Math Tutoring Archives - eTutorWorld K-12 Online Tutoring & Test Prep Fri, 25 Aug 2023 07:47:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Math Tutoring Archives - eTutorWorld 32 32 Decoding the language of Math Mon, 17 Jan 2022 23:31:00 +0000 The post Decoding the language of Math appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Ever wonder why some students just seem to have a knack for excelling in math while others don’t? Why do some students score great marks in math without too much effort?

Make the best ofmath tutor or e tutoring? Pretty simple. They understand the language of math.

As a high school math tutor, one of my main objectives is to familiarize my students with the language of math. Yes, it is a language.

In fact, many English words and phrases can be directly translated into math symbols and operations. Learning this is like getting a math tutor free for good! Some  examples are:

  1. of = multiply
  2. percent = divide by 100
  3. ratio comparison = division
  4. difference = subtraction
  5. product = multiplication
  6. quotient = divide
  7. increased by, more than = addition

Watching young children learn has convinced me that the best way to pick up a language is by regular practice. If children spend enough time in a situation where they absolutely must learn a new language, they learn it really quickly and effortlessly.

It’s the same with math. Students are faced with a barrage of intimidating terms as the list of topics is given to them during our summer math e-tutoring programs at eTutorWorld.

They are actually encouraged to use these terms without apprehension during their tutoring classes. A pictorial lesson then creates the visual memory aid and reinforces the idea. Once they are familiar with the language of math, they find the rest of the course a lot easier. Additionally, they are much, much more confident doing math.

Understand the Language of Math

Learning math effectively begins at an early age. There are a bunch of basics that, once taught, stay with the child throughout the school years. Whether you are a high school math tutor (face to face or via e-tutoring) or an elementary school teacher, getting your students familiar with the math language eases teaching as well. For instance, a Grade 3-4 child will need to be familiar with:


  1. Multiplication and division strategies: Word examples, rather than just plain direct problems are a far more effective method of teaching these topics. Also, pictorially, arrays are a great tool to further reinforce this concept.
  2. Fractions: Using the phrases ‘part and whole’ and ‘out of” go a long way in familiarizing the child with fractions. Using ‘building blocks ‘ as an analogy further strengthens this idea.
  3. Ratios: There are 2 concepts in ratios.

(a) One ratio as part of another: This is an extension of equivalent fractions and can be beautifully illustrated by ‘dividing rectangles’. For instance, “ Three out of four parts and six out of eight parts” mean the same thing. Explaining that the denominator is “the total number of parts” and the numerator is “the number of selected parts” helps a great deal.

(b) Sharing ratios: Once the child learns the idea of ratios as illustrated above, the idea of sharing ratios becomes simpler. For instance, if $48 is divided into 2:3:7 between 3 people and you need to find how much money each person gets, use the following steps (and the terms, of course!)


  • Adding up all the ratios gives you the ratio sum(2+3+7=12).
  • Dividing the whole by the ratio sum(48/12) gives you the multiplier (4).
  • Multiplying this by each number gives you the respective shares,

($2 x 4 = $8, $3 x 4 = $12, $7 x 4 = $28)


As we progress to higher grades, the language of math becomes a little more complex, but the syntax remains the same.

Suppose a student is asked to find “ what percent of 144 is 36?”. Replacing the word “what” with w, “percent” with divided by 100, “of” with multiplication and “is” with equals gives us the new math phrase (w/100) x 144 = 36.

There are numerous such examples and learning the idea of math as a language is like having a personal math tutor freely available at any time!

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How to Make Online Math Classes More Interesting with Google Slides Fri, 27 Nov 2020 17:21:22 +0000 The post How to Make Online Math Classes More Interesting with Google Slides appeared first on eTutorWorld.


The Google Classroom app has made online learning easy for teachers and students during the pandemic. Teachers use this free app from Google to create virtual classrooms, organize lesson plans, and manage students’ class assignments. Google Slides is another free app that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store and accessed using your Google account. It is an ideal app to teach online math classes.

Math lessons require demonstration and accountability. Students must write down each step to show how they solved a math problem, and by going through the steps, teachers get an insight into each student’s mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills. Yes, one-to-one interaction in a traditional classroom is more convenient to teach mathematics. Unfortunately, a brick-and-mortar classroom is not an option during a global pandemic. This is where Google Slides comes in handy for online math classes.

