Ashima, Author at eTutorWorld K-12 Online Tutoring & Test Prep Fri, 16 Feb 2024 04:17:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ashima, Author at eTutorWorld 32 32 AP Exam 2024 – Everything You Need to Know Thu, 15 Feb 2024 12:53:00 +0000 The post AP Exam 2024 – Everything You Need to Know appeared first on eTutorWorld.


AP Exam is approaching. What is different this time? Has the pandemic affected how the exams will be conducted? Here is a quick read that will answer all your questions and will update you about the AP exams 2024.

Students Won’t be Choosing the AP Exam Dates

This year, students won’t be able to choose the AP exam date. Rather, the AP coordinators in the schools will be able to choose the dates from the 3 available options. This process will start in early March.

AP 2024 Exams Will be Full Length

AP exams 2024 will be full-length both in offline and online formats. This means they will cover the full curriculum and most exams will be 2-3 hours long.

Digital Exams – Who Can Appear?

This year, digital exams will be conducted for students whose school building is closed because of the pandemic or the student cannot visit the school for health reasons. Your school will authorize you to take the exam at home or school.

Students will be able to appear for digital exams using their laptops, desktops, or Chromebooks. Since the exams consist of free responses, they cannot be attempted on smartphones.

Certain exams can only be taken digitally such as Chinese and Japanese and other exams can only be taken offline (other language exams). Students will have to check out The College Board website for all the details.

Digital Exams will be conducted at the Same Time Across the Globe

Digital exams will start at the set time across the world. Students won’t be able to control the timings. So, international students may have to attempt the test at unusual hours.

Students won’t be able to Re-attempt Questions

Furthermore, the app does not allow moving back and forth between questions, meaning, students won’t be able to move back to a question they did not answer or would like to change the answer.

Students will have to Choose One

Students will be able to take a test online or offline. Both formats cannot be attempted.

Questions for Online Exams will be Slightly Different

Online and offline formats of AP exams will be slightly different. For example, in the case of an online exam, students will be asked to answer questions according to a graph rather than drawing a graph.

Digital Exams will Need some Preparations

In terms of studies, the preparation will be the same. However, to attempt the AP exams online, students will have to undertake some simple setups on their laptops/desktops. These will be related to software downloads and security protocols. The College Board will be using plagiarism software to ensure students are not cheating along with must-haves like a camera and a photo ID. The College Board will share the details with the schools shortly and the students will be updated in time for the exam.

Deadlines have Been Extended

The College Board has extended the deadline for a certain course. If you need to submit a portfolio for an art exam or principal for your computer exams, you must check out the new deadline which has been pushed to May 20th, 2024, 11:59 PM.

No Cancellation Fees This Year

The College Board has waived the cancellation fees for all AP exams. If you have registered for an exam but you are not sure if you are ready this year, you do not have to pay the fees. You can simply withdraw from the exam and attempt it next year.

Digital Exam Practice Platform will be Launched in April

Since 2021 is the first year when students are going to attempt AP exams online, The College Board has decided to launch a practice platform in April, so that students can get used to how everything is going to look and work on the exam day.

So, yes. The pandemic has changed the AP Exam 2024. Students are requested to stay abreast with the latest information. We will also be updating this page as we get more information. While you keep an eye on the information, do not forget to prepare for the exams, since the exams are going to be full curriculum and future depends on it, like every other year.

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Want to Achieve your Target SAT Score? Here’s How you Must Prepare Mon, 15 Feb 2021 14:36:16 +0000 The post Want to Achieve your Target SAT Score? Here’s How you Must Prepare appeared first on eTutorWorld.


You are done with SAT registration. What now? Where should you start reading? How do you prepare all the subjects? How will you achieve your target score? Should you join an online SAT tutoring class?

If these questions are overwhelming you, read on. In this write-up, we try to answer all of these and tell you how you can prepare for SAT test and achieve the perfect score that can get you into your favorite college.

How to Prepare for SAT?

