Chaitra Saxena, Author at eTutorWorld K-12 Online Tutoring & Test Prep Thu, 21 Mar 2024 05:47:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chaitra Saxena, Author at eTutorWorld 32 32 Last Minute ACT Tips: 10 Proven Tips for ACT Exam Wed, 20 Jul 2022 15:54:10 +0000 The post Last Minute ACT Tips: 10 Proven Tips for ACT Exam appeared first on eTutorWorld.


The ACT test is the key to your favorite college in the US. This test is so crucial that you cannot put off its preparation till the last minute.

You must start the prep as soon as you register for the test and follow a hectic but well-designed timetable till the exam date. You cannot take the ACT Test with just last-minute tricks. But yes, there are some things that you can do to ensure you perform well on D-day.

This blog will guide how some Last Minute ACT Tips can help you in exams or will help you anxiety-free during exams. Let’s dive into details on ACT last-minute tips: 

Here are some of the top last-minute ACT Test Tips from our Experts

1. Find your Weak Points and Work on Them

With just a few days left to go, you must focus on your weak points. You must have already found them in all your prep, but if you missed them somehow, now is the time to put the spotlight on the topics that you are not good at. You won’t be able to cover and learn much but you can surely pick up important tricks related to your weak topics. Visit them one by one, list down the tricks, and practice them.

2. Practice the Strengths

Your strengths are what will put you at the top. So, when you sit down to work on your weaknesses, make time for your strengths also. Do not ignore this last-minute ACT prep tip so that you do not forget your strengths and are able to use them to the best of your abilities on the ACT test day.

3. Focus on Improving Your Speed

Competitive exams test your skills along with your speed. It is not enough to know everything if you cannot solve all the questions in time. Speed is crucial for top ACT scores and ironically it comes only with practice. So, we are back to square one, meaning points 1 and 2, and practice both your strengths and weaknesses.

4. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is as important as revision. Your mind needs that break to process all the information and store them in the right places so that you can retrieve all of it efficiently during the ACT test. Last-minute studying for the ACT or in fact any competitive test is stressful and a good night’s sleep is a must. Get into bed early after a hearty meal and simply snooze. Set an early morning alarm to revisit important ACT hints and tricks.

5. Keep Extra Time for Everything

On the exam day, keep extra time for everything, right from, getting out of bed in the morning to checking your answers to the test. Plan your time with the help of alarms and reminders to be more efficient. Every time you hear your alarm, move out of bed or to the next section (whatever is up next).

6. Sort Questions According to Difficulty

One of the very productive ACT cheats is to sort questions according to difficulty, right at the beginning of the test. This one step helps you tackle the easy, sure-shot ones before the tricky ones that may confuse you and eat up a huge chunk of your time. Remember to start with the easy ones and move towards the most difficult ones.

7. Check your Answers

This last-minute ACT test prep tip is a no-brainer. You must check your answers before your finish the test. Revisit all the sections and check your answers. This step is important to avoid silly mistakes.

8. Write Precise Answers

For the writing section, the best ACT test prep tip is to write precise answers. Avoid fillers in your essays and give to-the-point answers. Stick to the word limit while using simple, easy-to-understand words and phrases. Fancy is not the keyword for acing ACT.

9. Cancel your Scores if you are not Happy

You can cancel your ACT scores if you believe there is some issue. It might be a tough decision for you, therefore, take advice from your ACT tutor and your parents before you make a decision. Please remember that you can re-take the ACT test, so, do not have to compromise your scores. You can better them and aim for the best colleges in the country.

10. Retake the Test if Needed

You can take the ACT a total of 12 times. And the results are valid for 5 years from the test date. So, do you want to sit with a bad score? That won’t be a good idea. As already mentioned in the previous point, if you don’t like what you see, you can cancel your scores and retake the test on the next convenient test date. ACT is about college and your future, so the better the score better will be your future prospects.  

Last-Minute ACT Tips are Hectic but Crucial

Last-minute tips for ACT are crucial to finish off the prep. While they may not be enough to get top scores, they can definitely boost the scores because, with them, you will have smart tricks up your sleeves.

Register today for ACT Test Prep at eTutorWorld, to prepare for the test with expert tutors and learn all the tips and tricks needed to get into your favorite college.

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5 Reasons to Take a Math Summer Course Thu, 30 Jun 2022 09:30:17 +0000 The post 5 Reasons to Take a Math Summer Course appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Summer break has started. What are you planning to do with all your free time? Consider taking an online math summer course. Since it’s online, it can be taken from anywhere and you can hit a perfect balance of fun and learning this year. Want more reasons to register for an online math summer camp? Here, we have listed 6 more.

  1. Avoid Summer Slide

Summer break means no school and that means no learning. And this is where all the academic losses happen. Math is a crucial subject that needs continuity. When students don’t revisit their math lessons for a few weeks, they forget important lessons and that reflects on their confidence and scores in the fall session.