Here are some tips on how to make online math classes more interesting with Google Slides:

1. Use Google Slides to present mathematical concepts and questions to your students

Create slides for math lessons using the many features provided in the app’s toolbar to insert texts, images, shapes, lines, links, animation, etc. in the slides to make the presentation interesting and inviting to your students.

For example, you can create a virtual classroom setting in the slides by inserting images of a whiteboard, desk, chair, books, and people. Feel free to explore the app and its features to design a virtual classroom to your liking.

Click on the ‘Text’ feature in the toolbar and type your instructions, mathematical concepts, and questions on the whiteboard. Add designated layouts in the slides for students to insert their responses. This gives your students the illusion of a traditional classroom and thus, makes the transition to online learning easier for them.

2. Share the saved Google Slides with your students via email

After creating the slides, save the presentation in your Google Drive. You can also download it to your desktop. Share the link to the file or upload the saved file to Google Classwork from your drive and email it to your students.

You can choose whether your students can only view the slides or view, edit, and comment on them. The latter option makes it an interactive and collaborative class for teachers and students.

Students can go through the math concept, view the questions, and use the ‘Edit’ feature in the toolbar to type their answers in the slides. They can also insert comments in the slides to clarify doubts or explain what strategies they used to solve the problems.

3. Insert links to videos and reference materials in the slides

You can record demonstration videos on how to solve a math problem and insert a link to the video in the slides using the ‘hyperlink’ feature in the toolbar. When students click on the link, they will be directed to the video. The same goes for reference materials.

Insert links to the learning materials that you want your students to refer to in the slides. You can add links to any type of reference material; doc, pdf, ppt, Google form, website article, etc. The hyperlink feature gives your students easy access to online learning materials.

4. Create math lessons for individual and group assignments using Google Slides

You can create math lessons using Google Slides and make a copy for each of your students. They can work on the lessons individually, save the slides, and share the files with you for assessment. You can share the same file with more than one student for partnered assignments.

For group assignments, you don’t have to make individual copies for each student. Instead, you can invite all students to use the ‘live-editing’ feature in the app to work on the slides at the same time.

5. View the changes made by your students in Google Slides using the revision history

Multiple users can work on the shared slides at the same time. Collaborative slides will have several edits made by your students but as the owner of the slides, you can control the accessibility of the slides and keep track of the edits.

The changes made to the slides are automatically saved. You can click on the ‘Revision History’ feature in Google Slides to view the older versions of the presentation. You can see who made what changes at what time, and thus, easily keep track of your students’ online math assignments.

A proper math lesson must have clear instructions, demonstrations of math concepts, a series of questions/tasks for students to solve, and in the end, a space to give and receive feedback on the class. With Google Slides and its myriad features, all of the above are possible.

If you are new to online learning, don’t worry, many online sites that provide free guides and samples on how to create Google Slides for online math classes to be taught in a virtual classroom.

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Simple and Effective Math Learning Tips For Kids At Home Thu, 30 Apr 2020 17:58:44 +0000 The post Simple and Effective Math Learning Tips For Kids At Home appeared first on eTutorWorld.


The entire world has been brought to a standstill by COVID-19. However, the mind doesn’t understand stagnation. The only constant with the brain is that it works constantly. Thanks to the creativity of this perpetually working brain, you can turn a grim situation into an opportunity.

Great minds like Isaac Newton and Shakespeare used self-isolation to create their monumental works during the years of the deadly Black Plague.

As everyone in the family enjoys the luxury of free time, it is the perfect occasion to help your child if he or she is troubled by the fear of math. If math is their strong suit, this article still equips you with interesting ways to study math and make learning a fun experience.

Most importantly, math, as we all know, demands regular practice. Unlike the school’s crowded classroom where your child gets very little to no individual attention, at home with our math study tips you can

  1. Train your child to visualize math anywhere in random objects.
  2. You get the opportunity to target your child’s weak learning spots
  3. Turn regular math practice into a delightful, bonding activity.

