Summer Course Archives - eTutorWorld K-12 Online Tutoring & Test Prep Fri, 15 Mar 2024 08:04:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Summer Course Archives - eTutorWorld 32 32 5 Reasons to Take a Math Summer Course Thu, 30 Jun 2022 09:30:17 +0000 The post 5 Reasons to Take a Math Summer Course appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Summer break has started. What are you planning to do with all your free time? Consider taking an online math summer course. Since it’s online, it can be taken from anywhere and you can hit a perfect balance of fun and learning this year. Want more reasons to register for an online math summer camp? Here, we have listed 6 more.

  1. Avoid Summer Slide

Summer break means no school and that means no learning. And this is where all the academic losses happen. Math is a crucial subject that needs continuity. When students don’t revisit their math lessons for a few weeks, they forget important lessons and that reflects on their confidence and scores in the fall session.

Math summer courses can help students avoid learning losses or summer slides and stay in touch with their lessons. They can learn from expert math tutors online and improve their grades while enjoying their summer break.

  1. Time Utilization

Summer breaks can get boring for a lot of reasons. And nowadays, the only entertainment is staring at a device. A good way to utilize the summertime productively is to start a math summer course. Math often comes across as a difficult subject and a little help in it can always turn around the scores.

An online math summer camp will have a proper schedule, say one hour every day. And this will indirectly provide a schedule for an otherwise boring and messed up routine.

  1. Fill Learning Gaps

Learning gaps occur for several reasons. Sometimes it is caused by a missed lecture and then there are times when a student finds a topic difficult to understand and fails to keep up the pace. Filling learning gaps with school is not always possible because the school schedule hardly allows any time for revisiting topics.

Summer break is the best time to find the learning gaps and fix them, once and for all. A math summer course is a perfect tool to tackle learning gaps and ensure academic continuity. eTutorWorld offers fun and interactive math summer courses that are taught by expert math tutors. Register today to learn math this summer.

  1. Meet Likeminded Peers

A math summer camp is always full of like-minded people; students keen on learning math. So, when students join a math summer course, they will meet same-aged students who at are the same learning level. They will find companionship and also help with the subject from like-minded peers. Sometimes, it’s easy to understand a theorem from a friend, right?

  1. Overcome the Fear of the Subject

Math becomes scary after a few failed attempts. And that is exactly when the grades start going downhill. A math summer course can help students overcome the fear and anxiety attached to the subject. It can arm students with confidence that comes from understanding even the most difficult of topics and set the pace for learning with personalized lesson plans. It’s cliched but convenient, flexible learning can take the pressure off the students and make the whole process fun.

  1. Go Beyond the Grade

Some students can learn beyond their grades and a math summer course is a perfect setup to achieve that. It provides the extra time and effort needed to learn beyond the current level.

An expert math tutor can help in finishing the current curriculum and moving to the next grade’s curriculum and can fill in the student according to learning requirements. All of this is not possible at a school where one teacher has to cater to several students simultaneously.

Summer slide is real and a math summer course can improve grades. Both are proven facts. This year, choose to learn over learning loss. And head to the fall session with 0 learning gaps and full confidence.

eTutorWorld offers math summer courses for all grades. Register today to grab the front seat for an interactive math course. On a lighter note, there are no front and back seats because we are talking about one-to-one learning here. Enroll today to get your hands on personalized lessons with an expert math tutor. Do not miss this learning window.


eTutorWorld offers Online Math Summer Courses around the year. You can easily go through the following course:

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Is your Child Experiencing a Summer Slide? Here’s How to Find Tue, 27 Apr 2021 16:11:16 +0000 The post Is your Child Experiencing a Summer Slide? Here’s How to Find appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Summer slide is a common problem experienced by students across all the grades. It does not need a special circumstance to affect their academic progress. A simple summer break, without a study schedule, is enough to make students forget their lessons and end up at lower achievement levels as compared to their levels before the break.

Here we have listed a few signs that can help you identify if your child is experiencing a summer learning loss. Read on.