Math summer courses can help students avoid learning losses or summer slides and stay in touch with their lessons. They can learn from expert math tutors online and improve their grades while enjoying their summer break.

  1. Time Utilization

Summer breaks can get boring for a lot of reasons. And nowadays, the only entertainment is staring at a device. A good way to utilize the summertime productively is to start a math summer course. Math often comes across as a difficult subject and a little help in it can always turn around the scores.

An online math summer camp will have a proper schedule, say one hour every day. And this will indirectly provide a schedule for an otherwise boring and messed up routine.

  1. Fill Learning Gaps

Learning gaps occur for several reasons. Sometimes it is caused by a missed lecture and then there are times when a student finds a topic difficult to understand and fails to keep up the pace. Filling learning gaps with school is not always possible because the school schedule hardly allows any time for revisiting topics.

Summer break is the best time to find the learning gaps and fix them, once and for all. A math summer course is a perfect tool to tackle learning gaps and ensure academic continuity. eTutorWorld offers fun and interactive math summer courses that are taught by expert math tutors. Register today to learn math this summer.

  1. Meet Likeminded Peers

A math summer camp is always full of like-minded people; students keen on learning math. So, when students join a math summer course, they will meet same-aged students who at are the same learning level. They will find companionship and also help with the subject from like-minded peers. Sometimes, it’s easy to understand a theorem from a friend, right?

  1. Overcome the Fear of the Subject

Math becomes scary after a few failed attempts. And that is exactly when the grades start going downhill. A math summer course can help students overcome the fear and anxiety attached to the subject. It can arm students with confidence that comes from understanding even the most difficult of topics and set the pace for learning with personalized lesson plans. It’s cliched but convenient, flexible learning can take the pressure off the students and make the whole process fun.

  1. Go Beyond the Grade

Some students can learn beyond their grades and a math summer course is a perfect setup to achieve that. It provides the extra time and effort needed to learn beyond the current level.

An expert math tutor can help in finishing the current curriculum and moving to the next grade’s curriculum and can fill in the student according to learning requirements. All of this is not possible at a school where one teacher has to cater to several students simultaneously.

Summer slide is real and a math summer course can improve grades. Both are proven facts. This year, choose to learn over learning loss. And head to the fall session with 0 learning gaps and full confidence.

eTutorWorld offers math summer courses for all grades. Register today to grab the front seat for an interactive math course. On a lighter note, there are no front and back seats because we are talking about one-to-one learning here. Enroll today to get your hands on personalized lessons with an expert math tutor. Do not miss this learning window.


eTutorWorld offers Online Math Summer Courses around the year. You can easily go through the following course:

The post 5 Reasons to Take a Math Summer Course appeared first on eTutorWorld.

What is a Good PSAT Score? Guide on Good PSAT Score Thu, 16 Jun 2022 11:26:26 +0000 The post What is a Good PSAT Score? Guide on Good PSAT Score appeared first on eTutorWorld.


The PSAT Test is used to determine eligibility for the National Merit Scholarship Program, which awards scholarships to high-achieving students. One of the most common questions that students have about the PSAT is, “What is a Good PSAT score?” Generally, a PSAT Score of above 1070 is considered to be a Good Score as it places you in the top 75th percentile. Other factors also matter while mapping the Good PSAT Score such as cutoff score, grade level, etc.

PSAT or Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test is the test you take before the SAT. In a lot of ways, this test can help you prepare for your college admissions. It is administered by College Board and is also commonly known as the Preliminary SAT. Other than preparing the students for SAT, this test also paves the way for scholarships through National Merit Scholarship Program (NMSC).

What is PSAT Test?

PSAT is a multiple-choice test for students in grades 8-10. This test has 4 sections modeled on SAT but it does not have the optional essay section. If you are thinking SAT has 3 sections, not 4, you are right. The PSAT also has 3 main sections but its math section is divided into two parts, so officially it has four sections but if you count the subjects, they are only 3. The sections are:

  • Reading
  • Writing and Languages
  • Math – with calculator
  • Math – without a calculator

PSAT Levels

The PSAT has 3 levels according to grades. Let’s find out more about them.

1. PSAT 8/9

This level is for students in grades 8 and 9. The curriculum is set according to their level of learning and with the aim to prepare them for upcoming standardized tests. PSAT 8/9 has 3 sections Reading, Writing and Language, and Math. Test duration for this level is 2 hours 25 minutes. It is conducted all through the autumn and spring sessions.

2. PSAT 10

As the name suggests, PSAT 10 is for students in grade 10. It is given to students in the spring of their sophomore year. This level covers Reading, Writing, Language, and Math and is quite similar to the third level, NMSQT/PSAT. However, this level does not qualify students for the National Merit Scholarship.


This is the topmost level that is taken before taking the SAT. It has the same format as the PSAT10 but this test’s scores are considered for the National Merit Scholarship and help students in their college admissions. Also, the number of questions in each section of NMSQT/PSAT is more as compared to the PSAT10. Therefore, the evaluation scores are also higher.