Here are Some Simple But Effective Tips to Improve Maths to explore with your Kids at Home:

1. Like there’s a song for every occasion, there’s a song for every basic math operations. You’ll be surprised to see how the power of music fuels your child’s learning engine.

2. Engage your child with captivating math games- numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, basically all the fundamental math operations you can think of, can be taught through games.

    • Dice can be used to practice multiplication, addition, subtraction.
    • Count the toys for practicing numbers, addition, or subtraction.
    • Playdough works excellent with the little ones and can be used in uncountable ways.

3. Make dull and boring numbers colorful; create math-related charts and posters for your kid’s room.

4. Visit websites like that have interesting songs and games for PreK-5 children.

5. Freshly baked cookies for fractions- eat while you play or play while you eat. This simple technique is a great visual tool for kids to learn fractions.

  • Cut a cookie into 4 parts, now use these to teach your kid
    1. ¼+ ¼ = ½ or 50% of the total.
    2. ¼+ ¼+¼ = ¾ or 75%
    3. ¼+ ¼+¼+¼= 1 or 100%

6. Everything becomes fun with flashcards. Be as creative as you possibly can as per your child’s learning needs. Here’s a simple game to practice math for kids.

    • Make two sets of flashcards; first with numbers for the kids and the second set with basic math symbols. They will pick 2 cards from the first set and perform the math operation based on the symbol card you will pick from the second set. Use a timer to make it challenging and fun.

7. Online tutoring is another option if you are seeking a more professional approach to your child’s learning needs. An expert teacher will not only help your child overcome the learning gaps (if any) but also boost her confidence.

Online Coaching at improves your child’s performance and builds a strong learning base, giving him an edge over other kids whether it is in a classroom or a competitive exam.

Check out our new topic-specific summer enrichment courses available at affordable prices. You can also design a course exclusively for yourself depending on your learning needs. Talk to our counselor today and book a free trial.

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Fear of Math: Online Tutoring to Conquer Math Fear Thu, 13 Feb 2020 08:37:36 +0000 The post Fear of Math: Online Tutoring to Conquer Math Fear appeared first on eTutorWorld.


“I hate math”,

“I can’t do math”,

“I am not good at math”,

You must have heard these phrases. These are all astonishingly common statements we hear from students nowadays.

Unfortunately, parents often fail to understand the simple fact that a child is not born with the fear of math; it is not an innate virus but actually, an inculcated behavior often learned from family members or peers.

According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress report in 2017, only 33% of eighth-graders qualify to be proficient in Math. These numbers dropped even further in 2019.

In Brief, your child fears Math when his basics are not clear, has less practice, doesn’t like the subject, or doesn’t have a good mentor. This blog will guide you through Fear of Math in detail and how you can conquer Math Anxiety.

Reasons Behind Fear of Math or Math Phobia

Here are some reasons why your child has a Fear of Math:

  • Sometimes child’s limited beliefs regarding his own capabilities act as a learner’s block.
  • The myth shared by a shockingly great number of students is that they do not have the so-called ‘math gene’.
  • Often underrated but a valid reason is lack of practice as students mistakenly believe that once they have understood the concept, their work is done. However, that is only a half battle won.
  • Nowadays, youngsters are conditioned to do smart work which more often than not results in finding shortcuts to everything.
  • Uninteresting ways of teaching maths in schools; students are not trained to connect different concepts.
  • A widespread misconception that math is all about learning procedures, limits students’ understanding of the subject.

This math anxiety, if left unaddressed, eventually turns into math avoidance and creates a lifelong vicious circle. A sad reality is that many students fail to make appropriate career choices due to math anxiety.

James Stigler, professor of developmental and cognitive psychology at UCLA and currently working on a project to improve math and science education across the US conducted a study based on placement tests, which reveals that 60% of community college students do not qualify to study math at the college level.


How to Conquer Math Fear?

The good news is that there are solutions to every problem and math is no exception:

  • Do not limit yourself to self-doubt. It is okay and also very common to not get a grasp of a concept in one single go. Be kind to yourself and do not indulge in negative self-talk.
  • While doing smart work is much appreciated, however, in this Google era, there are things that demand both times as well as practice. There are no shortcuts to Math and that’s how the cookie crumbles.
  • There is no such thing as a ‘math gene’. Solving math problems is a skill and it can be learned.
  • You can study math online. Use technology to your advantage and find an online math tutor as per your learning requirements.