  1. Understand the Structure

Start preparing for SAT subject tests by understanding the structure of the test. Learn about the sections and the type of questions you will have to face. This one step will save you a lot of time on the test day. Further, take multiple mock tests once you have covered your syllabus so that you get mentally prepared to jump from one section to another and manage to answer questions with clarity.

  1. Read a Lot

SAT test has a huge reading section that calls for acute comprehension skills. Therefore, while preparing for SAT, you must read a lot. Read fiction ad non-fiction books and try to master different writing styles so that you are not surprised out of your mind on the exam day.

  1. Take a Class

If you find it hard to stick to a schedule and study alone, you must consider joining online SAT tutoring. Joining a class will help you in situations where you get stuck and need help from an experienced person. Online tutoring can be best for you if you prefer to learn at your own pace and clear your doubts in a one-on-one session.

  1. Work on your Memory

SAT preparation, you will have to work on your memory, so that you can remember all the formulas, tables, and other important things. There are two ways of remembering things, one is to memorize formulas and two is to practice problems frequently so that the formulas get embedded in your mind.

  1. Learn Mental Math

Calculators are not allowed in one of the math sections of SAT test. You will have to solve everything by hand, which will take a lot of time or you can learn a few mental math tricks and shortcuts so that you can quickly cross the section and save time for other sections.

  1. Improve your Vocabulary

A good vocabulary can work wonders for your SAT score. Work on it by checking out the suggested reading list of the College Board. You can also make it a habit to underline the difficult words and sentences in whatever you read.

  1. Study on the Go

SAT test prep needs continuous practice. You should consider taking up an online SAT tutoring course so that you can study from anywhere and at your own pace. Online classes also give you the luxury of taking a lesson again and again till the concept is clear to you. With your lessons and classes on your phone, you can study while commuting from one place to another and even at the dentist’s office.

  1. Practice

Practice, practice, and practice. There is no other mantra for cracking SAT with good scores. You must practice all the topics multiple times to ensure that you remember spellings and formulas even while asleep. Further, you must SAT Practice Mock Tests so that you are thoroughly familiar with the sections.


  1. What should I read for SAT test practice?

Answer – Experts say that you must read a lot of non-fiction because SAT test is heavy on reading and on your test day, you will have to read five passages within an hour and answer questions based on them. 4 out of 5 passages on the SAT paper are non-fiction. The questions won’t trouble you but the reading part will test you. You need to prepare for the reading section by reading every day. You have to train your mind little by little to make sure that you do not run out of energy on the day you sit down to take your SAT.

  1. Should I take mock tests every day?

Answer – Yes, once you have covered your syllabus, it will be good to take a mock test every day. Taking a mock test every day will prepare you for the format of the SAT and will improve your timing tremendously. Expert tutors believe that you can improve your SAT scores tremendously by getting used to the format and the fact that you will have to jump from one section to another during the test duration.

  1. How many hours should I study for SAT?

Answer – When you decide to take the SAT, you must spend a majority of your time studying for it. If you have a few months before you take the test, you can give 2-3 hours a day to cover the syllabus on time and be ready. If your SAT test is just one month away, experts recommend that you have to give 10 hours a week to be completely ready, on time.

  1. Can I get a good score with one month of SAT test prep?

Answer – Yes, you can get a good SAT score with just one month of preparation. In this one month, you will have to study hard and if possible, get help from the best SAT tutors online or offline. According to experts, you must study for at least 10-20 hours a week to prepare for SAT in just one month. Some tutors also believe that as the SAT day approaches, you must spend all your time studying and preparing for the test.

  1. Can online Tutoring help me do well in SAT test?

Answer – Online SAT tutoring is an effective method of preparing for SATs. They offer clear preparation along with a structured curriculum. When you register for SAT online tutoring, you receive a well-designed curriculum with top-class resources and lessons from some of the most experienced subject matter experts (SMEs). Apart from covering the syllabus, online tutoring can also help you identify your weak areas and enable you to work extra on them to prepare well for SAT. With online tutoring, you can also set a learning pace that suits you and make the most of your preparation time.