1) Can’t Remember Lessons from the Previous Class

The first and foremost sign that indicates your child is experiencing a summer slide is failure to remember lessons from the previous year. You can observe this in simple things, say for example, while writing, your child starts the sentence with a small letter or writes a person’s name in the small letter.

These are very small observations and may go unnoticed very easily. But they indicate that your child has forgotten the basic rules of nouns and making sentences.

You can make similar observations in other subjects also, like your child may not recall how to add two-digit numbers, may not quickly reply with the name of a state’s capital, or might even forget spellings of simple words that he had learned in the previous grade.

2) Issues in Reading and Comprehension

Another sign of the summer slide is reading issues. Studies have proven that children experience substantial loss in their reading skills during the summer break. Some signs that you may observe are fumbling at difficult words, reduced reading speed, and difficulty in reading fluently along with punctuations.

Reading issues can eventually also affect their comprehension. Because when they focus too much on reading and pronouncing correctly, they fail to focus on the meaning of the content.

3) Too Many Spelling Mistakes

If you notice that your child is suddenly making several spelling mistakes, you can be sure that your child is experiencing a summer slide. In the absence of school, when children do not study regularly during their summer break, the first thing they forget is spelling.

They can even forget how to spell simple, common words, which they could easily spell before the summer break started. So, keep an eye on the spelling. A few hours of study every week can help you avoid this problem and keep your child up-to-date with both simple and difficult spellings.

4) Change in Handwriting

Handwriting, especially for younger children is a crucial indicator. If your child’s handwriting has changed after the summer break, for example, if you notice, your child is struggling to keep a uniform size of the alphabet or if some alphabets are always jumping out of line, your child is experiencing a summer learning loss.

In the younger years, children need to practice writing constantly to improve their handwriting, writing speed and to reduce mistakes in spelling and sentence formation.

In the summer months, when children do not have a proper study schedule, they do not get enough writing practice. This can be disastrous for children once they go back to school after the summer break. They might struggle with finishing their classwork on time and may also end up making too many mistakes.

5) Noticeable change in Math Skills

Math is a crucial subject for all age groups and is often the subject that takes the maximum hit during the summer break. Studies show that when children do not follow a study schedule in the summer months they stand to lose as much as 50% of their math gains acquired during the school session. 50% is a huge percentage and can heavily impact a student’s performance in the next year.

You may notice issues like the inability to recall formulas, struggling to multiply two numbers, getting confused between multiples and factors, etc. To cover up the learning loss in math, both the students and their teachers may have to spend several weeks revising and re-learning crucial topics that are necessary for next year’s lessons.


Spotting the signs of the summer slide is easy if you are aware of your child’s curriculum and often participate in lessons, homework, and activities. Every time you suspect there might be an issue with your child’s learning, immediately remedy it with daily practice. This year, as the schools close for the summer, make a study timetable for your child along with all your fun plans.

If you are not sure how to manage your studies and other activities during the summer break, you can also consider summer courses. They are specially designed courses to make summer breaks productive through regular study sessions. You can choose the subject for the course; you can also customize the lesson plan and create a flexible schedule according to your child’s routine.

To avoid the summer slide for good, enroll your child into a summer course right when the break begins and end it before the school reopens. This way, your child will always be in touch with the lessons and will not lose any skills/lessons during the break.

eTutorWorld offers the best online Summer Courses. Check out our all summer courses:

Math Summer Courses

1. Elementary Math (Grades 1 & 2)
2. Elementary Math (Grades 3, 4 & 5)
3. Pre-Algebra
4. Algebra – 1
5. Algebra – 2
6. Geometry

Science Science Courses

1. Integrated Science
2. Physics
3. Chemistry
4. Biology

ELA Summer Courses

1. ELA – Elementary Level 1 (Grades 1 & 2)
2. ELA – Elementary Level 2 (Grades 3,4 & 5)
3. ELA – Middle Level (Grades 6, 7 & 8)
4. ELA – Advanced Level (Grades 9 & 10)


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Summer Courses 2024 – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Tue, 23 Mar 2021 12:17:07 +0000 The post Summer Courses 2024 – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) appeared first on eTutorWorld.


In the summer break, as children stop actively learning at home, they lose a good amount of knowledge they had absorbed before the break. This phenomenon is also known as summer slide, brain drain, and summer learning loss and is reported by teachers across the globe.