Ground Rules for PSAT Scoring

  1. Every section is scored between 8-38 marks.
  2. Evidence-based reading and writing section and math section are scored between 160-760.
  3. The overall PSAT score ranges between 320-1520.
  4. The final score is calculated by adding two area scores together.

Sub-Scores and Cross-Tests

The PSAT test scores include the sub-scores and the scores for cross-tests. The sub-scores are obtained by dividing the main sections into sub-sections. For example, the Math section is divided into sub-topics like Heart of Algebra and Problem Solving and Data Analysis.

Similarly, the Reading and Writing sections are divided into sub-topics like Words in Context and Expression of Ideas. All these sub-topics are scored between 1-15.

Cross-test scores come from the tests in subjects like social studies and science. Cross-test scores go from 8 to 38 and they also have sub-scores. All of these are vital for a good PSAT score.

What Constitutes the PSAT Good Score?

Score Type  Math Reading and Writing Overall
Best Scores 620+ 620+ 1210-1520
Competitive Scores 560-610 560-610 1070-1200
Good Scores 500-550 500-550 950-1060
Below Average Scores Below 500 Below 500 950 or below


So, to answer the question in the title, a good PSAT score is anywhere between 500-550 in the subjects and a total between 950-1000. This score puts you ahead of the 50% of students taking PSAT. But 50th percentile may not be the best number for scholarships and associated competitive programs. To stay way ahead of others and to realistically benefit from the PSAT test, you must get scores that fall in the category of Best and Competitive Scores.

PSAT Tutoring can help. Have you considered it already? Head to eTutorWorld’s PSAT page to find expert help on the subject. eTutorWorld offers excellent one-on-one tutoring and curated worksheets for the test. Register today to get the top scores in PSAT and to gear up for SAT.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is considered a good PSAT score?

A good PSAT score can vary depending on individual goals and aspirations. Generally, a good score is one that places you in the top percentile of test-takers, indicating strong performance compared to your peers.

Can PSAT scores qualify for the National Merit Scholarship?

Yes, the PSAT/NMSQT serves as the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program. Each year, the National Merit Scholarship Corporation establishes cutoff scores by state to determine semifinalists and finalists. Students who score in the top 1% to 3% of test-takers in their state have a chance of becoming National Merit Semifinalists.

How are PSAT scores reported?

PSAT scores are reported on a scale ranging from 320 to 1520, with subsection scores ranging from 160 to 760. Additionally, percentile ranks are provided to indicate how your score compares to other test-takers.

How can I improve my PSAT score?

Improving your PSAT score involves a combination of preparation and practice. Familiarize yourself with the test format, content, and timing. Use official practice materials, such as the PSAT/NMSQT Student Guide, and consider utilizing online resources and study guides. Practice answering different question types and review your mistakes to identify areas for improvement.

How can I interpret my PSAT percentile rank?

Percentile ranks indicate the percentage of test-takers who scored lower than you. For example, if your percentile rank is 85%, it means you scored higher than 85% of test-takers. Higher percentile ranks generally indicate stronger performance.

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What is the ISEE Test? Complete Guide on ISEE Test 2024 Wed, 18 May 2022 18:47:02 +0000 The post What is the ISEE Test? Complete Guide on ISEE Test 2024 appeared first on eTutorWorld.


ISEE Test is an admission test for private schools in the US. It is taken along with SSAT or even independently by students in grades 2-12, for admission purposes. In this blog, we will discuss the exam in detail and learn everything about the ISEE Test – What is the ISEE Test, ISEE Test Dates, Registration Details, Levels, Sections and How is the ISEE Test Scored?

What is the ISEE Test?

ISEE stands for Independent School Entrance Exam and is commonly taken for admission in private middle and high schools in the US. The test has a standard format and 4 different levels, divided according to grades.

You can register for ISEE after enquiring with your preferred schools. Most private schools accept both ISEE and SSAT scores for admissions and you are free to take any one of them. Admissions experts believe that students must take both to increase their options and also to improve their portfolios.

ISEE Dates

ISEE can be taken only once per testing season and the whole academic year is divided into 3 seasons. This means a student can take ISEE, three times in an academic year.

Season Months
Fall August, September, October and November
Winter December, January, February and March
Spring/Summer April, May, June and July


ISEE Registration Details

To register for the test, you need to choose a test date, and a center and pay an exam fee. You also need to ensure that they choose the right exam level according to their current grades.

ISEE Levels

ISEE has 4 levels: two for elementary school and one each for middle and high school. Each level has its own set of questions and tests different skills. Knowing more about the ISEE Levels can help you decide which one is best suited for your child’s academic needs.

Level Grades
Primary Level 2-4
Lower Level 5-6
Middle Level 7-8
Upper Level 9-12

It is crucial for you to choose the right level for the test and that is why it is advised that the registration process is done by an adult.