In this enlightened age, it is easier than ever to overcome the challenges that once seemed unconquerable.

With technology at your disposal, you can learn math online and your math anxiety would soon be nothing more than a ghost of the past. By studying mathematics online, you do not have to rely on traditional classroom lessons anymore, to understand new mathematical concepts.

Most importantly, with online math classes, one automatically overcomes all sorts of distractions that hamper students’ performance in classic classroom sessions.

Many parents, as well as students, have recognized online math classes for a number of advantages like time-saving, economical, no holiday season interruptions, recorded sessions for future reference, and many more.

However, those who are new to online tutoring, scruple due to a lack of knowledge as to how it all works.

eTutorWorld has a Solution for your Math Anxiety

eTutorWorld can be the answer to your learning needs and help you overcome the fear of math. Study math online from an experienced online math tutor at eTutorWorld and you will notice the difference after just a few sessions. With elicit teaching approach followed by the tutors at eTutorWorld, students aren’t just given a set of rules to solve a specific problem, they are actually encouraged to understand concepts.

Unlike, crowded classrooms wherein students often do not receive enough individual attention, eTutorWorld teachers entertain doubts and help students overcome their math anxiety.

Taking math help online empowers you to select your ideal online math tutor from a range of merit and not scarcity-based teachers. Plus, the engaging online math lessons work beyond the psychological and behavioral barriers encountered in a school’s classic classroom setup. When the mind is not struggling with anxiety but is focused on a comfortable and safe environment of home, learning improves manifold.

Finally, it is paramount to never underestimate yourself; there isn’t anything that a human brain cannot learn and in this age of technology, you do not need to limit yourself to fear. With your online math tutor, you can move from a fixed mindset i.e. I can’t do math, to a growth mindset i.e. I don’t know this mathematical concept yet but I can learn it. The latter opens the door to innumerable opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to overcome the Fear of Math?

Overcoming the Fear of Math requires time, practice, and a proactive approach. First, you have to clear your basics in Math. Understand the formula instead of learning. Practice regularly with the problems and when you are done with the basics problems, go to advanced problems. Connect dots or visualize the problem instead of directly solving it. See in what ways the problem can be solved.

Why do children develop a fear of math?

Your child may develop a fear of math due to the following reasons: basics not clear, does not like the math subject, lack of confidence in abilities, not having enthusiasm or curiosity, or not having a good mentor. These are some reasons why your child has a math fear in his/her mind.

Is Math anxiety common?

Yes, it is true that Math Anxiety is common. Some children develop math anxiety in the lower grades when they don’t have sufficient math resources, or learning materials.

How does Math anxiety affect learning?

Yes, Math Anxiety affects the learning of your child. Math Anxiety can hinder your performance in the subject. It can lower your curiosity in Math or your participation in Math. Moreover, it can also affect your other subjects grades.

Are there any resources available to help with math anxiety?

Yes, there are many resources available to help you with Math Anxiety or Fear. Like, you can watch some helpful videos on youtube, math-specific websites for practice, or educational apps. Well, you can also take help from expert math mentors. A Special Math Mentor can easily understand your problems with Math Anxiety and provide helpful guidance. Even you can use eTutorWorld to get expert Math Tutors Help.

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Looking For Reliable And Effective 9th Grade Math Help? Mon, 28 Oct 2019 11:33:08 +0000 The post Looking For Reliable And Effective 9th Grade Math Help? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


The youth all over the world are rising up and making their voices for climate change heard. As a result, scientists, mathematicians, inventors, and environmentalists are working together to make this world a better place; a world that is more peaceful, more environmentally friendly and more comfortable.

High school students are well acquainted with the global news headlines and wish to make a significant change to carve a beautiful world for tomorrow.

To equip themselves with STEM skills, students are opting for Science, Maths and English and are striving for excellence in these courses by enrolling for online programs offering Grade 9 Math Help.

Math is an interesting subject which builds upon numerical ability, enhancing the skill with each grade. It requires a lot of practice, concentration and conceptual understanding.