Statistics suggest that children lose up to 2 months of reading skills and 2.5 months of math skills during the summer break. And when they return to school, they and their teachers require almost 6 weeks to cover the gaps and get back on track.

Over the years, an average student accumulates a loss of almost 2 years if the learning loss is not covered right after the summer break. This loss is greater and grave at the higher grade levels.

A summer online tutoring program can effectively tackle the summer slide and ensure that children stay on track with their academics.

Following are some Summer Courses FAQs that we have answered to help you make a calculated decision about online summer tutoring programs. These Summer Courses FAQs are developed by our Experts on what most students have doubts about when they have to explore the Summer Courses.

Summer Courses FAQs

1. Will Summer Courses help my child academically? Are they effective?

Several studies on the topic have proven that online tutoring can be as effective as in-person tutoring. However, its effectiveness depends on the lesson plan, the experience of the tutor, and the teaching methodology followed by the tutoring platform.

To find the best online tutoring services, look for referrals and recommendations. Also, do not forget to take a free trial. Experience the teaching methodology yourself, ask questions, check for your child’s comfort level and then take a call. It is rare but it is possible that your child does not respond well to online tutoring but thrives with in-person tutoring.

2. Are Summer Courses cheaper?

Online tutoring is not cheaper than in-person tutoring but it can help you save money in terms of gas. Since you do not have to drive across the town so that your child can attend an online tutoring class, you will save money on gas. It will also save a lot of commutation time which can be used to study or to learn a new skill.

3. What type of gadgets does my child require for Summer Courses?

Online tutoring platforms are pretty simple. Most will need you to have a working Desktop or Laptop and a good, stable internet connection. Your child can also attend the classes on a tablet or a phone. The main things needed for online tutoring are a good device that has a working camera, good-quality audio, and a clear and big screen. Some other tools that might be needed are a mouse, a keyboard, and a stylus in the case of a tablet.

4. Can Summer Courses prevent learning loss?

Summer learning loss, also known as summer setback or summer slide, is common among children of all age groups. It is the phenomenon where the students return to school with a lower academic level after the summer break. A summer course can prevent learning loss by engaging children over the summer weeks. Studies have shown that only 2-3 hours of study per week can prevent the damage caused by the summer break, to a huge extent.

5. Will the Summer Courses be customized according to my child’s learning pace?

Yes, we will customize the summer course according to your child’s learning pace and the diagnostic test. This test is conducted at the beginning of the course to understand a child’s skills, strong areas, weak points, and overall potential. We also share this report with parents and invite them to discuss changes in the lesson plan and the timeline. So, you are free to tell us which topics have been bothering your child and if you would like us to pay extra attention to certain lessons.

6. What is the qualification of Summer Courses Tutors at eTutorWorld?

All the tutors at eTutorWorld come with an excellent academic record and at least 5 years of teaching experience. We collaborate only with individuals who have a passion for teaching and know-how to simplify concepts and can effectively communicate over the Internet. At eTutorWorld, you will find that all the tutors have a college degree and 85% of them have an additional degree. Last but not least, all the teachers on the platform start teaching only after they have completed a rigorous 2-week training by online tutoring experts at eTutorWorld.


It’s almost time for the summer break. Whether your child was attending school in-person or online sessions, their schedule is going to change. While it’s ok to not have a schedule for some time, you cannot let the studies take a hit for a month or two.

An online summer tutoring plan can provide a much-needed schedule during the summer break. It can also help your child retain the knowledge from the previous year and gear up for the upcoming grade.

eTutorWorld has created innovative summer programs that can be customized according to your child’s needs. We are offering 8-week summer courses in English, Science, and Math, across all grades and they will be taught by some of the highly experienced, subject matter experts (SMEs). Head to the Summer Course to learn more about our lesson plans, timelines, and packages.

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4 Things You Need to Consider Before Choosing Summer Programs Mon, 27 Jul 2020 12:00:35 +0000 The post 4 Things You Need to Consider Before Choosing Summer Programs appeared first on eTutorWorld.