1. ISEE Primary Level

The ISEE Primary Level exam is for students in grades 2-4. The details for this level are as follows:

  • 53-minute Primary 2 Exam for students going into 2nd grade
  • 54-minute Primary 3 Exam for students going into 3rd grade
  • 60-minute Primary 4 Exam for students going into 4th grade

All of these exams include a writing section that is untimed. It serves as an important assessment for admission to prestigious independent schools. The exam evaluates students’ verbal and quantitative reasoning, reading comprehension, and math skills.

2. ISEE Lower Level

The ISEE Lower Level exam is for students going into grades 5 and 6. This test is 2 hours and 20 minutes long and consists of 128 questions. The test offers insights into important skills including verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, reading comprehension, mathematics achievement, and essay.

3. ISEE Middle Level

The ISEE Middle Level exam is for students going into grades 7 and 8. The test is 2 hours and 40 minutes long and consists of 161 questions. The sections of the test include verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, reading comprehension, mathematics achievement, and essay. 

4. ISEE Upper Level

The ISEE Upper Level exam is for students going into grades 9 to 12. The duration, the number of questions, and the sections are the same as ISEE upper level.

5 Sections of the ISEE Test

ISEE test has 5 sections that provide a clear picture of a child’s abilities to the admission panels at private schools. The five sections are:

1. Verbal Reasoning

This section tests students’ language skills. It has questions related to synonyms, sentence completion, and more. All the questions are multiple-choice questions (MCQs).

2. Quantitative Reasoning

ISEE has two math sections. The first is the quantitative section which covers various topics in the MCQ format. And the second is the Math Achievement section which involves in-depth calculations. This section has questions from Geometry, Problem Solving, Number and Operations, Data Analysis, and Probability. The topics in the test vary according to the level of the test.

3. Math Achievement

This section does not have MCQs and students are required to perform and show calculations. Some of the topics under Math Achievement are Measurement, Fractions, Decimals, and more.

4. Reading Comprehension

The reading section involves answering questions based on paragraphs on various topics. It tests students’ ability to comprehend given information. The lower level of the test has 5 passages and the middle and upper levels have 6 passages.

5. Essay

Primary level students do not have to write an essay. They have an optional writing test that is based on a visual prompt. But rest all the students are expected to write neat, well-planned essays on a given topic. These essays are then sent to the chosen private schools for assessment.

All the sections are compulsory for all levels except the primary level which has only Verbal, Math, and an optional writing section.

How is the ISEE Administered?

The ISEE is administered in 4 different ways. You can choose any one of them based on your preference and convenience.

  • Individual Testing at Home
  • Individual or Group Testing at an ISEE Testing Office
  • Small-Group Testing at a Prometric Testing Center
  • Group testing at a School

Each location has a different testing date, so, you will have to decide according to the location plus the convenient date.

How is the ISEE Test Scored?

ISEE test score is presented in the form of Scaled Score, Stanine Score, and Percentile. The report card also provides a Stanine Score analysis for better understanding. The scaled score range is 760-940 for every section and the stanine score range is 1-9.

Understanding how the ISEE is scored can help you prepare for the exam and maximize your chances of success. All the questions in the ISEE carry equal scores and a raw score is calculated based on the number of questions answered correctly. There is no penalty for wrong answers.

1. Scaled Score

The raw score is converted into a scaled score between 760 and 940. This is the same for Primary Level, Middle Level, and Upper Level.

2. Percentile Score

In addition to individual scaled scores, schools also receive percentile scores as part of the ISEE results. These percentile scores are derived from a 3-year rolling norm pool of applicants in the same grade, regardless of gender. They provide schools with a means to evaluate your performance in comparison to other students.

3. Stanine

The Stanine Score provides information about the relative position of your results on a normal bell curve. The results of the entire norm group are graphed on a bell curve. These results are then divided into nine intervals, each representing 0.5 standard deviations (except for the first and last intervals, which encompass the remaining values).

4. Stanine Analysis

The stanine analysis represents the percentiles achieved. This comprehensive information helps schools assess your standing relative to other applicants.

What is a Good ISEE Test Score?

Here’s a Stanine score table that explains the good, average, and low ISEE test scores.

Stanine Score Rating
7-9 Good
4-6 Average
1-3 Below Average


eTutorWorld Solution for ISEE Test Prep

eTutorWorld offers ISEE tutoring for all levels and all subjects. Our team of tutors is made up of experts who have several years of experience in ISEE test prep. Register with eTutorWorld today, to learn through personalized lesson plans and worksheets, one-to-one sessions, and the Learning by Design teaching approach. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is ISEE Test?

ISEE Test is a standardized test used for admissions into private schools in the USA for 2-12 Grades students. More than 1,200 independent schools all over the world accept the ISEE Test scores. ISEE Test is 4 levels – Primary, Lower, Middle, and Upper Levels. It assesses the student’s skills in Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Math, Reading Comprehension, and Essay.