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Is It Possible for an SAT Score to be Guaranteed by Anyone? Wed, 27 Jan 2021 10:00:22 +0000 The post Is It Possible for an SAT Score to be Guaranteed by Anyone? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Whether you’re a high school student or the parent of a young scholar, you’re currently conducting research on programs that can help to improve an SAT test score. Chances are that you have seen some programs that guarantee a certain increase in points on the SAT. However, you need to proceed with caution when it comes to these guarantees. While it’s true that some of these programs offer full refunds if the guaranteed score is not met, you still must keep some important criteria in mind.

Potential Increase Possibility
You have to start by assessing what the possible potential increase even is. In other words, imagine a company promising that your SAT score will increase by 130 points. However, now also envision that you already have a score that is less than 130 points from the maximum score that you can earn on the exam. Obviously, this program is not going to be able to guarantee you an increase of 130 points.

Increase and Exact Score
Also, a difference exists between guaranteeing an exact score and guaranteeing an increase by a specific number of points. A company is more likely to guarantee that you will personally increase your score by a certain amount than that you will earn a specific score. You also have to determine what they are basing the increase on. For example, if you took the SAT test more than once, you need to confirm with the company which score they are guaranteeing the increase on.

Furthermore, you must make sure that you read all of the stipulations with a careful eye. The company might require you to log a certain number of hours of study per week in order to qualify for the money-back guarantee. Some companies might only give you a portion of your money back in the event that you don’t achieve the guaranteed score. Still other companies may require you to take the exam within a certain timeframe. You need to make sure you know what you’re getting into before agreeing to any such program.

Room for Error
You must remember that companies leave room for error. If you sign up for a program that offers a money-back guarantee, the company is essentially acknowledging the possibility that you might not get that score. While the entity likely has a strong sense of confidence that you will, it is impossible for any person or business to predict exactly what score you’re going to get on your exam.

Preparation Efforts
Putting in effort is also necessary. Taking only one SAT practice test, for example, might not be enough. If you are going to sign up for a particular tutoring plan with a certain company, you have to follow the guidance given. You’ll need to practice, and you’ll have to pay close attention. Furthermore, on the day of the exam, you need to employ the strategies that you were taught during the program. The company cannot guarantee that you will take any of these actions. As a result, the company also cannot guarantee that you will definitely earn a specific score.

Ultimately, no one can guarantee a specific SAT score with absolute certainty. The best anyone can do is make educated predictions. Select a tutoring service that you’re comfortable with. Additionally, put all of the efforts that you can into your studies.


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Top SAT Resources to Get a Top Score Thu, 21 Jan 2021 14:49:43 +0000 The post Top SAT Resources to Get a Top Score appeared first on eTutorWorld.


While the college admissions process has changed through the years and decades, plenty of schools still look at a student’s SAT score when deciding whether or not to accept the individual. As a result, parents and students alike are often in search of resources to help learners reach their highest potential when it comes to the SAT. Knowing what criteria to look for when it comes to SAT test prep is quite valuable.

Specialized Tutoring

Tutoring for the SAT is different from tutoring for a general English or mathematics course. Of course, some similarities exist, but the SAT is its own type of test. Students taking the exam need to know strategies specific to the SAT. Approaching the questions on this exam requires specific techniques. As a result, you don’t want to hire a general tutor. You have to hire a tutor who specializes in tutoring for this exam.

Virtual Options

Don’t discount virtual options for SAT tutoring, particularly in a time when distance learning has become so much more popular. Opting for virtual tutoring, for example, can open up the possibility of working with a proficient tutor who lives in another part of the country. If you decide to choose this path, make sure that the sessions are live. Asynchronous tutoring for the SAT can get confusing for the student.

Practice Exams

You absolutely must make sure that the preparation program is going to include the taking of an SAT practice test. Having a starting point is quite important. A practice test can reveal so much information that is crucial to the tutoring sessions. For example, you might learn that you need to do much more practice with the reading questions than with the math questions. You may also see that you are consistently getting a certain type of question incorrect. Then, the tutor can help you with strategies specific to these types of questions.

Individual Tutoring

Group tutoring can work for the SAT, but individual tutoring has some serious additional benefits. In a group setting, students can learn from their peers; however, learners may not get specific guidance about the types of questions that they struggle with. You might want to consider a class in addition to the individual tutoring, but do make sure that one-on-one tutoring is a part of the plan.