Students  feel empowered as their grades improve. Educators and parents focus on children to enhance their abilities and confidence.

The journey is not an easy one as there can be a gap in the demands of curriculum, the time available with the educators and limitations of the parents. Can we let these show on students’ grade-sheets when they have the will to stay at top of the class?

It is here that organizations like eTutorWorld have stepped in to help students with personalized online home tutoring in Math, Science and English right through grade 3 to grade 12.  It offers comprehensive packages as well as small packages for specific topics like grade 9 Geometry Help and many more.

There are enough problems from Algebra and Geometry in SAT 8/9, SAT 10 and SAT. Students sometimes get stuck while going through complex algebraic equations and look for algebra help from subject experts. 

It is important to master the sequential problem solving techniques of algebraic equations as well as the two and three dimensional concepts of geometry. Geometry is best explained with a lot of drawing and demonstration to make clear the concepts of figures, lines and angles.

As students are mentored to master algebra and geometry, they are further introduced to application of concepts of Algebra to Geometry. This needs step by step introduction and progression of concepts and related problem solving techniques.

Therefore, students who look for geometry help also look for algebra help as both of them are important elements of grade 9 Math.  Some of these are available on free videos and tutorials. These are not comprehensive unlike personal online tutoring and mentoring sessions available for a fee.

Those Looking For Reliable And Effective 9th Grade Math Help often find Online searches to be bewildering as many advertisements pop up with little or nil proven track record.

It is advisable to thoroughly go through the websites, testimonials, download their free 9th grade math worksheets, schedule a free trial session and then commit your financial resources and time.

It is prudent to enroll your child with a trustworthy and professional organization even when it appears to be more expensive because such organizations have invested into Research and Development of their programs unlike a cut-copy-paste ready to sell strategy.

Why not log on to eTutorWorld to have a world class experience in home tutoring and much more. Schedule a free online session for Grade 9 Math Help and get started right away.

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7 Tips to Hack High School Math | Math Help Services Hack Wed, 18 Sep 2019 09:25:43 +0000 The post 7 Tips to Hack High School Math | Math Help Services Hack appeared first on eTutorWorld.

Schools re-opened after a summer break and it was a delight to see students back after vacations. Today, when I finished taking my first introductory Math class, I gave a few Math Problems for High School Students, and an anxious student asked me if I had ‘7 Tips to Hack High School Math’ ? 

I wondered, if there must be a magic potion to get it right the first time. I asked my students to do some research over the internet, and before I spell it out, let me put four of the hacks here that my inquisitive high-schoolers found using the search engines as these would come in handy to arrive at Answers for High School Math:

Here are 7 Tips to Hack High School Math

Here are some simple but effective tips to conquer High School Math. By implementing these tips, you will be able to tackle complex math concepts and have a better understanding of the math foundation. Let’s dive in details:

1. Multiply by 11:

Example: 43 X 11

  • Place 4 and 3 at the extremes: 4—3
  • Add 4 and 3: 4 + 3 = 7
  • Place it between 4 and 3: 473

2. Multiples of 9:

Tens Ones
9 x 1 = 0 9
9 x 2 = 1 8
9 x 3 = 2 7
9 x 4 = 3 6
9 x 5 = 4 5
9 x 6 = 5 4
9 x 7 = 6 3
9 x 8 = 7 2
9 x 9 = 8 1
9 x 10 = 9 0
The tens column has the digits in ascending order beginning from 0 till 9, while the ones column has the digits in descending order beginning from 9 till 0.

3. Finding squares of 2 digit numbers.

Find squares of the 1st digit and the 2nd digit individually and write them with a gap in between as shown below:

43 X 43

4²              3²

16               9

Then multiply the digits with each other and by 2 (here 4X3X2) and place the resulting product in between the squares

16       24          9

Now start placing the final answer, starting from the right, considering the digits in the ones place and adding the digit in the tens place to the subsequent number on the left.


16+2       4 9

1849 – Final Answer…check it with your calculator!!

4. Greater than, smaller than sign identification:

Remember 2 heaps of cookies, one will have lesser and the other greater. The hand will always open to the one that has more! 

9 cookies > 3 cookies, that means that 9 is ‘greater than’ 3.