While Schools and Colleges have long been offering summer courses during the summer break, the current global pandemic has seen most of them move their curriculums online. They are usually short courses in which a good amount of material is compressed so that it can be covered in a short period of time.

Summer Programs enable students to complement their regular academics with advanced learning of their interest. Some students also enroll in online summer programs to enhance their understanding of the subjects they find hard in school.   

No matter what online summer program your child signs up for, there are several benefits to them. However, it is crucial to do your homework and compare multiple summer programs to find the one that best suits your child. If you are hoping to increase productivity during the summer and enroll your child in an online summer program. 

Things to Consider Before Choosing Summer Programs

Here are the 4 things you must consider before starting the Summer Courses:

1. Does it offer an interactive learning experience?

While schools offer K-12 online summer programs, they usually have online courses wherein students watch videos and learn more about a subject. There are also live sessions where all students come together over a Zoom call and attend class like they usually do in a brick-and-mortar institution. Although such courses can definitely benefit your child, he/she would achieve a greater learning experience through an interactive online summer program. This one-to-one, live sessions make it easier for students to understand concepts as they will receive the undivided attention of their tutor for the entirety of the course, thus giving them the advantage of absolute learning. 

2. Can your child study at their own pace?

Since summer programs compress a lot of topics and cover them in a short span of time, they can be demanding and intense, especially for kids who take their time to grasp concepts. It is therefore crucial to find a course that will allow your child to study at their own pace without rushing through topics. An interactive learning session will ensure that your child is not left behind. Moreover, most online e-tutoring services offer diagnostic tests through which they evaluate the learning potential of your child after which they create a learning schedule, thus ensuring that your child learns at their own pace. 

3. What does the course cover?

Before enrolling your child into a summer course, go through the suggested curriculum to check the kind of topics that will be covered. For instance, if your fourth grader needs an online summer math program, check the topics covered by the course (advanced multiplication, fractions, etc.) to find out where your child stands with regard to these topics. It is also crucial to ensure that your child is aware of the elementary math concepts that are pre-requisite to the program. A conversation with the tutor before starting the course can help you identify this. 

4. How qualified/experienced is the tutor?

The ability of a student to grasp concepts will depend largely on the tutor. If you are interested in enrolling your child into a particular course, find out more about the tutors who could teach them. Learn about their qualifications and level of experience. Read through reviews of other students and parents who have availed their services in the past. It is also important to talk to the tutor directly before the start of the course to understand their teaching style and determine whether or not they can help your child complete the summer program with maximum efficiency.

An online summer program has the ability to not only help your child catch up with topics they may have missed in school but can also introduce them to concepts that will be taught in the new academic year, thereby giving them an edge and helping them perform better in school.


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Why You Should Take Summer Courses in 2024? Fri, 19 Jun 2020 15:31:08 +0000 The post Why You Should Take Summer Courses in 2024? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


The 2020 year has been extremely rough for most people around the globe, especially students. With the Coronavirus going around, most students had to stop going to school and put their education on hold.

The virus was very unfortunate and unfair to those who were going to graduate from elementary school, middle school, high school, or college. We know that everyone looks forward to breaks in the summertime, but since everyone has mostly been in quarantine for several months, summer would be the best time to catch up with some credits. Summertime would be the best time since most people will not be returning to school until the virus officially lightens up.

Why You Should Take Summer Course?

Taking any high school summer program is an excellent opportunity to gather as many extra credits before students head back to their next semester. Each summer course will equip students with different types of skills, so make sure to choose the best course for any future development. Attending camps or summer courses can help students with socialism by interacting with teachers while gaining new skills for upcoming classes. Here are a few different programs to join and the reasons why you should.

Enrichment Programs

Enrichment Programs are advanced and extremely beneficial to students who need to learn at a higher level instead of sticking around to a typical classroom curriculum. Taking summer enrichment programs allows students to take on more difficult challenges and upscale their education on the subject of their choice.

These programs also allow students to prepare for any upcoming homework and test they will have in school. Yes, in high school, there are many advanced classes to be placed in, but joining an enrichment program in the summer will help students better understand their chosen career path.