How long is the ISEE Test?

ISEE Test is 2 hours and 30 minutes for Lower Levels and 2 hours and 50 minutes for Upper and Middle Levels. These durations include the break time.

Can you use a calculator on the ISEE Test?

No, ISEE does not allow students to use a calculator in any section of the exam.

How often is the ISEE test offered?

The ISEE test is offered multiple times throughout the year.

Can I retake the ISEE test?

Yes, you can retake the ISEE Test if you are not satisfied with your initial score.

The post What is the ISEE Test? Complete Guide on ISEE Test 2024 appeared first on eTutorWorld.

Transform your Child’s Success with Online Tutoring Wed, 04 May 2022 09:38:52 +0000 The post Transform your Child’s Success with Online Tutoring appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Online tutoring can boost a child’s performance. This sentence sounds cliched and repeated but it is also very true. Online tutoring provides the children with the second chance that they often need with a difficult topic. It also gives them a platform where they can ask questions without hesitation and learn better through self-paced learning.

If you have been looking for reasons to choose online tutor services for your child, here are the top ones for you. These reasons will tell you how you can transform your child’s success with online tutoring.

Online Tutoring – How it Can Boost Scores and Transform Academic Success

  1. Self-Paced Learning

Let’s start with the word that makes all the difference in learning. Self-paced learning means a teaching module that respects and accommodates differences in abilities. Every child learns differently, now that is a universal fact but there are hardly any teaching modules that take care of individual learning requirements.

Virtual tutoring services offer self-paced learning through personalized lesson plans, frequent revisions, and open discussions with the tutors. It ensures that your child does not have to rush through a lesson and also gets an ample amount of practice through personalized worksheets.

  1. One-to-one Sessions

Online tutoring is one-to-one, which means in every session, there is one tutor and one student. So, the tutor is completely focused on the student’s learning requirements and the students can ask questions without any hesitation. Online learning is a great option for children who are shy and hesitate to ask questions in class.

  1. Personalized Lessons

Every course has a fixed lesson plan. In the case of online tutoring, tutors can tweak this plan according to the student’s pace and requirements. If a lesson needs more time, the lesson plan can be modified to repeat the lesson without having to worry about the pace of other students.

The same applies to the practice worksheets. If a student needs more practice the virtual tutor online  can easily increase the number of practice sheets for the topic. The type of questions on the practice sheets can also be tweaked to make them efficient.  

  1. Extra Help

Online tutoring provides the extra academic help that students may need with certain subjects/topics. Schools offer structured learning where there isn’t time for individual learning requirements. A teacher cannot revisit a topic for one student because of time and other constraints.

With online tutoring, a student can stay on a topic as long as it is not clear. Furthermore, the online tutor also offers a different perspective on the same topic. So, a topic that sounded confusing and difficult at school may get easy with the virtual tutor online.

  1. Confidence Boost

All of the points mentioned above gradually improve grades and performance. And with that comes the benefit of self-confidence. So, it’s safe to say that online tutoring services can transform your child’s performance while positively impacting their personality and outlook.

Online tutoring can do wonders for your child’s academic performance. Register today to put your child on the path to success. eTutorWorld offers all the benefits listed above and many more with its subject tutoring, grade tutoring, test prep, and personalized summer courses.

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Tips for Doing Well on the SAT Exam! Wed, 06 Apr 2022 16:19:50 +0000 The post Tips for Doing Well on the SAT Exam! appeared first on eTutorWorld.


SAT is a crucial test that needs thorough preparation. You cannot just decide to take it one day and line up at the test center. SAT has three sections and each one of them requires one or more test strategies for good scores. 

Here are some section-wise tips that will help you when you decide to take the SAT.

Reading Section

  1. Read the Passage Descriptions

Every question in the reading section has a description or an introduction. Do not skip it. Read it with a pencil in your hand and underline everything you deem important. It will give you the context and sometimes, you may even find answers in it.

  1. Underline Sentences

When you are reading, always underline bits and pieces that appear important. This strategy will save you a lot of time when you start answering the questions. More often than not, one thorough read of the paragraph will be enough if you take the time to highlight and underline it. Join SAT tutoring online to learn more about such strategies.

  1. Find a Strategy

The reading section is tricky since it covers a huge number of topics. So, it won’t be wrong to say that you can never be prepared for what may come your way. To handle this section efficiently, you must develop multiple attacking strategies because one thing is for sure, one method won’t work on all passages. Ask an expert (online SAT tutors) to help you find and develop multiple strategies. You will also need to learn to pick the right strategy or you won’t succeed no matter how many methods you know.

Writing Section

  1. Learn the Basics

The writing sections require you to have strong language skills. Your grammar has to be perfect and the vocabulary must be extraordinary. So, learn the basics and be thorough with them. A half-hearted attempt won’t work in your favor.