3 cookies < 9 cookies, that means that 3 is ‘smaller than’ 9. 

These hacks were easy ones. There are many more such hacks that a good Online High School Math Tutor will reveal over a year as you encounter each problem with new concepts.

In addition to the hacks above, you can use some of the hacks below which are offered by organizations like eTutorWorld. These are generic and will help you build skill and accuracy with each session:

5. Create a cheat -sheet with all formulae written topic wise  

or use the one created during a personalized High School Math Tutoring Over the years, the organization has mentored and groomed students to ace Math problems by helping them by personalized tutoring.

6. Practice and Hard Work:

Online Integrated Math Help for High School kids are well designed course ware offered to students to give them adequate practice for mastering formulae and methodology for solving different problems. 


7. Be regular and consistent with Homework:

It is important for the development of the students to be regular and consistent with their homework. Some students often find it difficult to do it all by themselves and hence tutoring organizations provide good Online High School Math Home Work Help throughout the course. This builds the student’s confidence as the improvement of grades show up with each test.

Final Words

The importance of good rest, a good diet, and adequate sleep is a bonus hack that boosts concentration. These are rewards that come when the entire stress is absorbed by professional tutors that provide Online High School Math Assignment Help and much more! 

For more hacks and a free demo session of a personalized online tutoring session, log onto eTutorWorld and get started!

Book a Free Class with our Expert Math Tutors

No credit card required. No obligation to purchase

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Finding a Caring Math Teacher Tue, 05 Mar 2019 08:25:06 +0000 The post Finding a Caring Math Teacher appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Despite the progress civilization has made, there persists the difficulty of finding a caring math teacher. The misconception that math teachers tend to be cold is an age-old one. Maths is associated with rational thought process, hence is considered non-emotional. Although mathematical operations have no work for the emotions of a learner, it is wrong to think that a study of math entails emotional indifference. To a great extend, maths teachers too are to blame for this, as they stereotypically like to be associated with this fallacious linkage. The truth however remains that finding a math teacher who does an analysis of his/her learner’s requirements is hard to discover.

With advancement of technology and the intermingling of varied sensory media the notion of a strict and uncaring math teacher is slowly beginning to give way. You do not have to wait for the irrational notion to disappear completely now that you have the facility of online tutoring that allows you to learn at your pace. Traditional math teachers have been observed to have bizarre expectations that intelligent students grasp math concepts quickly and the syllogism that they conveniently complete is that those who not are not exceptionally intelligent can’t be good with math. This branding is a symptom of little or no audience analysis. Do not lose hope of finding a warm math teacher because a teacher can only teach successfully by relating to her students.

In a subject as abstract as mathematics, individual attention is absolutely necessary. A teacher cannot hope to get across the explanations of concepts by assuming that all students are expected to learn at the same pace and apply themselves immediately. If your tutor makes math absorbing to the extent that you look forward to his/her classes then the objective has been achieved. In simple words, you have found your caring math teacher. If this does not happen then you do not have to worry because online tutoring gives you the opportunity of finding a math tutor who can make math learning interesting and for life. This switch will be made professionally because learning is the priority.

Now that we have defined who the math teacher is, it is imperative that you do not miss the chance of discovering the beauty of math as an enticing system. Learning happens not merely from proficiency displayed by a tutor but the ability to bridge the gap between the known and the unknown, which in turn is the most important aspect of math tutoring. Other than this formative math assessments, review of math concepts learned and a conducive learning environment contribute greatly to building a child’s math skills.

Therefore, there is no more of ‘Where can I find the right math tutor?’ It’s right here!

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How can Games improve your Child’s Math Skills in 2024? Tue, 15 Jan 2019 04:25:32 +0000 The post How can Games improve your Child’s Math Skills in 2024? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Everyday Math is used by us in some manner; whether it is for paying the bill of grocery/household items bought or handling personal financial transactions.

Hence, developing certain math skills and understanding a few basic concepts is an essential component in a child’s life to prepare them for a career or just to carry out the activities of daily living.

Quite a few kids find math difficult to use in everyday life, frustrating to understand, or even boring to learn as a whole.

But with the help of educational games, students are given access to a window where they are able to practice important skills, stay engaged in the learning process, and enjoy themselves at the same time.