Multiple Sessions

When your score is close to your goal score, you might think that one review session or tutoring session will be enough to get you to your target. Even if your scores are on the lower end, you may still believe that you simply need to work with a tutor one time. Keep in mind that the SAT is about practice. On the SAT test, you have to know how to recognize different types of questions. Learning the types of questions to expect is a skill that takes more than one class or meeting to build. Enroll in a program that lasts for a period of time. Doing so will also help to build your confidence; you’ll see your own improvements along the way.


When you want to get a top score on the SAT, you’ll likely need some tutoring or classes in order to achieve your goal. Knowing what to look for in these programs is an important part of making the right decision.

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CogAT Ability Profile – Definition (And, how to read scores 5a, 6a, 7a, 8a, and more) Tue, 29 Dec 2020 15:58:31 +0000 The post CogAT Ability Profile – Definition (And, how to read scores 5a, 6a, 7a, 8a, and more) appeared first on eTutorWorld.


The CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) measures a student’s general reasoning ability in verbal, non-verbal, and quantitative domains.

Students taking CogAT perform at a high level, and based on their scores are admitted into Gifted and Talented (GT) programs.

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Here you can learn how to interpret the CogAT assessment system.

How is CogAT Scored?

The CogAT consists of questions in verbal, non-verbal, and quantitative domains with three subsets under each battery/domain.

CogAT performance is scored based on a student’s age and grade level. Scoring based on age is more accurate as some children may be younger or older for their grade levels. A CogAT score profile describes a student’s overall level of performance as well as the patterns of performance.

Types of Scores in a CogAT Score Report

  • Raw score: This score is calculated by adding the total number of questions answered correctly. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
  • Universal Scale Score (USS): Raw score is converted to USS. Each battery has a USS and the average of these scores form the composite USS.
  • Standard Age Score (SAS): USS of each battery is used to calculate the SAS. With a maximum score of 160, a standard deviation of 16, and a mean of 100, SAS is a normalized age score for all USS.
  • Percentile Rank (PR): This is used to compare a student’s cognitive abilities and development with other students in the same age group and grade level.
  • Stanine (S): This score gives an overall representation of a student’s academic abilities.

A CogAT score profile is created using these scores and an analysis of their patterns.

Components of a CogAT Score Report

A CogAT profile consists of three parts:

1. Median Stanine Score

It represents the overall performance of the student.

A Stanine score ranges from 1 to 9.

1 = Very low

2-3 = Below average

4-6 = Average

7-8 = Above average

9 = Very high

2. The Pattern of Score

It represents the type of score pattern or shape.

Getting to know the score pattern will help the teacher or parent understand how much and what kind of intervention a student needs to improve in the weak areas.

There are 4 profiles:

A Profile – Performance across the batteries is the same.

B Profile – There is one score that is above or below the other two batteries.

C Profile – There is a slight difference in performance/scores in three batteries.

E Profile – There is an extreme difference (24 or more points) in performances across the three batteries.

3. Relative Strength/Weakness

It represents the areas of strength or weakness across the three CogAT batteries/domains.

Each battery is represented by Q (Quantitative), V (Verbal), and N (Non-verbal), respectively, while strength is represented by a ‘+’ sign and weakness is represented by a ‘-‘ sign.

Example of a CogAT Ability Profile

Consider a CogAT Profile of 8A(Q+)


8 refers to Above average median Stanine

A refers to Same ability across domains, and

Q+ refers to Quantitative strength

Interpretation of the profile: The student has scored above average in academic abilities, performed the same across all three domains, and is vital in quantitative reasoning.

Importance of CogAT Profile

  • Whether it’s teachers or parents, getting to know your student or child’s CogAT profile will help you understand his or her strengths and weaknesses in each domain. Based on the student’s strengths and weaknesses, you can design customized lesson plans and instructions.
  • The CogAT profile provides scores based on the student’s performance in individual domains and overall performance.
  • Getting to know the student’s relative strengths and weaknesses in each domain will help the teacher modify instructions to leverage his or her strengths and shore up the weaknesses.
  • Furthermore, a student’s PR, Raw score, and SAS are considered in GT screening when determining his or her qualifications for GT programs.

