several accommodations such as extra time, sound and sight support, equipment support, and more. The testing accommodations are decided by the school and parents together.

3. Is the STAAR Test conducted online?

Yes, the STAAR test is conducted online on specific dates. Students can choose to take it online as per their preference.

4. What happens if you fail the STAAR Test?

STAAR test can be taken multiple times in an academic year. So, if a student fails the test, they can take it again and pass the test. If a student fails all the attempts, they might be retained in the current grade.

5. What Happens If You Miss the STAAR Test?

STAAR test can be taken multiple times in an academic year. So, you can take it at the next possible date.

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Easy Science Experiments for Kids to Do at Home https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/easy-science-experiments-for-kids-to-do-at-home/ Mon, 10 Jan 2022 12:00:27 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=72467 The post Easy Science Experiments for Kids to Do at Home appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Science is a wonderful subject that can teach children all about the world they live in. And it is magical more often than not. Here, we are presenting you with some simple experiment ideas that you can try at home. All of these are safe experiments that children can try on their own and show off some cool skills to their friends. However, parental supervision is always advised. These are wonderful ativities for children to experience the Steps of the Scientific Method

Without any further ado, here they are.

Simple Science Experiments to Try at Home

  1. Water Magic

This experiment introduces children to the capillarity or capillary action of liquids. We will perform this experiment with water and some colors. For this experiment, you will need:

  • Three glasses with clear water
  • Three glasses with colored water (red, blue, and green)
  • Tissue papers

Now that you have everything ready, let’s start the experiment. Place the glasses in a line or a circle in an alternate pattern. That is place one clear water glass, follow it with a colored water glass, then a clear water glass, and so on.

Now, take tissue paper, roll it to form a tube, and place it like a bridge between the liquids in the glasses. One side of the tissue should be dipped in the liquid of the first glass and the other side in the liquid of the next glass. Connect all the glasses this way and watch the magic of water going from one glass to another through the tissue.

Encourage your children to ask their science tutor some relevant questions regarding the experiment. Science prep online can be a great way of learning more about different scientific concepts.

  1. Mold Experiment

Mold experiments never go out of style. We have been doing them for generations and it’s still taught by the best science tutors who want to talk about micro-organisms and their growth. This experiment will help your child understand how different products affect the growth of mold (fungus) on bread. For this experiment, you will need:

  • 4 slices of bread
  • 4 ziplock bags
  • Vinegar, water, sugar
  • Hangar

Place the 4 slices of the bread on a tray. Add a spoonful of vinegar to the first slice. Place it in the ziplock bag and close it. Next, add a spoon of water to the second slice. Again place it in a ziplock bag and close it. Now moving to the third bread slice, add some sugar on top of it and press it in and place the bread slice in the ziplock bag.

Pick the last slice of bread and place it as it is in the ziplock bag and seal it. Now, hang all the ziplock bags on a clothes hanger and place the hangar in sunlight. Maybe a curtain rod where you can get an ample amount of sunlight or somewhere in the backyard.

Ask your child/ren to keep an eye on the bread slices and notice the growth of the mold. They can also make a table noting down the amount of mold on Day1, Day 2, and so on and let them compare notes.

  1. Ice Magic

If you have an Elsa or Frozen fan at your home, this experiment is going to get some super exciting responses. This experiment is unlike any formal science prep online but will set the stage for learning different states of matter. For this experiment, you need:

  • One bottle of water
  • A ceramic bowl
  • Some Ice

Place the bottle of water in the freezer until the water is almost frozen. Next, place the ceramic bowl upside down on a surface and put the ice pieces on it. When you are ready, start pouring the almost frozen water on the ice pieces. It will freeze instantly and amaze everyone involved. This experiment teaches children the different states of matter and also makes you look instantly cool.

  1. Self-Inflating Balloons

Here’s one experiment that is based on a chemical reaction. You can perform this experiment with the balloons leftover after a birthday party and some vinegar and baking soda from your pantry. The precise items that you will need are:

  • Balloon/s
  • Vinegar
  • Plastic water bottle
  • Baking Soda

Put baking soda in the plastic water bottle. Add a few spoons of vinegar to the balloon. Yes, you have to pour vinegar into the balloon. Now, carefully place the balloon over the water bottle and let the vinegar pour on the baking soda already present in the bottle. The meeting of vinegar and baking soda will result in gas which will inflate the balloon.

Science is not magic, rather it is filled with hardcore facts. But it is always a good idea to simplify difficult concepts for children to trigger their curiosity. Best science tutors also use fun and amazing methods to teach difficult science topics. Try the experiments listed here and watch your little scientists become curious for more. As already mentioned, all of these experiments are safe but it will be better if an adult can supervise them. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Are these experiments safe for kids to do at home?