One of the most popular games know as ‘Monopoly’ deals with handling one’s own transactions and wealth, which gives children a chance to practice an important life skill in an imaginative world.

Since the game engages the player to use money management skills and understand the strategies of investment, children are able to pretend that they are property owners (of some sort) and make other players pay rent accordingly.

Another popular board game among children known as ‘Race Around the Clock’ helps children practice the necessary art of telling what time of the day it is and calculating the elapsed time, while trying to make their way around the clock.

Another favorite among all age groups is the card game ‘Uno’, which engages students to practice number-identification and counting, along with strategy planning.

Other games which help children sharpen their math skills include Qwirkle, Ticket to Ride, and Math Dash.

There are a multitude of online math games that can help students sharpen their math skills and acquire new ones.

The other beneficial qualities children acquire on playing such online games, include ‘Independence’, tracking their own progress, adaptability, better response time and improved cognitive abilities.

Such games can be found online on websites such as ‘Mathplayground’ which can help kids practice in the areas of number patterns, coding and graphing; students can also engage themselves in strategic games that peak their interests on this site.

Another such website known as ‘’ allows students to practice their counting skills by creating a virtual pizza or solving basic algebraic equations during a game of Basketball.

Prodigy’ is another innovative online math program that parents and teachers can use to help their children excel in certain math areas.

While students participate in games to improve their skills, tutors and parents can use this data extracted from a Child’s game to become aware of the strengths and weaknesses of an individual child. 

Accordingly they can depend upon online tutoring websites such as eTutorWorld to help a child clear his/her concepts and doubts in a particular area of math. Such online tutoring websites include facilities such as a free first lesson and free solvable worksheets.

When assessing a particular game (either online or manual), it is important to ensure that it entails the essential qualities of an educational game. It should target a specific skill such as addition, time, money, or graphing.

The game should also have a targeted goal and a few obstacles so that it is challenging enough for a student in order to keep them engaged without boredom and motivate them to reach the next level, in the game as well as in the walk of life.

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Why Math Learning helps your child perceive the world better? Fri, 02 Nov 2018 14:31:43 +0000 The post Why Math Learning helps your child perceive the world better? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


If there was one word that could literally evoke terror in many students’ hearts it would most definitely be “Math”. Some students are fortunate enough to go through their complete academic life with absolutely no fear of Math. However, the simple truth is that instead of running away from it we need to ensure that children enjoy learning Math in all its glory.

As a parent, it is important to understand that learning Math and also incorporating it in one’s life would benefit your child in an amazing number of ways. So, if your child is saying ‘oh! but math is boring’ or ‘it’s challenging’; you should be able to explain the various benefits that it offers; not only in the form of marks but also as a life skill.

1. Ensures methodical thinking – Math problems look for a definite result which in turn ensures that a child uses the right steps in a logical sequence to get to a solution. This ability can help them solve life problems in a similar logical way.

2. Promotes analytical thinking – Math problems never have a single path to get to a solution – there could be multiple ways to get to the right answer. To solve such questions a student would have to analyze and adopt the optimum path to arrive at the correct answer. This helps develop an analytical mind and help them build critical decision-making skills.

3. Help understand the world better – There is nothing in the world that does not involve Math – be it a recipe, music note, or even the number of lines in a sonnet. Practicing Math concepts help a child understand its applications in real life which could make the world around her a more familiar place.

4. Eases Coping with technological changes faster – Technology is changing and evolving by the second and needless to say, all these changes are heavily reliant on Math. A good grip on Math concepts will equip your child with the right tools in order to be tech-ready at all times.

5. Be career-ready – Many lucrative careers have STEM skills as a pre-requisite. In fact, even the ones perceived as artistic like culinary arts, photography, and fine arts also need certain levels of understanding in Math, Science, and technology to achieve excellence. A child who understands how Math works will always have a level playing field as far as choosing the right career goes.

6. Become Moneywise – Managing money is one of the most important life lessons that Math can teach us. By learning Math concepts at the right time students will be able to apply that knowledge to manage their finances wisely which in turn will help them live a comfortable and trouble-free life.