  1. Read a Lot

The best trick to writing well is to read a lot. Read everything that you can get your hands on, right from the newspapers to the sales brochures. Try to cover as many genres as possible because SAT picks up topics from everywhere and anywhere. SAT tutoring online can help you with proper and plenty of resources for practice.

  1. Write Short Answers

Your answers have to be precise. So, short does not mean you should skip details rather, you should focus on including only the important points. Avoid fluff and do not repeat yourself. Do not forget to format your content and use bullet or numbered points as much as you can.

Math Section

  1. Mark questions

Before you start solving the questions, mark the questions based on how sure you are about them. Start with the questions you the answers to, then move towards the questions that may need thinking or guessing.

  1. Underline Word Problems

Underline the word problems. Highlight the numbers and make stars where you think you need to focus. Find a strategy to mark up the question so that you do not have to read the question again and again.

  1. Learn Formulas and Shortcuts

You cannot ace the math section without learning formulas. With math, the thing is, you don’t have to sit down and mug up the lessons. you just have to practice more and everything will automatically stay with you. So, to learn formulas, practice as much as you can. Coming to shortcuts, you have to know them all because SAT is a timed test and a major part of your ability to score well depends on how quickly you can find the answers.

  1. Plug and Find

One smart way of finding the answer is plug and find. This one comes in handy when you don’t know how to solve an equation. All you have to do is put the options in the equation (one by one) and see which one fits. This method is time-consuming and should be used only when you are done with all the other questions. Plug and find can definitely help you score higher.

These were just a few strategies that can help you ace the SAT. There are many more such strategies and only an online SAT tutor can teach them to you. Find an experienced tutor once you decide to take the SAT and prepare only with top-class resources. All the best for your preparation. We hope this blog was useful to you.

The post Tips for Doing Well on the SAT Exam! appeared first on eTutorWorld.

What Do Women Bring to the Table at a Workplace? Tue, 08 Mar 2022 09:11:59 +0000 The post What Do Women Bring to the Table at a Workplace? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Throughout history, women have faced numerous challenges and barriers to equality and recognition. From limited access to education and employment opportunities to societal expectations and gender bias, women have had to overcome significant hurdles to assert their capabilities and worth. 

The question itself ‘What do Women bring to the Table at the Workplace?” is redundant. Two people qualified at the same level for a job will bring the same skills. Any differences may be based on the character of a person, which again has nothing to do with gender.

To attribute certain characteristics of nature based on gender is a flawed idea and to think that a person may bring something unique to the workplace just because they belong to a certain gender is the change of mindset that the world needs.

Through the relentless efforts of women’s rights activists and advocates, progress has been made in dismantling discriminatory practices and laws, leading to increased opportunities and empowerment for women globally. The following is what employers can expect when they make the workplace more exclusive:

Achievements in Women’s rights and Empowerment

The fight for women’s rights has yielded remarkable achievements. Women have secured the right to vote, gained access to education and professional fields, and broken barriers in traditionally male-dominated industries.

Legislative reforms and policies promoting gender equality have been enacted in many countries. Organizations and movements advocating women’s empowerment have emerged, fostering a supportive environment for women to thrive and succeed.

Benefits of Gender Diversity in Decision-making

Research consistently demonstrates the benefits of gender diversity in leadership positions. Studies have shown that diverse teams, comprising both men and women, make better decisions and exhibit higher levels of creativity and innovation.

Gender-diverse leadership brings a range of viewpoints, problem-solving strategies, and approaches to the table, leading to improved outcomes and organizational performance.

Trailblazers and Impactful Leaders

Numerous inspiring women have shattered glass ceilings and left a lasting impact in their respective fields. From political leaders like Angela Merkel and Jacinda Ardern to business executives like Mary Barra and Indra Nooyi, these women have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, determination, and resilience. Their achievements serve as role models for aspiring women leaders, showcasing the possibilities and opportunities for women in leadership positions.

Diverse teams, comprising individuals from different genders, backgrounds, and perspectives, have proven vital in achieving success in today’s complex and interconnected world. When diverse individuals come together, they bring a wide range of experiences, ideas, and insights.

This diversity of thought fosters innovation, critical thinking, and well-rounded decision-making. By embracing diversity and fostering an inclusive environment, teams benefit from a rich exchange of ideas, increased creativity, and enhanced problem-solving abilities. 

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What are the Benefits of Tutoring Services for Parents and Children? Mon, 28 Feb 2022 12:00:49 +0000 The post What are the Benefits of Tutoring Services for Parents and Children? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Tutoring services offer academic help to students. They can be used to boost grades, prepare for a standardized test, or to study ahead for the upcoming academic year. Are online tutoring services good? Do virtual tutoring services do as they say?