Yes, these experiments are generally safe for kids to do at home. However, adult supervision is always recommended, especially for younger children. Ensure that all the materials used are safe and non-toxic.

2. What age group are these experiments suitable for?

These experiments are suitable for a wide range of age groups, typically for children between 5 and 12 years old. However, depending on the child’s abilities and interests, younger kids may also enjoy and learn from these experiments with adult assistance.

The post Easy Science Experiments for Kids to Do at Home appeared first on eTutorWorld.

Tips To Overcome The Challenges Of Learning Science At School https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/tips-to-overcome-the-challenges-of-learning-science-at-school/ https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/tips-to-overcome-the-challenges-of-learning-science-at-school/#respond Fri, 06 Mar 2020 10:14:25 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=51364 The post Tips To Overcome The Challenges Of Learning Science At School appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Just like Mathematics, Science fills the minds of many students with dread. It is not uncommon to see students avoiding these subjects throughout their schooling. National Center for Education Statistics report shows that students in the United States lag far behind European and Asian students in science achievement. Students are hardly ever directed to approach science as a puzzle to be solved. Instead, memorization is encouraged to the detriment of analytical skills required to like Science as a subject.

Science anxiety is not an innate characteristic, in most cases, science-anxious parents and teachers end up communicating their anxiety to young learners. Studies conducted at Science Anxiety Clinics reveal that in the USA, science anxiety starts as early as 8 years of age. 

The need for scientific advancements to counter the threats and challenges of human society is at its peak. Sadly, the current statistics reveal the likelihood of that need remaining unfulfilled as learners are confronted by unprecedented challenges when it comes to science education in schools namely, 

  • Compartmentalized teaching i.e. teaching subjects without correlation.
  • Exam-oriented teaching strategies.
  • Lack of specialized teachers.
  • Non-stimulating school science experiments.
  • Students receive little to no training in analytical thinking during their early school years.
  • Inefficient time allocation for science education.
  • Less experimental and more theoretical approach.
  • Broken links between lessons.
  • Lack of real-life examples to understand the application.
  • Crowded classrooms.
  • Learning gaps from previous years.
  • Students’ lack of confidence and motivation.

Science may make you feel challenged and frustrated but it is certainly possible to overcome the learning difficulties. With the right mindset and a little hard work, nothing is unconquerable. Practice the tips mentioned below and you can learn science with no difficulty.

It would help you to try the following:-

  • Examine your attitude towards the subject– analyze if you are actually facing a learning challenge or you are caged by self-imposed limitations.
  • Time allocation– unlike other theoretical subjects, science demands regular revision of your classwork to register what was taught in school.
  • Science documentaries– help you visualize and understand the real-life application of scientific concepts. Watching science documentaries will surely tickle your neurons to view this subject in a different light.
  • Group learning and peer teaching– various studies conducted on Science anxiety, prove that working with others in groups not only counters self-doubt but also motivates learners to think outside the box.
  • Discuss Science anxiety and fear of failure with teachers, parents, and peers you will notice that you are not fighting the battle alone. In fact, science anxiety is a very common phenomenon. Build a supportive environment instead of being a slave to your fear.
  • Try School science projects – these offer the opportunity to apply the knowledge in decoding real human concerns. Of course, you are not expected to submit a Ph.D. level science project at school but you can definitely try to analyze a problem in accordance with your level of science knowledge.
  • Don’t be afraid to make a mistake– the most important life lesson that science teaches as a subject is to be comfortable making mistakes and learning from it. Like Thomas Edison said a thousand wrong experiments were not failures, those were the learning steps to get to the right
  • Do not restrict yourself to textbooks to understand a concept-Technology offers a myriad of resources to enhance your learning experience. School library, mobile applications, informative websites, online tutoring- take the opportunity to find the technique best suited to your learning needs.
  • Fill your learning gaps– you will be astonished to see how it propels your learning once you get your grasp on the basics.

Take the help of online coaching to help you overcome science anxiety. eTutorWorld offers you a variety of online tutoring packages that will enable you to understand school experiments better, brush up on previously learned science topics and provide you to complete school science projects.

Our specialized teachers with years of teaching experience will not only help you overcome your learning challenges but also change your opinion of science from a  dreadful subject to one of the most interesting subjects that it is.



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Middle School Science Projects For Winter Break https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/middle-school-science-projects-for-winter-break/ https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/middle-school-science-projects-for-winter-break/#respond Fri, 20 Dec 2019 08:15:22 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=49338 The post Middle School Science Projects For Winter Break appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Hoorah! Festive season is here. Winter vacations are starting and it is time for
celebrations. Soak up the festivity with fun, activity, experiments and ‘Do It Yourself’
middle school science fair projects. What fun it is to see science in action! You all
can turn into wizards at work, learning without books. Aren’t your eyes already full of
excitement to see creativity and ideas blooming into project work?