Online enrichment programs are in particular rewarding and meaningful to all students who are passionate about learning and improving their learning abilities.

Online Science Enrichment Programs

Taking science summer programs will help any student who is looking forward to a STEM career in the future. Online summer science programs for physics, chemistry, and biology teach high schoolers the skills they’ll need at college and beyond.

This will prepare a student to be ready for any course they take in their next high school year. During a science summer program, the teachers teach a student everything they need to know about problem-solving and the important information to be gathered while solving them.

Science is exciting to learn because not only do students learn about the theories in academic science, but they also learn how the world operates. Science is everywhere around us, whether it’s school, home, or the world itself, so knowing everything about science can open so many doors for a student’s future career.

Online Algebra Enrichment Summer Course

Math enrichment summer courses offer programs in all branches of math from pre-algebra, algebra 1, and algebra 2 all the way to calculus. Understanding math allows students to choose from numerous fields of work. Some options include becoming a cryptographer, mathematician, economist, financial planner, and many more.

We all need to understand basic math to move on with our lives, but advancing in all types of math classes will help students exceed the requirements for high school and college.

Students who give up a part of their summer break to take extra courses and join camps show a positive mindset. This shows colleges that they are taking their education seriously and want the best for their future career and life. During the pandemic, we lost many opportunities to learn new information on all topics that high school teaches to prepare students for college.

Online summer programs allow students to get the education they missed while being in quarantine. Please encourage students to take advantage of this summer and learn a skill they feel most interested in, and that will help them in the future.

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Benefits of Gifted Summer Programs and How Can Your Child Take It? Mon, 15 Jun 2020 09:05:10 +0000 The post Benefits of Gifted Summer Programs and How Can Your Child Take It? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Why digital learning?

Technology has revolutionized the education world. However, things weren’t always like this; since its embryonic stage in the 1960s, digital learning has been put under the lens for the apparent lack of control.

The numbers, on the other hand, dictate a different story now- in 2017, 77% of US corporations were using online learning and by the end of this year, it’s expected to touch 98% of the corporations including JH-CTY.

The coronavirus pandemic has become a catalyst for online learning. People who mistakenly viewed digital learning with apprehension now understand the advantages it actually offers over traditional instructor-led courses.

Gifted schools across the country are now resetting their priorities and starting to turn their attention toward online programs.

Digital learning is best suited for students who are planning to take SCAT. Unlike the traditional classroom where students relied exclusively on school teachers for their study material, E-learning teaches students to be mature independent learners.

Such skills are required for taking the SCAT test and gifted programs.

How an Online Gifted Summer Program Can Benefit your child?

Here are some benefits that your child receive for the Online Summer Programs

1. Diverse Study Material

Research reveals that through online learning programs, learners consume a wide range of study material which results in a deeper understanding of the subject. Detailed subject matter knowledge is regarded as one of the prerequisites for taking a gifted test.

2. Social Exposure

Being the smartest kid in the class often comes at a social cost. The resulting sense of isolation can be assuaged by the company of other like-minded gifted students from across the country.

3. Self-Paced Learning

One thing that all gifted learners truly feel thankful for is the learning flexibility they get to enjoy in gifted schools. Allowing them to move individually through courses of their choice at their own pace is the liberty they don’t get in traditional curriculum-based programs.

4. Performance Evaluation

Regular performance check is an essential part of digital learning. Engaging study material and challenging SCAT practice test, not only increases the success rate manifold, but it also satisfies the intellectual appetite of the academically gifted child.

5. A Supplement for Independent Learners

The academic settings and curriculum designed to serve the masses cannot cater much to gifted learners. Quite often slow-paced learning becomes a big learning hurdle for the bright minds. Online gifted summer programs are the right fuel for high academic achievers.

6. Explore Interests

Digital learning offers the chance for advanced learners to explore unconventional subjects. Schools’ limited funding and logistical restrictions deprive gifted learners of the opportunity to study the subjects of their interest and capability. Whether it is coding, engineering, creative writing, astrobiology, or political activism, cyber schools offer a variety of programs to explore a child’s interests.