Hence it is imperative that students are taught math the right way so they can enjoy the learning process. There will undeniably be instances when there could be a topic or concept that they face difficulty in solving or understanding. It is then that parents should step in and arrange additional support in the form of a personal math tutor or appropriate math practice.

Online tutoring companies like eTutorWorld make sure to match you up with the right tutor based on your requirements and grade. Students prepping for standardized tests like the SCAT, SSAT, ACT and SAT are helped with an appropriate learning path which eventually helps students learn Math concepts and solve Math problems in creative and enjoyable ways. Seeking online help from eLearning sites such as is a great way to help students get over their fear of Math and in fact start enjoying the magical world of numbers called ‘Math’.

The post Why Math Learning helps your child perceive the world better? appeared first on eTutorWorld.

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Impress your Audience With Math Magic Tricks Mon, 08 May 2017 01:33:04 +0000 The post Impress your Audience With Math Magic Tricks appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Welcome to the world of math magic! Many people think of math as a boring subject, but it can be used to create some amazing magic tricks that will leave your audience stunned.

With just a few simple calculations and some clever tricks, you can use math to impress your friends and family and demonstrate the beauty and excitement of this fascinating subject. In this session, you will learn some math magic tricks that are easy to learn and fun to perform. So, get ready to amaze your audience with the power of math!

If an algebra teacher used the words ‘math’ and ‘magic’ in the same sentence, you could be forgiven for thinking the teacher had lost it! Probably intoxicated with an overdose of number mashing! Actually, you can conjure up some very cool math magic tricks pretty easily. Yep. No need to cut up people, make elephants disappear or pull animals out of hats to impress people. Here are a few ‘math magic’ tricks that you can actually count on.

  • The Number Nine: (Ages 7 – 12)

Here’s an easy one to start with. One that’ll impress your math teacher as well!

Ask your audience to do the following steps:

  • Pick a 2-digit number from 1 to 50… say 25
  • Add the two digits together.
  • Subtract that sum of digits from the original number.
  • If their answer is a 2-digit number, ask them to add the digits.

Reveal to them that you can read their mind. No matter what number they pick, the answer is always 9.


  • Grey Elephants in Denmark: (Ages 9 to Adult)

You announce to the audience that an entire crowd can be driven into thinking about the same thing!

Each person in the audience is asked to think of a small number(between 1 and 30 is usually preferred) and is then instructed to perform the following operations silently.

  • Double the number.
  • Add 8 to the result.
  • Divide the result by 2.
  • Subtract the original number…
  • Convert this into a letter of the alphabet. (1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, etc.)
  • Think of the name of a country that starts with this letter.
  • Think of an animal whose name starts with the country’s second
  • Think of the color of that animal…

You then ponder(whilst scratching your head) and state to the puzzled audience that their collective thinking must have gone wrong, since “there are no grey elephants in Denmark”…


  • Magic 27: (Ages 9 to Adult)

A classic trick from the 1950s, but still amazes most people. Needs a bit of practice, though.

Tell your audience or your classroom that you can read their minds. No sleight of hand. Just pure math magic.

  • Deal any odd number of cards up to 27 in three equal piles (this means you’re dealing 15, 21 or 27 cards, according to taste).
  • Ask what pile the chosen card belongs to and collate the cards so the chosen pile is in the middle.
  • Deal and collate again in the same way.
  • Deal one last time.

The chosen card will be in the middle of the selected row. Reveal it in whatever dramatic way you like…

For a very fast effect, use just 9 cards and deal only twice (although the underlying math for this 2-step trick becomes rather obvious).


  • 1089 (Ages 7 to Adult)

Try this with a math expert. Probably one that you go to for math homework help with your school’s math worksheets. Ask the tutor to pick a 3-digit number where the first and last digits differ by 2 or more…

  • Consider the “reverse” number, obtained by reading it backwards.
  • Subtract the smaller of these two numbers from the larger one.
  • Add the result to its own reverse.

Reveal to the math expert that the answer is 1089. Watch the reaction!

Most times, students, and even math tutors view math as a rather dull subject. These tricks will not only dispel that notion, but may elevate a lowly geek to star status at parties!

The post Impress your Audience With Math Magic Tricks appeared first on eTutorWorld.

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