Children find it difficult to memorize information with lengthy textual descriptions. Project work, tabulation as well as diagrams are an aid to memorizing and recall. Middle schoolers long for the periodic science fair. They prepare their fair projects after researching over the internet, discussing with friends, incorporating suggestions from educationalists and with parental support. It has its own fervor and enthusiasm. The preparation for science fair projects for 7th grade or higher grades calls for meticulous planning, hard work, dedication and team spirit. Students also learn the fine art of budgeting, sourcing raw material, time management and resourcefulness.

Students often select challenging fair projects and develop a sense of achievement on successful completion and submission of project. These fairs have turned out to be cradles of nurturing scientific temper. Schools therefore encourage maximum
participation in these fairs for students to display and explain their middle school
science projects.

The internet is flooded with a wide range of wonderful ideas for projects. Students who have enrolled for online tutoring with organizations like eTutorWorld.com reach out to professionals to help them shortlist the projects based on the students’ interest and available time.

Here are a few science fair projects for 8th grade and 7th grade that are simple and easy:

Health Projects: Middle school science fair projects help in developing the student’s
perspective about health and are easy to perform like the one described below:

1. Project On How Sugary Drinks Affect Teeth:

  • Take six eggs. Apply tooth paste on three of these.
  • Take six cups. Place three cups on your left, the other three on your right.
  • In each cup to your left place an egg which has been brushed with toothpaste. In each cup to your right place an egg which has not been brushed with tooth paste.
  • Label first cup on the left as ‘effect of water on brushed teeth’, second cup as ‘effect of cola on brushed teeth’ and third cup as ‘effect of juice on brushed teeth’.
  • Label the first cup on the right as ‘effect of water on unbrushed teeth’,
    second cup as ‘effect of cola on unbrushed teeth’ and third cup as ‘effect of juice on unbrushed teeth’.
  • Fill the two cups with ‘water-label’ with water. Similarly fill the two cups with ‘cola-label’ with cola. Fill the two cups with ‘juice-label’ with juice.
  • Leave them overnight.
  • Tabulate the observations!It would be interesting to see significant discoloration of egg shells with cola and juice. Discoloration would be higher in unbrushed eggs rather than those that had been brushed with tooth paste.

2. Chemistry/Physics/ Science Fair Projects For 8th Grade:

Make needle-like crystals in just a few hours using the following procedure:
● Take 1/2 cup of Epsom salt (Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate) and a few drops of food color.
● Create a saturated solution in a cup by stirring Epsom salt with 1/2 cup of hot tap water for at least one minute. Add a few drops of food coloring. Put the cup in the refrigerator. Check on it in a few hours to see beautiful crystals! Drain off the remaining solution.

3. Offbeat Science Fair Projects For 7th Grade:

The following magnet and maze experiment demonstrates that magnetic waves can travel without physical contact:
● Draw a maze on a paper.
● Keep an iron bead at one end of the puzzle.
● Take a magnetic stick.
● Ask students to lead the bead from one edge of the maze to the other without touching the bead. This is done by placing the magnetic stick from under the paper.

Aren’t these projects fun?

Projects like these would help you further your interest in science and technology. With better concept clarity and adequate academic knowledge, you can be on top of the class. Are you ready to see the wonders of online middle school tutoring? Log on to www.eTutorWorld.com to unleash your hidden potential in English, science and math. Get started by scheduling a free trial session right away this winter vacation!

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Tricks to Solving Complex Chemistry Problems https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/tricks-to-solving-complex-chemistry-problems/ https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/tricks-to-solving-complex-chemistry-problems/#respond Wed, 10 Apr 2019 09:40:10 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=41428 The post Tricks to Solving Complex Chemistry Problems appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Learning a subject is challenging if we do not understand its features and its raison d’être. It gets harder when you don’t understand the significance of studying the subject.

The biggest obstacle to learning is the fear of the unknown. For instance, Chemistry is looked upon with fear because of the way it is perceived rather than the subject per se.

Some Tips and Tricks to Solve Complex Chemistry Problems

There are some tips you need to keep in mind for learning Chemistry. First is that you need to perceive Chemistry as an opportunity beyond itself instead of looking at it as a hurdle to overcome.  Many adults regret not having given some of these fascinating subjects due attention.

The golden rule to work with problems in Chemistry is – to try and be original while approaching a problem.

Do not copy someone else’s work because though it may immediately seem to be the easy way out in the long run, you are missing out on learning.

Try and solve the problem yourself.

Your individual approach is the best approach! Do not worry about getting the right answers.

As the spider fails many times before weaving its web you need to make mistakes to eventually learn, be it cycling or chemistry.

Let’s take a leaf out of nature’s book and accept the fact that mistakes give way to the light of knowledge. Then remember that when your chemistry tutor explains to you an example and you are able to follow it you still need to work out problems on your own to make sure you understand the concept.