Yes, tutoring services are good and deliver excellent results, given that you do your homework and choose the right platform. Tutoring services offered by eTutorWorld are one of the best online tutoring services.

eTutorWorld provides tutoring for subject tutoring, grade tutoring, test prep, and more only through experienced, expert tutors and best, curated resources.

Other than good grades, there are some more benefits attached to tutoring. All of these make finding a virtual tutor online, a better option than an in-person tutoring service. Online tutor services not just benefit the students but are also good for parents. Read on to learn how.

Benefits of Tutoring Services

  1. Academic Help

Children often miss lessons at school or fail to understand a lesson because of several reasons. Virtual tutoring services offer a second chance to the students to revisit the topic and fill in the learning gaps. It provides them with a different and easy-to-understand perspective that might also change the students’ outlook of a subject and transform their grades.

  1. Self Confidence

Most students do not hate academics and behave badly at school because they are inherently like that. It’s the fact that they do not understand a subject or are failing in a class that pushes them to act out socially and showcase a lack of confidence. Good performance automatically boosts the morale of a student. Online tutoring can do that for a student by bringing them up to their grade level in academics.

  1. Improved Chances

Good grades and performance improve a child’s chances of academic success by opening various doors. A student with top grades can find a place in the gifted programs at school and outside. Good grades are also a boon for college-bound students who have to impress the admission officers with a good track record. Online tutoring helps students cover learning gaps and improve scores with practice. It can turn around grades with time and consistency and help children find better chances at school and beyond.

  1. Convenience

Online tutor services are online so there is no commutation involved in the process. Once students are back from school, they do not have to depend on their parents or other caregivers to drop them at the tutor’s place. Similarly, online tutoring is convenient for parents because it takes away the responsibility of dropping and picking up children at random times in a day.

  1. Time Efficient

Online tutor services are time efficient for both students and their parents. For the students, they save time in commutation. Children do not have to go from one place to another, rather they have to simply boot their device and their class can begin. Similarly, the parents save a lot of time when they do not have to drive around the kids from the tutor’s home or office.

There is one more thing. A virtual tutor online helps parents save time they would need to spend on teaching. With tutoring on their side, they do not have to sit down for homework or revision sessions. This is true, especially for parents of younger kids.

  1. Affordable and Money Saving

Online tutoring services are affordable and save a lot of money for the parents. They also save money in terms of gas money and bus tickets. They also save money by helping parents save time which can be invested in work for income.

Online tutoring services have a number of benefits for students and parents. If you have been looking for reasons to register your child, we hope you have found yours in the list above. Enroll your child today to experience a change in grades and attitude towards academics.

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Guidance and Tips to Prep SAT/ACT Test Mon, 17 Jan 2022 16:41:41 +0000 The post Guidance and Tips to Prep SAT/ACT Test appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Approaching the end of high school? That means you are ready for a standardized test to prep for college. Your choices? You can prepare for SAT or ACT or both. SAT stands for Scholastic Assessment Test and is one of the most popular standardized tests taken by college-bound students across the globe.

Then there is ACT which stands for American College Testing. It is another popular standardized test that can get you a seat in your preferred American college.


ACT and SAT are both important tests in their leagues. There is nothing like one being better than another. You can go for one of them or both based on your chosen college’s admission requirements. Taking both will only increase your options, as you will be able to apply to a greater number of colleges (that accept only one of the scores). So, you can take both sat tutoring online and act online tutoring simultaneously and get ready for college.

Tips to Prepare for SAT and ACT

Prepare your Mind

Any competitive test requires a competitive mindset. You need to put in extra hours, efforts, and unwavering commitment to the cause. So, right when you register for the test/s, commit all your time and energy to them.

Start by preparing a calendar that divides your time into schoolwork and standardized test prep slots. Stick where you can see at all times. This timetable will set your mood and pace for the coming days.

Align your Resources

You might already have some resources on SAT and ACT. Dig for them. The next step is to ask the seniors for resources. They may not hand over their books and other study materials to you but will be happy to direct you in the right direction.

You can also talk to your teachers or online ACT tutors to help you with the study material and worksheets. They can provide you with the latest and most accurate study materials.

Practice Till the End

There is no magic wand that can get you top scores in SAT and ACT. You have to put in the hard and practice till the very last minute. Both SAT and ACT are timed exams, so when you sit down to practice, you have to prep for accuracy and timing. You cannot afford to give only the right answers. The SAT and ACT practice will also familiarize you with the format of the test.

Invest in Section-wise Strategies

Every section in these tests requires a different strategy. While the English section calls for all your focus in reading the passages, the math section will require you to write down the numbers precisely and calculate quickly. From Day 1,  work on individual strategies and improve and optimize as you go.

SAT Tutoring Online

Enroll in an SAT Tutoring Online program. Why? Because you need professional guidance to ace this highly competitive test. Every year, thousands of students prep and take SAT. To beat them, you definitely need skills but you also need to learn vital tricks that can substantially boost your scores. Your SAT tutor online will let you in on some amazing secrets to score well in all the sections.