Determining which CogAT score is the highest is not simple as CogAT profiles depict layered scoring in three domains while considering the age groups and grade levels of the students. For instance, a student can exhibit strong reasoning ability in one domain while performing poorly in another. This is why it is necessary to know how to properly interpret a student’s CogAT profile.

What’s more, every GT program has different CogAT score requirements to determine whether a student is qualified to attend the program. It helps if your child is well-equipped before taking the test. Find out the best ways to prepare for CogAT.

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What Should I Look for in a Reading and Writing Tutor? Thu, 24 Dec 2020 15:21:27 +0000 The post What Should I Look for in a Reading and Writing Tutor? appeared first on eTutorWorld.


Your child may require additional help and time to improve his or her reading and writing skills. Fortunately, many online tutoring services offer one-to-one sessions for reading, writing, and other subjects. However, the difficulty lies in hiring the right tutor for your child’s learning and development outside of a brick-and-mortar classroom education.

Selecting a good tutor will not only ensure the success of your child’s education but also justify your investment in tutoring services. To assist you with the recruitment process, we have compiled a list of qualities to look for in a writing and reading tutor.

7 Qualities That Make a Good Reading Tutor 

1. Positive Reinforcement

Positive feedback and praise from tutors will help students gain confidence in reading.

2. Precise and Clear Instructions

Ensure your instructions are clear and easy to follow for your student. Be patient if your student struggles to pick up speed in reading, or when you are explaining the meaning of new words.

3. Listen Carefully

It helps when reading and writing tutors do not look at a student’s academic struggle at face value but listen to him or her carefully to find out the root cause of the struggle. Active listening is crucial for effective tutoring.

4. Gentle Correction

Pay close attention when your student reads and correct reading errors right away but gently.

5. Reading Strategies

Teach new reading strategies and techniques to help your student to read effectively. Encourage readers to highlight sentences that require explanation or their favorite phrases.

6. Interesting Reading Materials

To retain your student’s interest in reading, choose books that are captivating to him or her.

7. Reading Goals

To see a marked improvement in a child’s learning curve, both the tutor and the pupil have to set reading goals and work towards achieving them.

7 Qualities That Make a Good Writing Tutor

1. Reading Helps Writing

Being a good reader will help improve your student’s writing skills. Whether it is leisurely reading or reading for research purposes, inculcate the habit of reading.

2. Building Vocabulary

Choosing the right words and forming correct sentences are crucial for writing impactful articles. Make learning new words every day a part of the lesson plan. Consulting dictionaries and thesaurus should become second nature to your student.

3. Right Writing Topics

Choose topics that your student feels passionate about for writing assignments. It will guarantee his or her dedication to the assignment.

4. Proofreading

Emphasize the importance of proofreading the draft of a writing assignment before submitting or sharing it with anyone. Proofreading includes checking for grammar, formatting, spelling, and punctuation errors, among other things. Ensure the final version is as error-free as possible.

5. Positive Feedback

Be generous with praise when your student shows improvement in his or her writing skills. Point out repetitive mistakes gently by patiently explaining the language grammar rules.

6. Creative Writing

Give your student the freedom to choose a unique writing style for creative writing assignments. Correct grammatical errors but don’t stifle your student’s creativity by being rigid about grammar precision in creative writing.

7. Writing Goals

Set writing goals and chart your student’s learning curve to see if there is an improvement in his or her writing skills. Working towards achieving goals will keep your student motivated.


In conclusion, there are some crucial traits to look out for when considering tutoring options for your child’s education. Signs of a good tutor lie in one’s passion to learn more, to better oneself by avoiding common tutoring mistakes, and to stay updated on new teaching methods and tools regardless of experience.