The application of knowledge tends to require creative thinking as well. Creative thinking can be developed by working out your own methodology. Creativity cannot be predicted and neither can “difficult” problems.

Online chemistry tutoring is based on the principle of a tutor’s lively interaction with the student and inviting different perspectives on a given problem.

Discussion and brainstorming are the keys to solving chemistry problems creatively. You can consult the examples if you are stuck and your online chemistry tutor will always be there to clarify your doubts. Read your study material carefully to highlight the points that you are struggling with.

By combining online media and study material with help from an online chemistry tutor, you will be surprised at how much knowledge you have gained. Mastering Chemistry requires comfort with the text as well as knowledge of how to apply learned concepts to everyday life.

Any experience or sensation can be brought down to Chemistry. Enjoy the subject that reveals to you mysteries of everything from culinary skills to nanotechnology.

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There’s More to Photosynthesis than just Plants, Sun and Carbon Dioxide https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/theres-more-to-photosynthesis-than-just-plants-sun-and-carbon-dioxide/ https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/theres-more-to-photosynthesis-than-just-plants-sun-and-carbon-dioxide/#respond Sun, 06 May 2018 22:36:07 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=22460 The post There’s More to Photosynthesis than just Plants, Sun and Carbon Dioxide appeared first on eTutorWorld.


We all know that the sun is our main source of energy. But, how do we use that solar energy? Yes, we do get some Vitamin D from the sun, but that doesn’t give us the required energy.


Humans don’t have the capability of trapping and using solar energy directly because we are heterotrophs. However, autotrophs like plants are capable of synthesizing inorganic materials to create organic compounds during the process of photosynthesis.


But, what exactly does happen during photosynthesis? Which inorganic material are used to create energy in the organic form? What helps trap the solar energy in plants?


All these questions and more are asked and answered in this fun and colorful worksheet. The worksheet is for students of grade 7, however students from other grades too can review their knowledge about Photosynthesis. eTutorWorld’s expert science tutors have created this worksheet to make sure that all aspects about photosynthesis are included; making sure at the same time that the questions don’t get overwhelming.


You don’t need to print the worksheet, just solve it online. All you need to do is enter your name and email id and viola the worksheet’s questions will appear one by one. You can assess yourself, using the correct answers given right after you’ve answered the questions.


Once you’ve registered with us, you can access many more grade 7 worksheets for science, algebra, geometry, math and English Language Arts.  ‘Grade 7 Science Worksheets


And, don’t fret if you don’t know photosynthesis or any other science concept! Our online grade 7 science tutors are available to make sure you learn well and score well at school and beyond!


Schedule a FREE personalized online session with our tutor and we’ll be there to help you any day, at any time!

The post There’s More to Photosynthesis than just Plants, Sun and Carbon Dioxide appeared first on eTutorWorld.

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Why Even Doctors Want Good Tutors for their Kids https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/why-even-doctors-want-good-tutors-for-their-kids/ https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/why-even-doctors-want-good-tutors-for-their-kids/#respond Wed, 23 Aug 2017 05:06:47 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=15411 The post Why Even Doctors Want Good Tutors for their Kids appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Let’s say your child is very intelligent plus very diligent in her studies. Not only that, say You and your spouse are highly educated professionals.

Educating your kid should be walk in the park, Right?

Maybe not …

eTutorWorld was privileged to talk with the parents (both physicians) of one of our student who shared the many challenges they had faced while looking for help with their child’s studies.

Rajat (ETW Customer Service):

Your daughter P.D. has been with eTutorWorld for some time now and she did her SCAT test prep with us and she got good marks in the test. So, this is a series of interviews/discussions that we do with our students and parents who have been doing well academically. Mr. Aso Shanglai, our Marketing Head would be taking this session.



We have Dr. R.D. and his wife Dr. A.D., the parents of P.D. joining us in today’s discussion which would cover her academic performance and how her parents are contributing towards her success in studies. We will also try and understand how eTutorWorld can do more for the students and their parents.

Dr. R.D. is a Cardiologist and Dr. A.D. is a Pediatrician.


[ETW to the Parents] Please share anything you would like about your kid’s experience with eTutorWorld.


Dr. R.D.:

Sure. We started with eTutorWorld, if I remember correctly in December or November 2016. My wife will correct me – was it November or December?


Dr. A.D.:

It was December.


Dr. R.D.:

Thanks … yeah, we started in December and obviously we have been very impressed with the structure and tutoring of eTutorWorld.


Dr. A.D.:

To be very honest, we did not even know what SCAT was. We had come to know about SCAT a week before [signing up with eTutorWorld] and we searched in the Net to find out what a child is expected to know, what are the resources and we came across this [eTutorWorld] and we did one session and we were impressed by the knowledge & confidence of the team in how to approach the SCAT.