ACT Online Tutoring

ACT online tutoring is a dedicated tutoring plan for the test. It covers all the sections of the test and prepares you through real-like practice tests. Online ACT Tutors can help you prep by optimizing your time and giving you a chance to learn at your convenience. Your ACT Math online tutor will make sure that you know all the shortcuts related to the complicated topics and the English tutor will transform you into an expert.

Hard work is the key to success in academics. Some strategic planning combined with hard work can help you achieve all your goals in life. Prepare for ACT and SAT with expert and experienced tutors at eTutorWorld. Register with us today, to start your prep and get instant access to top-quality resources and worksheets.

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NWEA MAP Testing Tips for Students Fri, 17 Dec 2021 11:48:45 +0000 The post NWEA MAP Testing Tips for Students appeared first on eTutorWorld.


NWEA MAP Test is an online adaptive test that is conducted for students in grades 2-12. It is used by educators to assess a child’s current learning abilities and provide them with apt learning solutions according to their requirements.

MAP can help teachers make decisions about enrichment classes, advanced programs, and more.

This article is about the what are top guides and tips for you while preparing for the MAP Test that will improve your score: 

MAP Testing Tips for Students

Preparing for the NWEA MAP test can seem like a daunting task, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can excel and achieve your best results. Here are some valuable tips to help you make the most of your MAP testing experience:

1. Consistent Study Schedule

MAP stands for Measure of Academic Progress. It means this test is conducted by the school to purely understand how well a student has picked the instructions of the current year. And that is why it is important to study consistently all through the year. It is not exactly possible to prepare for this test. You will be prepared only when you have learned well in the current grade.

Create a study schedule if you don’t already have one and focus on your lessons. if you have any doubts about any subject make sure to ask your teacher for help. In short, do not take academics lightly at any point in an academic year and you will do well in the MAP test online.

2. Improve Reading and Writing Skills

Language is one of the key segments of the MAP test. Therefore, you must work hard with English. It is crucial to invest time in building reading and writing skills. You can always ask your English teacher to help with the language.

At home, your parents can help by arranging materials such as newspapers, magazines, books, online articles, etc. The writing skills can be enhanced through activities like Journal writing, writing programs, etc.

3. Take Practice Tests

The key to acing any test is practice. Take as many practice tests as you can. You can ask your teacher to help with practice tests. You can also register with an online tutoring platform like eTutorWorld to get access to several MAP practice tests. eTutorWorld has a team of experienced MAP tutors, who can also provide you with NWEA map test prep.

4. Prepare for Adaptive Format

While preparing for the MAP test online, it is important to understand its format and adaptive nature. It is a one-of-a-kind test, that is different for every student. Your question paper adapts and changes according to your answers.

MAP increases the difficulty level of the next question for every right answer and reduces the difficulty for every wrong answer. The idea here is to understand a student’s abilities and provide help accordingly. There is no negative marking for the questions and it is compulsory to answer all questions.

You can always get used to the format through the NWEA prep tests. Take as many as you can to get used to the whole setup and also to understand the types of questions.

5. Get Comfortable with Computer

MAP is a computer-based test. So, it will be best if you know how to use both the computer and the MAP testing platform efficiently. If you are not used to using a PC, mouse, keyboard, etc. make some time in your schedule to NWEA test prep with a PC and other connected devices.

The Final Words

MAP test online is one of the most efficient methods of assessing a child’s learning abilities. So, if you are doing well at school, you will automatically score well on the test.

This test helps teachers and educators understand if the kind of lessons that you are receiving is appropriate for you or not. And to offer you the instructions and lessons that you deserve based on the results of the test.

This test can be conducted 3 times a year. Each one at a certain time in the academic year to make proper assessments. You may take any or all of them. And the key to good scores is to stay focused at school and ask for help when needed.

By following the above MAP Testing Tips, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and strategies to approach the test with confidence and achieve your best possible results.

Remember to stay focused, maintain a positive mindset, and give your best effort. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the NWEA MAP test?

The NWEA MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) test is an adaptive assessment designed to measure a student’s academic growth and proficiency in various subject areas such as math, reading, language usage, and science.

Who takes the NWEA MAP test?

The NWEA MAP test is typically administered to students in grades K-12. It is used by many schools to monitor student progress, identify areas of improvement, and tailor instruction accordingly.

How is the NWEA MAP test administered?

The NWEA MAP test is usually taken online on a computer or tablet. Schools provide students with the necessary equipment and instructions for accessing the test.

Is the NWEA MAP test timed?

Yes, the NWEA MAP test is timed. Each section has a designated time limit, and students are expected to complete as many questions as possible within the given time frame.

How can students prepare for the NWEA MAP test?

Students can prepare for the NWEA MAP test by familiarizing themselves with the test format, reviewing key concepts in each subject area, practicing with sample questions and practice tests, and utilizing available study resources provided by their school or online platforms.

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