Tutors must be proactive and take the initiative to make tutoring sessions impactful for their students. A student’s learning curve is dependent on his or her relationship with the tutor and the tutor’s teaching and communication styles. Moreover, eTutorWorld has a team of Expert Writing Tutors

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5 Productive Ways to Avoid Brain Drain During Holidays Tue, 15 Dec 2020 23:15:30 +0000 The post 5 Productive Ways to Avoid Brain Drain During Holidays appeared first on eTutorWorld.


After months of studying, a break from school activities, class assignments, and homework is a welcome respite for kids of all ages. Although a break from lessons, textbooks, and tests sounds good, parents and teachers must be aware of the phrase ‘brain drain during summer and winter holidays’. The term ‘brain drain’ is used to describe the downside of long holidays on kids’ learning abilities. The lack of engagement and stimulation of the mind during the holidays caused by not learning new lessons or revising old lessons can lead to setbacks in children’s reading, writing, and comprehension abilities. Here you can read about some productive ways to avoid brain drain during holidays.

How to Keep Your Child’s Mind Sharp During Long School Breaks

Without structured learning and scheduled work, we tend to get lazy and forgetful. It can happen to adults and children alike. During long school breaks, children experience learning loss wherein they forget what they had learned previously and lose the ability to grasp new concepts quickly. To avoid learning loss during holidays, parents must maintain a comfortable schedule for their kids by filling their days with fun and educational activities.

Here are a few creative tips to make your child’s holiday fun and educational:

  1. Encourage your child to indulge in some light holiday reading to improve his or her reading skills. Find out what topics interest your child and pick books written on those subjects. Build a home library for your child and put a small study table with a pretty reading lamp on it. Ask your child for decorating tips and let him or her make the reading/study corner their own.
  2. Children love to recount their day-to-day activities in detail to their parents, grandparents, friends, and anyone in a hearing distance. This quirky habit of your child can work in your favor if utilized creatively. For instance, after a day at the zoo or summer camp, motivate your child to share his or her experience in detail with family and friends through story writing. This way, he or she will develop an interest in creative writing.
  3. Nowadays, audiobooks are all the rage for both adults and kids alike. Audiobooks can help improve your child’s listening skills. Play an audiobook in the living room, for example, a storybook with good narration, and quiz your child on the content. This activity will help you assess your child’s comprehension ability.
  4. Practical applications of academic lessons will not only gain children’s attention but also retain their interest in science and math subjects. With the use of Virtual Reality (VR) programs, instructional videos on YouTube, and creative ideas on Pinterest, parents can aid children in harmless science and mathematical experiments at home. For example, children can learn about soluble compounds and oxidization from things in your refrigerator and kitchen cabinets.
  5. Holidays are the right time to catch up on studies , prepare for standardized tests, or join new courses. Everyone’s way of studying/learning is unique. Enroll your child in online classes that offer personalized lesson plans to suit his or her learning ability. Online classes during the holidays will give parents some much-needed respite as well. Many tutoring services offer customized online classes so that your child can make the most out of his or her holidays.

Learning loss in children should not be taken for granted. Therefore, share these productive ways to avoid brain drain during holidays with other parents and teachers as well. Studying during holidays won’t sound fun to your kids, but by using the above-mentioned creative ways you can make it fun for them. Our goal is to keep our children’s minds sharp at all times.

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Tips for Preparation of Advanced SCAT Wed, 09 Dec 2020 17:43:48 +0000 The post Tips for Preparation of Advanced SCAT appeared first on eTutorWorld.


School and College Ability Test (SCAT) is a standardized test conducted by the John Hopkins Center for students in grades 2 to 8. Elementary SCAT, Intermediate SCAT, and Advanced SCAT are the three levels of the test administered to 2nd and 3rd graders, 4th and 5th graders, and 6th to 8th graders, respectively. This above-grade-level test is used to measure the verbal and mathematical reasoning abilities in talented youth/gifted children.

The test contains two sections, verbal and quantitative, with 55 multiple choice questions each. SCAT scaled scores for the Advanced level range from 410 to 494 for the verbal section and from 424 to 514 for the quantitative section. The test duration ranges from less than an hour to 90 minutes, depending on the test-takers’ comfort level. Ideally, it takes 22 minutes per section with a 10-minute break.