Dr. R.D.:

We did our Google search obviously and eTutorWorld was one of the name that came up. Before we signed up with eTutorWorld, we went ahead and purchased another one with Question series from one of the website and we were happy with that one. We then came across eTutorWorld and were impressed by the fact that the company’s origins were from India. And once we started doing the course after our first Free session, if I remember correctly, with Ms. Raj she setup more trial classes for Math and English, for Verbal and Quantitative tests. They were very good and we liked a lot the way the course has been structured.

For SCAT, someone told us that P.D. has been doing good in studies and you should try to get her into taking SCAT and we did not know what SCAT was, as my wife said.

And all credit goes to eTutorWorld and especially Ms. Abi [the SCAT tutor], because she is very good. She is very to the point and her courses are very good and we kept all the notes which she had been sharing on the Whiteboard [part of the Online tutorial tool] and we kept all of it in a folder arranged categorically and specially when we are not having classes with eTutorWorld, P.D. must have gone through the material from the first to the last page about 30-40 times. She also used the trial exams which are on your website.

So, it was a combined effort which resulted in success in SCAT. And, I think it was the eTutorWorld personal one-to-one classes which were more helpful than the worksheets questions because the questions which are there on the website are good but are too difficult. It’s good to do some higher preparation but sometimes it is discouraging for the child to attempt these questions and not be able to do them. But overall it was a great experience.



Thank you for the feedback and now would you like to take some time to share her dreams or aspirations for her future or if it is not too early, do you have any plans for her or does she have any plans for herself?


Dr. A.D.:

No, you know what – she is too young and since we are both physicians and we grew up in India so we know how much pressure can be put up by your parents. Right now, our goal is on getting her foundations strong because we believe that once your foundations are strong you can do anything. It can even become limitless.

With eTutorWorld, it opened up a new “world” for us to understand how even without seeing the face of a person a long-distance tutoring could be of so much help. It was something we had never explored before.


Dr. R.D.:

Yes, even I told my brother, who is a Computer Scientist here in Cupertino and I was telling him we regret that his kids did not do it because they were doing some classes locally here.


Dr. A.D.:

You know, the Company XYZ ones [A leading company with Learning Centers spread across the world] and the other local ones. We had sent P.D. to XYZ before but we didn’t like it so we just stopped it because it was too boring.


Dr. R.D.:

Monotonous … because they have the same booklet which they keep doing. Then we also did the Company ABC Math [A leading Math App]. We were still with ABC Math when we started with eTutorWorld. Right now, we have stopped everything else and are just with eTutorWorld. Now, she is doing the John Hopkins [SCAT] Honors Pre-Algebra and there is lot of work to be done there.


Dr. A.D.:

See, what a big difference we noticed in eTutorWorld compared to the way we were taught was the easy way of reaching the answers which is more exciting to the students rather than struggling with the questions. Knowing the good and easy way to solve problems correctly in Math is very helpful.


Dr. R.D.:

Actually, BOTH of us are learning to be honest with you. Because when we sit along with P.D., I am also able to teach P.D. better. We also had learnt the better way to reach from point A to B.

What we liked about Ms. Abi was her short cuts and very crystal-clear methods of doing things. We really like that.


Dr. A.D.:

Yes, they are making the concepts clearer and the child becomes interested in the subject and that is more important than anything else.


Dr. R.D.:

Yes, because P.D. is excited when she has to do the eTutorWorld classes. She knows that, the Math class is coming up and she gets excited about it. Today, we were half an hour away from home and were doing few things and she said, “Oh, let’s go ahead and be in front of the computer at least 15 minutes before so that we are all ready”. She likes to keep everything ready and next to her and that is a BIG PLUS because when you do a class and you don’t have a fear … we grew up in India and you know we have a kind of fear with the teacher so, when you don’t have a fear you can interact freely.

If, I have to add just one point then the new update which you have done, I think your older version was better than what you have now because we are not able to save any of the whiteboard. In the past, we were able to save those whiteboards as a PDF and it’s good to have a hard copy of the things which have been taught because she can go back and revise any time. So, with the new update which you have in the ZOOM [web conference facility] we have been given the suggestions that we can take a snapshot and those things are okay but they are not very practical as they are not same as a PDF file.

My only request would be that if we can have this feature back because we want to keep eTutorWorld for a long term and we want to spread the news that you guys are Great but we would like a fix to this problem of saving the whiteboards. Please look into it.



We were going to ask lot of questions but it seems you have already answered them [laughing].


Dr. R.D.:

We didn’t give you a chance! Because we are good in talking and that’s what we do and can talk for ever [laughing].



Anyway, it’s my job to listen forever so we are a good match [laughing].


Dr. R.D.:

If there’s anything that you would like to ask, please do.



Whatever you have shared has been quite helpful and we are good on that. Just one query, did P.D. have any challenges academically before she started with eTutorWorld?