7. No Classroom Distractions

In the company of like-minded and intellectually gifted learners, all sorts of distractions are eliminated. Small-size groups not only ensure the ideal instructor-learner ratio, but also promotes healthy discussions and a better learning environment.


At eTutorWorld, the SCAT Test Prep course is specifically designed to meet the learning capabilities of academically advanced students. Our highly qualified and experienced instructors understand the intellectual needs of gifted learners. Sign-up for the free SCAT practice test and avail yourself of the free session without sharing your credit card information.

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Elementary Enrichment Programs to Reinforce Essential Skills Sat, 16 May 2020 13:05:23 +0000 The post Elementary Enrichment Programs to Reinforce Essential Skills appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Children are never too young to learn. In fact, their young age is the right time to tickle those sparkling neurons to establish strong lifelong connections. Enrichment programs can help your child construct sturdy learning foundations. However, sadly many parents regard enrichment courses as synonymous with something extra, which can’t be farther from the truth.

In today’s challenging and highly competitive environment, enrichment programs are rather a necessity than indulgence… It makes perfect sense to supplement the school curriculum with academic enrichment courses to help your child fortify traditional academics with essential skills.

Catering to every child’s unique learning needs, Online enrichment programs offer a wealth of lifelong benefits. Gathered from the feedback of thousands of parents who have tried eTutorWorld enrichment courses, we have listed for you the most significant advantages such courses offer:-

1. Advanced Language skills

Little kids are curious and generally highly motivated to explore various learning options to learn new things. Studies show that elementary students develop language skills way faster than high school students. Non-traditional teaching methodologies formulated for elementary academic enrichment work essentially on building and developing key language skills, reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension.

2. Math as a friend or a phantom

Math is one subject that can either be your child’s favorite or it can be her worst nightmare. Whatever may be the case, a math enrichment course enables your child to see dead numbers come alive and apply mathematical concepts beyond notebooks. The outcome is not only reflected on the report cards but also in the child’s positive attitude toward math.

3. Explore innate talents

When children explore a subject beyond their traditional curriculum, it helps them recognize their natural talents. It has been proven that enrichment programs play a major role in shaping a child’s future academic choices and hence proceeding on the appropriate career path.

4. Benefits all learners

Every child has unique learning needs. Some may seek help to bridge learning gaps while others look for a higher-grade academic challenge to fulfill the child’s learning needs. Online enrichment courses are designed to cater to all kinds of learners.

5. A guaranteed investment

Research has shown that early learners, who participate in summer enrichment programs, gain a considerable academic advantage over the years. “The first 10 years have so much to do with how the next 70 turn out.” Bill Gates. In addition to avoiding summer slides, through enrichment classes, children build skills that enhance their in-class learning experience throughout academic life.

6. A Gateway to Gifted Programs

If your child’s curiosity is unfulfilled by the school’s curriculum then you must seriously consider taking up an enrichment program for your child. Addressing appropriately to your child’s learning needs can open doors to opportunities that can catapult your child’s academic as well as professional success.

7. Positive Learning Attitude

The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.” Maria Montessori. Habits like organizing, perseverance, resilience, and most importantly the desire to learn are the key to successful academic life. Many educators and researchers highlight the importance of online enrichment courses in sculpting healthy learning habits at a young age. In fact, positive learning habits are what all high achievers share in common. 

8. Builds Confidence

engaging young minds in enrichment classes helps in not only building a strong academic foundation but also a sound personality. Constructive learning habits lead to better academic performance thus building a child’s faith in his own capabilities.

Final Words

The enrichment program is an ideal way for your child to broaden their horizons. Help your child invest his time wisely to ensure a bright future with promising career prospects. Sign up for a diagnostic test at eTutorWorld to gauge your child’s current level. You can then choose from a wide range of summer courses or enrichment programs curated by expert educators uniquely for young learners.

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Top 5 Summer Programs For Gifted Children in 2024 Mon, 10 Feb 2020 10:59:30 +0000 The post Top 5 Summer Programs For Gifted Children in 2024 appeared first on eTutorWorld.


“I’m bored.”

“There’s nothing to do.”

“Can I watch TV?”