Advanced SCAT Prep through Online Learning

Preparation for Advanced SCAT can be done through online learning. Online learning has become the new norm this year due to brick-and-mortar classrooms closing down as a result of a global pandemic. Teachers and students have adapted to the online learning environment out of necessity and with ease with the help of digital learning tools.

You can register with an online test prep service for Advanced SCAT practice test programs and worksheets to help your child prepare for Advanced SCAT 2020-2021. The practice tests are prepared by experienced tutors and what’s more, you also get performance reports and correct answers with explanations for each test.

Here are some tips to help 6th to 8th graders with their Advanced SCAT prep.

5 Tips for Successful Advanced SCAT Prep

  1. Go through sample SCAT test questions: Familiarizing your child with the SCAT question format will make it easier for him or her to take the actual test. Take printouts of the sample SCAT questions (which are available online) in verbal and quantitative sections and give them to your child along with scrap papers to work out the answers.
  2. Don’t expect to know the answers to all the questions: As an above-grade-level test, your child is not expected to know all the answers since the test is designed for students in a grade or two above your child’s. Therefore, advise your child not to panic for not knowing all the answers.
  3. Read each question carefully: Your child must answer all the questions, especially in a multiple-choice question paper. There is no negative scoring for wrong answers in SCAT. Advise your child to read each question carefully and select the best answer but also not to spend too much time on any one question and neglect the rest.
  4. Make use of Advanced SCAT practice test programs: Practice taking Advanced SCAT online to perfect your child’s test-taking skills. Focus on familiarizing him or her with the question format and the test duration. Choose a reliable online tutor service for your child’s SCAT prep and to get access to worksheets and SCAT practice tests prepared by experienced tutors.
  5. Be thorough when answering multiple-choice questions: In multiple-choice questions, first, always eliminate the least likely options and choose the best option left as the probable answer. Before submitting the test, it’s good to go through all the questions and answers once again but do not second-guess too much at the last moment.

             In addition to the above-mentioned tips, there are a few things that students and parents should keep in mind, such as:

    • Creating a study schedule/timetable for SCAT prep with breaks to stimulate the mind.
    • Getting proper rest the night before the test date.
    • Eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast before taking the test.
    • Ensuring the system (desktop, laptop, or tablet) and Internet connection are in working order before taking the test.
    • Staying calm and taking deep breaths when having panic attacks before or during the test.


    Here’s wishing you all the very best for Advanced SCAT preparation!

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4 Things You Need to Consider Before Choosing Summer Programs Mon, 27 Jul 2020 12:00:35 +0000 The post 4 Things You Need to Consider Before Choosing Summer Programs appeared first on eTutorWorld.


While Schools and Colleges have long been offering summer courses during the summer break, the current global pandemic has seen most of them move their curriculums online. They are usually short courses in which a good amount of material is compressed so that it can be covered in a short period of time.

Summer Programs enable students to complement their regular academics with advanced learning of their interest. Some students also enroll in online summer programs to enhance their understanding of the subjects they find hard in school.   

No matter what online summer program your child signs up for, there are several benefits to them. However, it is crucial to do your homework and compare multiple summer programs to find the one that best suits your child. If you are hoping to increase productivity during the summer and enroll your child in an online summer program. 

Things to Consider Before Choosing Summer Programs

Here are the 4 things you must consider before starting the Summer Courses:

1. Does it offer an interactive learning experience?

While schools offer K-12 online summer programs, they usually have online courses wherein students watch videos and learn more about a subject. There are also live sessions where all students come together over a Zoom call and attend class like they usually do in a brick-and-mortar institution. Although such courses can definitely benefit your child, he/she would achieve a greater learning experience through an interactive online summer program. This one-to-one, live sessions make it easier for students to understand concepts as they will receive the undivided attention of their tutor for the entirety of the course, thus giving them the advantage of absolute learning. 

2. Can your child study at their own pace?

Since summer programs compress a lot of topics and cover them in a short span of time, they can be demanding and intense, especially for kids who take their time to grasp concepts. It is therefore crucial to find a course that will allow your child to study at their own pace without rushing through topics. An interactive learning session will ensure that your child is not left behind. Moreover, most online e-tutoring services offer diagnostic tests through which they evaluate the learning potential of your child after which they create a learning schedule, thus ensuring that your child learns at their own pace. 