Dr. R.D.:

No, actually she had always been good in school. The only thing is that she takes time to be free with anyone so, that’s the only problem but otherwise she has always been good in school and even in her class she is in the top.

One of the reason, we went for this course [SCAT] was that I did not want her to keep on having this false sense of feeling that “Oh, I know a lot” because that is a very dangerous thing and we have all gone through that and we just want her to know that your foundations have to be strong as my wife said and you need to know the basics. Everyone keeps on saying you are good, good but at the end of the day you have some simple question – you are scared to ask someone.

That’s the reason we like the eTutorWorld because she is being revised and her basic principles are being cleared up.


Dr. A.D.:

Yeah, I think it is good for these students who are growing up here to be taught by a teacher from India because in India the basics are taught well. Here the students are not put under any pressure and whatever right or wrong answers are given the children are always appreciated for whatever effort they make but in the long run in some point it may not be enough. So, learning from someone in India – you know their Math is really strong and they have those values, which would help the kids here.



Would you like to recommend or suggest something for eTutorWorld to improve upon?


Dr. R.D.:

You know, initially we had some technical glitches but those were temporary and were resolved and we learnt that the Chrome browser is the best for eTutorWorld. Apart from that and the saving of the whiteboard, I don’t think there is anything else. The value of the whiteboard lies in the fact that unlike notes or text-books they are both audio and visual so compared to a text book where there are hundreds of pages with no visual memory of what you have learnt. But whatever you learn on the Whiteboard and have printed out for SCAT and other courses, they have helped a lot.

Your class timing is great and if few of your teachers are available more it will be great because sometimes we struggle with that. Ms. Abi is available for more time slots but with the other two teachers the availability is lesser during the weekends. So, we have limited options but we are figuring it out and will work around it.



In your search for tutoring help for your child, is there anything that you would like to share?


Dr. R.D.:

Before eTutorWorld, the other company with which we started there was nobody to answer your phone calls or do anything but with eTutorWorld the best thing is that there is always someone who is answering the call and you know the email reply, you get it like in a flash. P.D. was sick a few days ago and I had sent an email and Rajat replied instantly and we did not need to make a phone call to reschedule and that is great customer service. We don’t have any problems and when I was booking the 50 classes, I did not have problem. I talked to you guys and it was setup right away and it went very smoothly.

The Customer Service is fabulous and let me tell you, I never had any experience where they know your name and who is calling and what class is scheduled.



Yes, I have been hearing about our Customer Service Team for quite some time now, especially about Rajat.


Dr. R.D.:

He always replies to our email and I send the homework and he forwards it to the teachers and lets me know and all this is very good. And obviously it is a different timezone so, I don’t know how he does it but we get our reply.



Thank you on behalf of our Customer Service Team for your kind words. Now, for the last question – you have already mentioned that you would be recommending eTutorWorld to your friends and family, so would you like to add anything on that?


Dr. R.D.:

Absolutely, we will be recommending to our friends and family. We will let them know and we have already told a few of them and we would tell them how good are the services. We are going to use your services for a long term while P.D. is growing up so that she is taught in the right way.

We have done a lot and tried many ways to get her help in studies – we even tried home tutoring and as my wife said we had gone to XYZ, to ABC …


Dr. A.D.:

Ourselves, also.


Dr. R.D.:

Yes [laughing], we have tried teaching her ourselves also and both of us are physicians but for us nothing is more important than teaching her so, my wife has tried but after a certain point of time we realized that we were not born to be teachers. We don’t know the correct method to teach, the correct path or even the shortcuts to teach. We might try to teach something and we realized that we don’t want her to learn our way but the correct way.



Thank you so much for the insights and your time. Thanks!


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MASTERING THE CHEMISTRY OF CHEMISTRY WITH A TUTOR https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/mastering-chemistry-chemistry-tutor/ https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/mastering-chemistry-chemistry-tutor/#respond Sat, 11 Mar 2017 02:22:20 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=13428   “May I have a solution of Nacl and C12H22O11 with H2O as the solvent, before stepping out to inhale some O2”? What if someone spoke to you in the language of Chemistry? When translated to simple English you would only be asked for a glass of water with a pinch of salt and sugar […]




May I have a solution of Nacl and C12H22O11 with H2O as the solvent, before stepping out to inhale some O2”?

What if someone spoke to you in the language of Chemistry? When translated to simple English you would only be asked for a glass of water with a pinch of salt and sugar before she steps out for some oxygen!

Welcome to the world of Chemistry. Replacing a few substance names with their Chemical formulae sounded fun. Yes, fun it should remain, but rarely so for many, as most students find themselves entangled in the realms of Chemistry, with words becoming formulae and sentences becoming equations. Not only do they find it difficult to understand and balance chemical equations, they are often unable to do their home assignments on their own. The need of the hour is an Online Chemistry tutor, who is none less than a genie available at the click of a mouse! Is it too good to be true? The fact is that, with the infusion of technology in our lives, more and more students the world over are mastering the Chemistry of Chemistry with a good online tutor!