No parent wants to hear these complaints about what should be a fun summer. Transform your child’s break into an intellectually stimulating adventure through some of the best summer programs designed to spark curiosity in the brightest minds. In addition to squelching summer boredom, being involved in educational programs will reduce learning regression that can occur during extended time away from school.

Need some guidance on the top programs for your child who needs a challenge? Here are some of the top summer programs designed with gifted children in mind.

Best Summer Program in 2024 for Your Gifted Children

Here are the Best Summer Programs in 2024 that your child must take to learn: 

1. eTutorWorld’s Summer Program for Students

eTutorWorld offers the Summer Program for K-12 Grades Students in Math, Science, and ELA. 

Our Online Summer Programs are Affordable and reasonable in pricing and are available in a flexible and convenient way for students. You can choose a convenient date according to your availability. 

Our Summer Programs are given by highly Expert Tutors in the Subject Matter Expert. You also get the option of first tutoring sessions free. 


2. Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Summer Programs

Students who have completed grades 2 – 12 and have established eligibility through the Center for Talented Youth have the opportunity to learn about fascinating subjects within the realms of science, math, the humanities, and writing through Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Summer Programs.

Offering both day and residential options, these summer programs have campus locations all across the US – and even in Hong Kong!

With fun topics such as the Olympics, the study of toys (Toyology), space, and much more, your child will be brimming with fun facts rather than sullen complaints!


3. Duke TIP Summer Studies

University campuses across North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Texas offer 7 – 10th graders a wide breadth of courses to explore this summer.

From aerospace engineering to film production to philosophy, there is surely a content course your child will love. Duke TIP accepts students who have met testing eligibility requirements and does offer financial aid packages based on need.


4. Summer Institute for the Gifted

Aptly named, the Summer Institute for the Gifted offers an Investigator’s Program and Innovator’s Program for ages 5 – 17.

Your child can choose half or full-day programs that explore the areas of science, math, fitness, theater, art, and more!

Located across the country at many universities, the Summer Institute for the Gifted will leave your child wanting to learn more.



5. Northwestern University Center for Talent Development Summer Programs

Gifted children from Pre-K through 12th grade can experience enrichment through the summer programs of Northwestern University Center for Talent Development.

Exploratory programs are offered in sessions of one, two, or three weeks, with potential financial aid support. Spirited courses such as Villians & Anti-Heroes, Girl Power Math: STEM Innovators, and Breakout Bio: Infectious Diseases will stimulate and challenge your child’s curious mind.

Students with qualifying test results can learn and grow at this Illinois-based program!


Check Out eTutorWorld Summer Programs For Your Child!

Summer does not have to mean a break from learning. Rather than being glued to the TV or phone, your child can investigate, innovate, create, and wonder through summer programs designed for gifted children. Your child will return to school the following year as a better collaborator and problem-solver!

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Summer Courses for a High School Student Tue, 16 Jul 2019 06:38:51 +0000 The post Summer Courses for a High School Student appeared first on eTutorWorld.


High School is the best time of your education, and summer breaks the most anticipated period for a child – you’re old enough to be independent and go out without adult supervision and still unburdened by the responsibilities of adulthood.

It may sound a lot of fun and surely, a lot of students idle away their summer breaks, but you must also remember that it is also the most crucial period of your academic and personal development. As soon as you enter high school, you are reminded of the much-dreaded SAT exams that you have to take at the end of your schooling years.

Summer Courses for High School Students

Doing well on the SAT is paramount to getting into a good college, and SAT preparation is not a night’s work. It requires dedication and hard work throughout high school. No doubt then the summer break is the ideal time to plan and prepare yourself for a brighter future. Taking up a good summer course can give you the edge over the rest of your peers.

1. Begin an early prep for your SAT exams.

There are several online SAT preparation courses designed to cater to your personal requirements., With a few hours of dedicated work with SAT prep tutors from the comfort of your home, you can be well-prepared for the SAT. SAT online courses like the ones by eTutorWorld allow you to fit your schedule so you can continue with other activities through summer without compromising either.

 3. Learn a new language.

Multilingualism is a preferred trait in many jobs. Hence, learning a new language will give you an opportunity to immerse yourself in a new culture and open your horizons. Knowledge of more than one language will also boost your applications for colleges and show the admission officers that you are working on yourself.