3. What does the course cover?

Before enrolling your child into a summer course, go through the suggested curriculum to check the kind of topics that will be covered. For instance, if your fourth grader needs an online summer math program, check the topics covered by the course (advanced multiplication, fractions, etc.) to find out where your child stands with regard to these topics. It is also crucial to ensure that your child is aware of the elementary math concepts that are pre-requisite to the program. A conversation with the tutor before starting the course can help you identify this. 

4. How qualified/experienced is the tutor?

The ability of a student to grasp concepts will depend largely on the tutor. If you are interested in enrolling your child into a particular course, find out more about the tutors who could teach them. Learn about their qualifications and level of experience. Read through reviews of other students and parents who have availed their services in the past. It is also important to talk to the tutor directly before the start of the course to understand their teaching style and determine whether or not they can help your child complete the summer program with maximum efficiency.

An online summer program has the ability to not only help your child catch up with topics they may have missed in school but can also introduce them to concepts that will be taught in the new academic year, thereby giving them an edge and helping them perform better in school.


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An Online Reading Group can be more beneficial for your child than you think Wed, 22 Jul 2020 15:02:57 +0000 The post An Online Reading Group can be more beneficial for your child than you think appeared first on eTutorWorld.


It is no surprise that children must have been feeling sluggish with their reading, writing, and creativity over the last couple of months since the worldwide pandemic began. The pandemic has led to long periods of isolation from social groups and is dominating everything and impacting everyone’s daily routine. Summer is considered the best time of the year to enjoy the bright outdoors and engage in fun activities with friends and family. However, this year, as we are confined to our homes to keep up with the social distancing norms, it can be quite challenging to keep the kids and teenagers engaged. 

Joining an online reading group is one of the most ideal solutions to keep your children occupied. It is not just about reading a book along with a group of people but an experience to share one’s thoughts, views, and opinions on topics such as the theme, plot, character analysis, style of writing, and so on. It is about being heard and listening to people with different points of view- an indirect way of educating and learning about things that are beyond the scope of a classroom lesson.


Thus an online reading group can prove to be advantageous in more ways than one:

1.Gives the opportunity to network: 

Reading a book of your favorite genre or author with a group of people who have similar interests can build a sense of belonging to a community and improve the networking ability of the child. This helps in developing communication skills and teaches them how to build and maintain good relationships.

2.Adds structure to their day:

Developing a daily habit of reading, analyzing, and engaging in meaningful conversations about various topics at a particular time of the day will help in setting a daily routine. It acts as an exercise for the brain and their involvement in such activities will make them value and appreciate their leisure time. This is because without the feeling of having done some ‘ productive work’ the child will not be able to appreciate and value his or her ‘playtime’ or ‘screen time.’

3. Helps in developing other skills and habits: 

Reading can develop skills such as creative writing, the ability to write short and long essays, book reviews and even learning a new language. Kids can be given creative writing exercises to get their thinking caps on. Reading multiple genres will let them get an experience of different writing styles which could serve as an inspiration to those who love writing. When people read in groups, they are often divided into teams based on their reading preferences which can develop the skill of teamwork as well.

4.Reduces the stress of being stuck indoors: 

The freedom to express one’s thoughts and ideas without the fear of being judged reduces the stress of holding up feelings and emotions. In a group, the child is free to express his likes and dislikes about the book. The conversations in an online reading group could lead to a healthy debate which gives the child a sense of authority and respect when he is being heard. Validation can boost the interest and help in de-stressing about being confined to his house.

5.Teaches the child to focus on the set goals: 

Just like the curriculum of K12 education which has goals set for the students to complete during their schooling years through their lesson plans and course outlines, the mutual goals set by the online reading group will inculcate the habit of reading a book to finish within a given time frame. The idea of working towards one’s objectives and goals is a great lesson for their future and this teaching lesson can start right at home through the amazing virtual experience of a reading group.


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