The Mystery of Chemistry:  Chemistry as a subject requires a clear understanding of concepts and memorizing chemical names, atomic numbers, chemical reactions and what not. Many students drop out at the initial stages and a few others move on to the next grade with a poor understanding of fundamental concepts. This could be because of not enough time devoted by students on the subject, inadequate practice, monotony and boredom, ineffective teaching aids and redundant content,. For a student to be successful a higher set of goals have to be set and the onus is on Chemistry tutors to achieve them. The good news is that these tutors are tutoring online with a global reach, as a part of organizations like eTutorWorld where you can try before you buy.

eTutorWorld, The Choice for Home TutoringeTutorWorld opens up the world of personal tutoring from the comfort zone of your own home. You can now be a part of our ongoing personalized e-tutoring programs in Math, Science, English and Test Prep to derive the benefits of the very popular interactive learning sessions. With the help of Online Chemistry Tutor you will surely start enjoying Chemistry within a few sessions. eTtutorWorld’s Online Chemistry tutor has already mentored and tutored many students before you. An online tutor makes this entire exercise of learning really easy, enjoyable and interactive by customized home tutoring for all classes. It employs basic, easy to understand, learning tools like an interactive whiteboard with a voice based learning session and by using the chat options.

eTutorWorld also offers every student printable practice worksheets after every Chemistry session to solve at their ownpace. The Chemistry Tutor guides you on your next session when you get stuck with a problem on your home-work. He would also evaluate your answers and give you a feedback to help you improve further.  All worksheets are grade specific which have been specifically designed to meet the international standards across all schools. The entire program is systematic, logical with adequate revision till the time the student understands and , becomes competent in basic and advanced chemical concepts and theory. The curriculum itself is so designed to help students to be on top of their class as well as to prepare them for standardized exams. The curriculum is updated regularly to follow the current syllabi. Feedback from students and parents are analyzed, used to update and modify study programs to ensure bettereducation to the future citizens of the world.

Be a part of the winning edge! Hone your skills in Chemistry, enjoy and discover the chemical reactions and laws of Chemistry by scheduling a free online demo session with an Online Chemistry tutor at www.etutorworld.com


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ONLINE TUTOR: A BREAKTHROUGH TO LEARNING PHYSICS https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/online-tutor-breakthrough-learning-physics/ https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/online-tutor-breakthrough-learning-physics/#respond Mon, 06 Mar 2017 00:18:11 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=13403 The post ONLINE TUTOR: A BREAKTHROUGH TO LEARNING PHYSICS appeared first on eTutorWorld.



A passion for Math and Science brought ‘them’ to Physics. Are you a part of that team, would you like to be counted in? The foot upon the accelerator gives Michael Schumacher a thrill while the others a fear, Physics too give an adrenaline rush to a few, while a few others go numb. Physics is interesting; it is fun to learn the innumerable phenomenon that work in this real world! Those formulae and principles, numbers and letters, discovering nature, matter and forms of energy. It is intriguing and gripping at the same time. However, the best breakthroughs to learning the subject comes with a Physics tutor who will help you delve deeper into the realms of Physics and uncover hidden mysteries.

Physics at the elementary level begins with the introduction of concepts like mechanics, light, heat and sound. Textual reading and explanations with printed diagrams of some concepts may not be enough to sustain children’s attention span and keep their interest alive. Some of these concepts may even seem passive, which a tutor can bring to life , making physics extremely interesting. A good online physics tutor brings in the much needed element of fun and realization to the overall experience of learning. He keeps alive the interest by being continuously available to answer the endless questions that crop up in the student’s inquisitive mind while the tutoring session is on.

How Helpful is an Online Physics Tutor to Achieve the Breakthrough into Physics? Physics is a vast subject explaining the universe and its behaviour over space and time. It is one of the oldest academic disciplines and continues to be studied over the ages. Students love different aspects of kinetics, kinematics, magnetism, electricity and radiation as these topics are gradually introduced by the Physics tutors who then build upon essential concepts the complex formulae, problems and solutions. Online Physics tutors at organizations like eTutorWorld are highly qualified who have become a part of the tutoring team after a tough selection process followed by an intensive training to meet global standards in imparting education. They are current in their knowledge and have tremendous experience as educators and academicians. This enables them to skillfully assess a student’s strengths and areas for improvement, explain every aspect of physics, and stimulate the young mind craving for more challenging levels of theories.