 3. Get rid of those bad grades.

For students, summer break is also an apt time to work on your weaknesses and you can take online classes specially catered to those weak spots. Eliminating these weak spots, especially in math and English is the first step to a good SAT score.

 4. Learn to write a good essay.

While most people may think learning how to write is a waste of time, it is actually a crucial skill for a good career. Schools often fail to devote enough time to improve your writing skills and you may get through high school without producing a good essay.

But, remember, colleges prefer students with good writing and reading comprehension skills with strong grammar. Several high school summer courses are offered keeping in mind these requirements.

It’s best to enroll in these courses to learn to write excellent essays. There are also classes to improve your grammar which can be considered seriously – bad grammar takes away from your points and can put off your audience into not taking you seriously.

5. Time to learn a new skill

There is no time like the summer break for you to finally learn that one skill that you always wanted to learn – be it a musical instrument or perfecting that dance routine or learning to create an art piece. Getting a hobby also gives you a space to unwind and relax from the stress of exams.

Joining the appropriate proper course would not only help you become proficient, and keep you healthy but also allow you to meet new people. It’s the perfect time to try something new.

What’s more, these classes can be grouped with other courses – a good skill-learning course combined with online SAT prep classes will make you the well-rounded student that all colleges desire and will help boost your personality and confidence.

Summer breaks shouldn’t be spent at home wasting away, and these are only a few options available for you to become a better person when you return to school in Fall!

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How to Avoid the Summer Slide? 5 Ways to Prevent it Wed, 19 Jun 2019 04:40:29 +0000 The post How to Avoid the Summer Slide? 5 Ways to Prevent it appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Summer is a time for playing outside, going on vacation, camping, and taking time off from school. However, those few months being school free can often cause kids to hit the summer slide. This is the term used to describe what happens when kids are not actively using their brains as they do in school. It can also result in the loss of some skills, such as those learned in math and reading. This phenomenon is called “Summer Slide“. 

Summer Slide happens when during the summer your child loses the study skills. It is important to prevent the summer slide. As it affects your child’s grades and moreover loss the confidence in studies. Let’s read more about “How to Avoid the Summer Slide”

How to Avoid the Summer Slide?

There are many ways parents can help ensure that while having fun, their children are not falling into the summer slide. Some ways to prevent the Summer Slide:

1. Introduce New Things

Often, children are reluctant to try something new. Parents can encourage them to try new things during the summer that might help develop various skills. For example, children can be introduced to interactive technology, such as academic websites. Or, you can work together with your child in learning how to build a robotic device or play an instrument. By trying new things, children may develop new skills and passions.

2. Read Everyday

Reading is a vital part of learning fundamental reading skills and vocabulary. During the summer, it is important to encourage children to still read books that interest them.

Taking trips to the library can be fun and give them the opportunity to check out a diverse selection of books. Many libraries have reading programs where students can earn prizes for reading during the summer.

Reading also does not have to be just books. It can be reading a guide when visiting a new place, magazines, road signs, etc.

3. Enroll In Summer Courses

Many children can benefit from and enjoy taking summer courses while not in school. Summer enrichment programs are created to be more like camps than traditional schools.

Students participate in a variety of academic projects to keep their brains active. Programs can vary, but some may be focused on increasing STEM skills, reading, writing, or other subject areas.

4. Make Learning Fun

Children can learn when they don’t even realize they are learning. There are many activities that can be done that include certain skills.

For example, have the kids do a race in the pool. They can use a timer to record times and create a chart to denote who got 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. Or, you can help them make a birdhouse using a blueprint and checking measurements. The options are endless. The key is to keep it fun and peak their interests.

5. Make Screen Time Valuable

It is inevitable that children will watch television, be on their phones, and play on their laptops/tablets. Limit this time and make it valuable. There are numerous apps and games that can be played on their phone or laptop that includes various skill sets and is fun. The same goes for educational television. They can still have this screen time, but use it in a way that they are still actively learning.

The post How to Avoid the Summer Slide? 5 Ways to Prevent it appeared first on eTutorWorld.

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