Why Choose eTutorWorld When There Are Other Online Physics Tutors Available? The internet offers easy access to online tutors who are free lancers and have almost nil organizational backing. Personal tutoring is a highly customized activity which can get adversely affected by unavailability of the tutor due illness or personal issues. Moreover most of these tutors offer content and worksheets that are usually designed by the tutor himself! All these issues get automatically resolved when parents take an informed decision by investing their child’s tutoring time with well established and committed organizations.

eTutorWorld has a dedicated team of intellectuals for designing their worksheets for Science, Math and English who periodically revise content with feedback from tutors. They also have a back up team of tutors to step in whenever the need arises. The entire organization is committed to provide the best in terms of education. Students and parents can schedule online physics tutoring sessions with the tutor of their choice at their convenient time and day. These sessions are backed by state-of-the-art technology  that is user friendly and non-invasive on their computers. Freelancers seldom meet such standards of services.

Whether your child needs help with homework or needs to improve her grades at school, enroll her with eTutorWorld and see the difference that an online physics tutor makes to her performance. Regular personalized practice sessions with well designed worksheets will build her confidence, knowledge and interest in Physics. Eventually a strong foundation in Physics, will reflect in your student’s career in the years to come! All you need to do is, log onto www.eTutorworld.com and right away schedule your free trial session to experience real time personalized physics tutoring.

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Online Science Tutoring to Ace STEM Skills https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/online-science-tutoring-ace-stem-skills/ https://www.etutorworld.com/blog/online-science-tutoring-ace-stem-skills/#respond Wed, 22 Feb 2017 01:12:21 +0000 https://www.etutorworld.com/?p=13148 The post Online Science Tutoring to Ace STEM Skills appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Why? What? How?

An early morning bombardment of questions by children often lasts throughout the day! That is just the beginning of scientific temper!!! What they expect from parents is a ‘Let’s try that’ attitude, an explanation to every situation, a solution to every problem! Parents endeavor to live up to children’s growing expectations as children discover the world around them. They may even successfully kindle the spirit of enquiry till the child reaches grade 2, but grade 3 onwards a need is felt for a qualified science tutor to step in, keep pace with the child’s quest for knowledge and to foster that inquisitive mind. It is of paramount importance to develop an appropriate scientific attitude at an early age because, in later years, it blooms into a well developed and much-desired STEM skill set.

Reaching out to a science tutor for Harnessing the STEM Skills.  ‘Catch them young’ is the buzz word when it comes to developing the mind, spirit, attitude, and personality. STEM skill set is more about the ‘desire to know’ than the ‘Knowledge’ itself. A science tutor nurtures this passion in young minds to understand the environment by demonstrating and elaborating the science behind each aspect, be it Physics, Biology or Chemistry. With the expansion in the global markets in scientific fields, there is a need to create pools of talented children who will take on the world in fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). At the same time, it has been found that it is difficult to have certified tutors geographically collocated with every student! Let this not hold you back while you can bridge this gap with online science tutors at eTutorWorld who are accessible worldwide from the comfort zone of your homes!

Online science tutors at eTutorWorld are an aid in acing STEM skills. An experienced science tutor is sensitive to a child’s fascination for the wonders of nature and the environment around him. He keeps alive this feeling of awe and energy while building upon student’s past knowledge and introducing new and related scientific concepts. From a very early age, when still at elementary level, the students are taught to interpret, verify and conclude as they rake up the minds in recalling data.

eTutorWorld has a team of highly qualified online science tutors who explain different scientific concepts using a combination of voice and white board teaching method. The live tutoring sessions at eTutorWorld have made learning really interesting because of the one on one interaction between student and tutor. There are plenty of practice worksheets for periodically assessing the students on their ability to retain information and apply what they have learned. Children are encouraged to ask questions to develop a scientific attitude as they absorb information and gain knowledge. The Online science tutors continuously clarify doubts and reinforce concepts to ensure a deeper level of understanding of science and honing of the much desired STEM skills.

Science tutors are aware that the Human Resource Managers in their recruitment drives tap young analytical minds, testing them on their STEM skills like ability to learn, apply and integrate content, critical and logical thinking, effective communication, and ability to be a good team player or a team leader with a desire to continuously evolve with technological advancements. National Educational Program therefore aims to prepare students right at the primary and secondary level to shape up their personality and sharpen their mental faculty. These students would find it easy to land jobs in the fields like robotics, astronomy and space exploration, architecture, construction and engineering, Research and Development, aeronautics and many more. Even those students who opt for jobs that are not technologically intensive, command a higher pay package at the work place because of their creative thinking, leadership qualities, organizational abilities and trouble shooting skills to name a few!

So don’t let the tide go by, grab the opportunity to build your child up with a well rounded personality and a sharp intellect that would take him places, irrespective of what his calling in life is! Get started; get going by logging onto www.etutorworld.com right now.

The post Online Science Tutoring to Ace STEM Skills appeared first on eTutorWorld.

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